to build a list? Yes, you can.

8 replies
Just to show some people who might be skeptical about building a list using Tested my landing page with 50,000 worldwide visitors and here's the stats:
Attachment 20311

Paid $50 and I'm getting 108 subscribers so far. That's about $0.46 per subscriber and many of these subscribers are also funneled to my click banking partners.

I think that's a pretty good $50 spent.
#adfly #build #list
  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    You should trying running a split test hosting the same landing page on a VPS server and see how it compares... it would interesting to see.

    You are using PPV, correct? (Judging by your other recent post.)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9098335].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
      Originally Posted by Greedy View Post

      You should trying running a split test hosting the same landing page on a VPS server and see how it compares... it would interesting to see.

      You are using PPV, correct? (Judging by your other recent post.)
      Hi, you mean if I use a VPS I might get more optins? You mean can kinda "jam" your shared hosting?

      Well, if you consider as PPV, then yeah, I'm into PPV just 3 weeks ago.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9098341].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Urls possible, but why? I'm honestly hesitant about letting another company like control my traffic, but that's just me
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  • Profile picture of the author thesecret
    Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

    Just to show some people who might be skeptical about building a list using Tested my landing page with 50,000 worldwide visitors and here's the stats:
    Attachment 20311

    Paid $50 and I'm getting 108 subscribers so far. That's about $0.46 per subscriber and many of these subscribers are also funneled to my click banking partners.

    I think that's a pretty good $50 spent.
    Yeah, you got them on your list but open rates and sales are what matters.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9099944].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author samthewildone
      Yeah... I got subscribes with adfly but, the open rate is terrible as most of my traffic came from 3rd world countries. Also most of these people don't have access to other payment methods asides from paypal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stevany
    Yes, Can. But freebies seekers not Buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author lrs1995
    The subscribers you get from adfly are very low quality and wont convert on the backend.
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