Something strange on ppc (facebook)

by Yairmt
3 replies
I'm a begginer with PPC.
I started to advertise products from Amazon on Facebook
this is my reports so far from Facebook:
Amazon statistics are entirely different,
this is my reports from Amazon:
(117 clicks but 26 from the 3 products from Facbook? I'm not advertise Amazon products on other places)

There are 117 clicks, but not even one sale?
I'm wondering is this is normal..?
Can somebody please check the products and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
The products I publish on Facebook are:
"the magic" (book)- I publish it to people who liked the previous book in this series called "the secret"
"Iron maiden dictionary" - I publish it to people who like Iron Maiden and live in the UK, because Iron Maiden will show on the UK in a month ..
What am I doing wrong ?
#facebook #ppc #strange
  • Profile picture of the author Icematikx
    Well, I have two things to say really:

    1) The products you're promoting seem like they are far too cheap for you to make a decent commission on. Amazon does not convert well when promoted to Facebook users - because these people aren't actively looking to buy. Amazon affiliate websites work well because they target consumers who are already interested - because they've searched for reviews. You would probably be better off promoting TV's to everybody and hoping they purchase them lol.
    2) Have you read Amazon's terms and conditions? I'm not sure if they allow pay-per-click advertising. Also, are you including a disclaimer on your promotions? Advertising Amazon without a disclaimer will get your account closed. I'd read their T&C's very closely.

    Just got back from a #BrightonSEO. I was given room 404 in the hotel I stayed at. Couldn’t find it anywhere!

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    • Profile picture of the author Yairmt
      Originally Posted by Icematikx View Post

      Well, I have two things to say really:

      1) The products you're promoting seem like they are far too cheap for you to make a decent commission on. Amazon does not convert well when promoted to Facebook users - because these people aren't actively looking to buy. Amazon affiliate websites work well because they target consumers who are already interested - because they've searched for reviews. You would probably be better off promoting TV's to everybody and hoping they purchase them lol.
      2) Have you read Amazon's terms and conditions? I'm not sure if they allow pay-per-click advertising. Also, are you including a disclaimer on your promotions? Advertising Amazon without a disclaimer will get your account closed. I'd read their T&C's very closely.
      Thank you for the comment.
      So what can I advertise on Facebook than products? And at what prices?
      And what is "disclaimer" ?
      Thank you again.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9255064].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Icematikx
        Originally Posted by Yairmt View Post

        Thank you for the comment.
        So what can I advertise on Facebook than products? And at what prices?
        And what is "disclaimer" ?
        Thank you again.
        Facebook won't work for Amazon products. If you want to get into advertising, look into adult PPV. There's a lot of money to be made advertising dating/hookup offers. Nobody here will babysit you and tell you how to make money. We only tell you what you're doing wrong and what could work.

        A disclaimer is a short blurb stating that you're not affiliated with Amazon. You need to place one everytime you link to Amazon. Like I said, read their T&C's or else you'll lose all of your profits.

        Just got back from a #BrightonSEO. I was given room 404 in the hotel I stayed at. Couldn’t find it anywhere!

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