CPVlab & Maxbounty Clicks

by Mefrat
4 replies
Hi Guys,

Sorry for my bad English.

Im a Newbie and yesterday I start my first Campaign

Today Cpvlab show me 36 clicks and Maxbounty Reports there is no clicks from this Campaign?

Is this Normal?

When i test Landingpage and Click on Offerlink "www.site.com/base2.php" then it Jumps to correct Offersite with a different URL which i dont know.
Shouldnt be a URL like this mb102.com/lnk.asp?o=12345&c=12345&a=12345 there?. Or is the this URL Hidden from Public?

Thank you for help

My Setup for CPV

#clicks #cpa #cpvlab #maxbounty
  • Profile picture of the author JoeFerguson
    Who is your Affiliate Manager at MaxBounty, Mefrat?
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    • Profile picture of the author Mefrat
      Kate Boone
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      • Profile picture of the author JoeFerguson
        PM me your Affiliate ID# and I'll see if I can get you guys connected.
        Increase your revenue and earn a $1000 bonus as a new affiliate at MaxBounty.com!

        For additional advice and industry happenings, head over to MaxBounty's Blog!
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  • Profile picture of the author iluvatoq
    uncheck => append subid to "offer"
    I think that should work then

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