How to make money from 9k daily mobile traffic?

15 replies
I think I have asked this question here about 2 months ago but I still haven't figured out how to make good money from my almost 9k daily visitors to my website. I only make like $20+/day from adsense. And I notice that some of my pages, adsense does not display ads.

About my site demographics:
1. US and Europe traffic
2. Teens and adult
3. Mostly mobile traffic
4. Around 100+ users registers to the site daily.

My visitors looks for other people to talk to in popular messaging apps like Snapchat, Kik, and Skype. So they go to my site and they post their profile and check out other profiles. So it's sort of a dating site but it's not. My site is more like a social media with various section. Members can follow other people and interests. And anyone can post/share anything.

I'm also trying to see if I can make some parts of my site premium and charge fee for access.

Does anyone here have experience on properly monetizing this kind of traffic aside from using adsense?

#daily #make #mobile #money #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author RemyMartin
    Serve your own ads for offers.
    The money is the motive.

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    • Profile picture of the author cowboy1015
      Originally Posted by RemyMartin View Post

      Serve your own ads for offers.
      Thanks. I will do this. Just need to setup an ad serving script.
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  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    You could try different ad networks and see which works the best including affiliate offers and buysellads. You could also offer to show people how to get free traffic like you get and build your own email list to sell solo ads and affiliate offers.

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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    • Profile picture of the author cowboy1015
      Originally Posted by banwork View Post

      You could try different ad networks and see which works the best including affiliate offers and buysellads. You could also offer to show people how to get free traffic like you get and build your own email list to sell solo ads and affiliate offers.
      Thanks. I heard about buyselladds. I will try them, because adsense does not serve ads on some of my popular pages. I don't know why.
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  • Profile picture of the author ankee1991
    Easy, promote mobile content offers related to social networking/chat/dating apps and sites. There's a lot of them out there that pay a good amount per conversion.

    You can also promote things like games and utility apps but you won't know what your audience responds to best until you get out there and test.

    You should be making a lot more then $20 per day from this.
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    • Profile picture of the author cowboy1015
      Originally Posted by ankee1991 View Post

      Easy, promote mobile content offers related to social networking/chat/dating apps and sites. There's a lot of them out there that pay a good amount per conversion.

      You can also promote things like games and utility apps but you won't know what your audience responds to best until you get out there and test.

      You should be making a lot more then $20 per day from this.
      I'm actually trying to look for these sites/apps that might want to advertise on my site. I know apps and games would convert better. Just haven't found the right mobile ads network since most of them are for native apps. Mine is only Mobile Web.

      Yeah and $20 is too low. It's like 0.25% CTR on my adsense report.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Yes, I agree with the post above. Start testing some mobile CPA offers, split test your own ads against Adsense. See how they do. Good Luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author markhere
    Join a cpa network and promote dating offers You can find cpa dating offers here: Affiliate Marketing - Find the Best Affiliate Programs and CPA Offers from OfferVault
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  • Profile picture of the author cowboy1015
    Ok. I just tried a few hours ago this mobile ad network called AdsOptimal. Someone here suggested it to me few months ago. I just had trouble implementing their code on my site because it's breaking ajax scripts on my mobile site.

    Pretty promising so far. I just enabled the ads few hours ago and I already made $4.67 from about 1k impression. I make 20k impressions a day on mobile. So this could mean I could make $80 to $100+ a day compared to $20 from Adsense.

    Initial earnings screenshot:
    Attachment 21100

    They say they pay up to $15 cpm.

    At this rate, this means I could make a lot more compare to $20+ I make from adsense.

    This is pretty good because my initial goal is to make $100 a day at least. We'll see.
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  • Profile picture of the author markhere
    That is fantastic Also do try promoting the CPA dating offers and see which approach gives you the highest CPM
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Hey dude

    Why dont you try mobile lead generation? The payouts are usually EXACTLY the same as for web traffic (i.e. $50 bucks a lead) so very lucrative. Hit me up if you need some pointers, I know some people who might be interested. But definitely look into monetising your traffic via CPL, its probably the most lucrative market you could get into if you already have mobile traffic available.

    Any questions just let me know
    Read my incredible story:
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    • Profile picture of the author cowboy1015
      Originally Posted by badboy_Nick View Post

      Hey dude

      Why dont you try mobile lead generation? The payouts are usually EXACTLY the same as for web traffic (i.e. $50 bucks a lead) so very lucrative. Hit me up if you need some pointers, I know some people who might be interested. But definitely look into monetising your traffic via CPL, its probably the most lucrative market you could get into if you already have mobile traffic available.

      Any questions just let me know
      Hi Nick,

      If you can point me to where/how to start with CPL that would be great. Because I'm really a newbie on this area. All I've been doing is adsense and it sux on mobile conversion.

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  • Profile picture of the author BobyRurka
    CPA is the most profitable way to monetize your site. CPA pays you a commission when your visitors perform an action. Most often this action is a purchase, but it could also be something else – i.e. download a free trial, or signup for the service of the advertiser.
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    • Profile picture of the author cowboy1015
      Originally Posted by BobyRurka View Post

      CPA is the most profitable way to monetize your site. CPA pays you a commission when your visitors perform an action. Most often this action is a purchase, but it could also be something else - i.e. download a free trial, or signup for the service of the advertiser.
      Thanks. I just signed up with Peerfly. I'm just waiting for approval.
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  • Profile picture of the author rajika4ever
    Hi try with adsense and try to offer sell ads spots mate
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