Where to find the best CPA offers?

16 replies
Hi All,
I'm interested in knowing where people look to find good CPA offers that convert well.
#best cpa #cpa #cpa offers #find #offers #paying cpa
  • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades
    you can find the best CPA offers and wich network is running it on www.offervault.com and i dont know any other
    Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE you can achieve
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I just search my networks and give the offers a try. You can also ask your am for suggestions or search odigger or offervault
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    Just as another poster said, offervault is excellent, so go there first.

    You can also ask your affiliate managers for the offers that are converting very well for a particular niche.

    Those 2 are all you need.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greenville
    OfferVault and oDigger are your best options.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlvdJeremy
    Our Network KSIX is not on Offervault or oDigger, but we have a lot of exclusive CPA campaigns with high CR that our affiliates are enjoying. Let me know if you want to learn more!

    Jeremy H
    Account Manager
    Blvd-Media Group

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  • Profile picture of the author Jon@A2Ads
    Pretty broad question. What type of traffic do you have? What verticals are you trying to market? Offervault & Odigger will give you a list of offers but it won't necessarily point your towards what is converting and what isn't. And you will be hard pressed to find many affiliates who will disclose to you what offers they are having success with. If you are a member of any networks, you can always let them know the answer to the two questions I posed previously and ask them what they have that is converting well that meet your traffic criteria.
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  • Profile picture of the author herms
    What cpa network would you guys say is best to use with trafficvance?

    And just how hard is it to get accepted by these cpa networks?
    "Don't ban me, bro!"
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    • Profile picture of the author solidsoul
      I can't help but notice your signature - are you seeking this information to promote CPA yourself or to know where the elite are camping out in hopes of getting your CPA offer in front of them?
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      • Profile picture of the author herms
        Originally Posted by solidsoul View Post

        I can't help but notice your signature - are you seeking this information to promote CPA yourself or to know where the elite are camping out in hopes of getting your CPA offer in front of them?

        There was no name listed so I'm not sure if you were speaking to me or not.....
        "Don't ban me, bro!"
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      • Profile picture of the author mikesdebp
        Originally Posted by solidsoul View Post

        I can't help but notice your signature - are you seeking this information to promote CPA yourself or to know where the elite are camping out in hopes of getting your CPA offer in front of them?
        Mostly to know where the elite are camping out in hopes of getting our CPA offer in front of them!
        Join Our Affiliate CPA Program $50 per lead in the home market niche.
        Customer landing page:
        Affiliate sign-up:
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  • Profile picture of the author CPAEric
    Hey Mike,
    I see you're from Canada. If you're interested in promoting dating CPA and other great converting offers I would recommend CrakRevenue (based out of downtown Quebec City).

    Hit me up if you have any questions!
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  • Profile picture of the author guppygo
    Check out Guppy Media as well for high converting exclusive campaigns
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  • Profile picture of the author tom804
    Go with CPAGrip Their content locker is amazing and will have you making some money in no time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Ask your affiliate manager what is converting well, that is always the best starting point. Then use your own judgement make the final decision when picking these offers.
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