Getting leads for Pay Per Call offers

3 replies
I know most people use paid PPC like adwords and bing ads to get traffic/leads to the offers my question is are there good and trusted networks that you can buy from them high quality leads for Pay Per Call offers?
#call #leads #offers #pay
  • Profile picture of the author Syed Bilal Shah
    I wouldn't suggest you to buy leads. Go for Admob or Inmobi.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Buying leads for CPA offer isn't allow by any CPA Networks I know of. They only reason I warn you is because a lot of times you can pay for the leads then your CPA Network won't pay you out your commissions.

    Or even worse the company selling the lead lots of times will sell fake leads, they don't convert.
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    • Profile picture of the author plamen2000
      Never buy leads for pay per call offers if you wanna go safe with affiliate networks. They don't allow Incentive ans SMS advertising as well for the most of the offers. Recommended advertising - mobile search, mobile display, sometimes offline (if allowed)
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