false keywords leadimpact?

4 replies
Hello! I had a question, in the T202 I get traffic from keywords that don't make sense, things like:

-instead of saying very important use

so, are these keywords strange among all other, as if they are normal...

its normal that?

#false #keywords #leadimpact
  • Profile picture of the author TylerD666
    update: one of my KWs in t202 appears like "paypal" but the ponly KW i have with "paypal" is "paypal loan", how can do?
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    • Profile picture of the author TylerD666
      Hello! I have a problem with my KWs and tracking landing page. It was normally only direct link, but I've learned to make my own landing page (GGOOOOD: D: D), but I'm not sure with how monitoring is done in this case... because appear me in the KWs T202 strange ("1" or "PAGE"), at first I didn't care much because the rest was OK, but now again I have problems, as the LEADS in the CPA page appears "SubID Not Set", and is ONLY the leads! this is my steps in T202:
      #3 Campaigns: i add my campaign
      #4 Landing Page: i add my LPs.
      #6 Get LP Code: i use added redirect it the "Inbound Javascript Landing Page Code" for each LP and the button "enter now" of each LP was "redi.php" that contains "Landing Page: Outbound PHP Redirect Code".
      #7 Get Links: use the code for the LeadImpact...

      what I'm doing wrong? I really need some help :/

      Thx! and sry for my bad english.
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      • Profile picture of the author TylerD666
        Rly.. can any explain me that? (i HAVENT that KWs.. :S

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9059275].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TylerD666
    and.. see the "subid not set" in any KWs.. how can do T_T?

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