I must be dumb but CPA/CPL offers on facebook ads? Of course not right?

12 replies
A little help here.

Someone gave me a guide (albeit a little old, from march of this year) that focused on creating advertising campaigns in facebook to get people to a CPA/CPL type site.

So here I am, with an account manager sending me some really NICE looking offers from a network after i asked them "what should work well on facebook" and I try and put them into facebook ads as "clicks to site" and of course none of them are approved.

so i am not wasting my time, i imagine that facebook isnt allowing ANY CPA/CPL type links? or just this networks ads?

I am disappointed if its any leads... but i put in a random (literally the first link i could create) clickbank link and it worked fine.

So do i need a new/better/whatever network for CPA/CPL?
#ads #cpa or cpl #dumb #facebook #offers
  • Facebook often disapproves ads for no reason. I've tried CPA and it does work on facebook. You have to keep tweaking the ads until they get approved.
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    • Profile picture of the author ciberj2020
      when you post ads on facebook do you use bitly urls? I read somewhere that it is not allowed to use bitly but facebook is making lots of changes fast.
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      • Profile picture of the author stevenjcampbell
        Originally Posted by ciberj2020 View Post

        when you post ads on facebook do you use bitly urls? I read somewhere that it is not allowed to use bitly but facebook is making lots of changes fast.
        No, the ads come from affiliate.com and are direct links.
        I asked the account manager why they were all banned (like five campaigns and only one of them needed more than just email and name)...

        I am frustrated and disappointed
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  • Profile picture of the author YolandaReynolds
    Fb has gone really touchy with their approval in last couple of months or so, I don't have exact stats to prove they will disapprove it though!
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  • Profile picture of the author online4cash
    Originally Posted by stevenjcampbell View Post

    A little help here.

    Someone gave me a guide (albeit a little old, from march of this year) that focused on creating advertising campaigns in facebook to get people to a CPA/CPL type site.

    So here I am, with an account manager sending me some really NICE looking offers from a network after i asked them "what should work well on facebook" and I try and put them into facebook ads as "clicks to site" and of course none of them are approved.

    so i am not wasting my time, i imagine that facebook isnt allowing ANY CPA/CPL type links? or just this networks ads?

    I am disappointed if its any leads... but i put in a random (literally the first link i could create) clickbank link and it worked fine.

    So do i need a new/better/whatever network for CPA/CPL?
    facebook hates affiliates...they want that the owner of the product or website would run their own campaigns...that's what i need to say...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9478000].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jdenhaan
      Originally Posted by online4cash View Post

      facebook hates affiliates...they want that the owner of the product or website would run their own campaigns...that's what i need to say...
      This is not true. Facebook loves anyone who's willing to fork over cash to advertise on their platform.

      In this process though, they have to balance user experience, which means direct linking to CPA offers is often not allowed. This is for the simple reason that Facebook users will be flooded with CPA links if they allow this, leading people to leave facebook. Also, many CPA offers (recurring ones mainly, your garcinia cambogia etc.) are actually quite dodgy and detrimental to Facebook users.

      Strategy is simple: give your campaign a unique spin / angle and use a landing page.
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    • Profile picture of the author stevenjcampbell
      Originally Posted by online4cash View Post

      facebook hates affiliates...they want that the owner of the product or website would run their own campaigns...that's what i need to say...
      i might not have been clear.
      The creatives that had NO PROBLEMS were clickbank affiliate links.

      The creatives that were all banned were not affiliates, but CPL offers for stuff that was from larger companies, affiliate.com links not a new company.

      I assume that as being well established affiliate.com has decent offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Originally Posted by stevenjcampbell View Post

    so i am not wasting my time, i imagine that facebook isnt allowing ANY CPA/CPL type links? or just this networks ads?
    They do but just like in Google, they want to see a UNIQUE website link and not a direct affiliate url with subIDs, etc. That means they want you to control the site (i.e. whitelabel) and collect the leads yourself which you then sell on ... or at least have an information page which then redirects to the offer.

    I do however prefer "host and post" offers as it just works so much better and gives you less of a headache to get your ads approved. Besides, it allows me to control every aspect of my site as well so less stress and I don't have to deal with their "bridge page" policies etc as the site looks like I am the merchant myself and they are then more than happy to accept me advertising on their PPC platform.

    Read my incredible story: www.affiliatechamp.co.uk
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9478130].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author stevenjcampbell
      Originally Posted by badboy_Nick View Post

      They do but just like in Google, they want to see a UNIQUE website link and not a direct affiliate url with subIDs, etc. That means they want you to control the site (i.e. whitelabel) and collect the leads yourself which you then sell on ... or at least have an information page which then redirects to the offer.

      I do however prefer "host and post" offers as it just works so much better and gives you less of a headache to get your ads approved. Besides, it allows me to control every aspect of my site as well so less stress and I don't have to deal with their "bridge page" policies etc as the site looks like I am the merchant myself and they are then more than happy to accept me advertising on their PPC platform.

      could you please explain to my newbie ass what "host and post is?"

      does this mean you are hosting a link to the offer, and posting THAT link to facebook, and redirecting or even just hosting the offer yourself?
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      • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
        Originally Posted by stevenjcampbell View Post

        could you please explain to my newbie ass what "host and post is?"

        does this mean you are hosting a link to the offer, and posting THAT link to facebook, and redirecting or even just hosting the offer yourself?
        No - host and post is basically you build your own site that pretty much looks like the one the merchant has ... but install their lead-capture forms on your site. You collect the lead but is sent straight to the merchant and he pays you for it. So you are essentially hosting the offer yourself and the merchant does all the fulfillment, whether it's CPA or CPL.

        This gives you a lot more control and the PPC platforms actually prefer that version as well. Most mainstream networks however don't let you do this by default, so you need to haggle this out or go direct to the merchant and ask for permission.

        Read my incredible story: www.affiliatechamp.co.uk
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        • Profile picture of the author stevenjcampbell
          Originally Posted by badboy_Nick View Post

          No - host and post is basically you build your own site that pretty much looks like the one the merchant has ... but install their lead-capture forms on your site. You collect the lead but is sent straight to the merchant and he pays you for it. So you are essentially hosting the offer yourself and the merchant does all the fulfillment, whether it's CPA or CPL.

          This gives you a lot more control and the PPC platforms actually prefer that version as well. Most mainstream networks however don't let you do this by default, so you need to haggle this out or go direct to the merchant and ask for permission.

          i understand.
          seems a little intermediate or advanced indeed.
          i am starting with step one to double my online earnings from what i am making for facebook, this means i need another $10 a day, and then from there scale up.
          so maybe what you describe will come later on.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenjcampbell
    Fwiw the account manager at affiliate.com admitted that they won't work but to their credit super havlnds in which is very nice. Picked me 56 high converting social media offers without me asking.
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