POF + Peerfly (Black Elite Dating)

16 replies
Hi everyone,

I have just created my first POF campaign which I am pretty excited about, I'm just waiting for it to get approved.

I am targeting a specific set of people, I am not direct linking I am sending them to a presell page to try and convince them that this dating site is for them. I have created loads of creatives.

The thing is I don't have a huge budget and don't want to waste money doing the wrong thing. Is anyone able to suggest some common mistakes POF beginners make which I can avoid on my first campaign?

#black #dating #elite #peerfly #pof
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Logan
    Well common mistake is to start with a low budget, so you can not test it hence you can't get the winning ad that will bring you the best results.

    Many times it happens that when someone reach his budget limits and see no results, he just give up and think that it doesn't work for him.

    So, better to start with more money, enough to spend it just for testing. The rest of the money invest in the winning ad.
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  • Profile picture of the author mydream247
    Hi Congrats on your first campaign, POF can be a great site to drive traffic. You are on track with testing different creatives, just make sure you narrow down your audience as much as possible. One big mistake is to target to broad, try several age groups, body types, or even children vs no children and track your results, then you can use this information to ramp up your budget, and continue to reinvest your profits until you have a big winner and then go for it. There are some good threads here on the forum for POF marketing.

    Good luck with your campaigns.
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  • Profile picture of the author willtribe
    Thanks for the information guys
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  • Profile picture of the author andrawisnaser
    i don't recommend you starting ad campaign with small budget.
    i would recommend that you invest this money on some other method that require less money.

    once you make some extra money go and start an ad campaign

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Wrong place for this post, try the CPA forum

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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    • Profile picture of the author willtribe
      Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

      Wrong place for this post, try the CPA forum
      Sorry! Didn't notice
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9104952].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TopTarget
      Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

      Wrong place for this post, try the CPA forum
      This is the CPA forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades
    POF its kind of expensive for a low budget, you can go better with Bing ads , you can have more control of the campaigns

    good luck with POF tho
    Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE you can achieve
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  • Profile picture of the author nocturnal911
    It will work with low budget. But never ever give any info of the niche or targeting you are doing...
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  • Profile picture of the author DaveWarrior
    Test the offer. If I recall, that offer asks for a LOT of personal info so may not convert.

    Reach 13K+ men in the dating niche - PM me for details

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  • Profile picture of the author Tania Edwards
    Always have testing campaigns.
    It doesn't matter whether you have low or high budget as long as you are able to identify effective campaigns on POF.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greenville
    Congratulations on taking action!

    Some of the main mistakes are direct linking and not using any pre-selling, killing the campaigns too soon (you have to go through an optimization process, the campaigns will never be profitable right from the first day) and split-testing just few ads (you need many variations to reach a decent CTR).

    I hope it helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Krishna876
    Do some extremely tight targeting and make sure your ads talk specifically to those you're targeting. Your volume will be low but if you do this right, you'll get a high CTR and you can get a feel for how it's performing with less ad spend....
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  • Profile picture of the author TopTarget
    Originally Posted by willtribe View Post

    Hi everyone,

    I have just created my first POF campaign which I am pretty excited about, I'm just waiting for it to get approved.

    I am targeting a specific set of people, I am not direct linking I am sending them to a presell page to try and convince them that this dating site is for them. I have created loads of creatives.

    The thing is I don't have a huge budget and don't want to waste money doing the wrong thing. Is anyone able to suggest some common mistakes POF beginners make which I can avoid on my first campaign?

    in my experience, any time you see a referral code on the landing page, the offer will never convert. i had about 40 clicks to an offer like this w/out a conversion.
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  • Profile picture of the author nocturnal911
    What do you mean by referral code?
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