How to promote CPA offers effectively

by gobs45
10 replies
Hi folks,

Being a novice in this arena, how do I start promoting any good CPA
the correct way & most effectively?

Any good advice would be most appreciated.


#cpa #effectively #offers #promote
  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Root
    Depends. Do you have money to spend or not?
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephSegal
    Find the correct way by testing different ways.

    Whichever one is making you the most dough, stick with that "way".
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  • Profile picture of the author dannyb1974
    that's find the right way!!!!

    but I think the question is - or maybe- what are the options!?

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    • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
      Originally Posted by ukbuddy2 View Post

      that's find the right way!!!!

      but I think the question is - or maybe- what are the options!?

      Hey Danny - My all time favourites are still solid PPC traffic such as Adwords, BING and Facebook in combination with high-paying CPL offers such as insurance quotes, loan applications and debt enquiries. Essentially making a website for each and put a simple form on it to capture the leads, then pass these on to companies on a CPA per lead basis.

      I did try real estate and law enquiries as well but these are slightly harder to get to work for the merchant, especially the latter as law firms are generally after ready made cases.

      Hope that helps
      Read my incredible story:
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephSegal
    Well, there's way too many ways to market CPA offers, they all are good depending on how you use em.

    PPC, PPV, CPM, Media Buys, Viral Marketing, Bum Marketing, Article Marketing, Direct Marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author eddie6149
      also consider offline ideas, they can work and very well!!!

      think outside the box, be imaginative

      don't just do what everyone else is doing!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author sshirdi
    Only think...Give the people what they want and you will be successful.

    My best affiliate programs
    My best converting Clickbank Product - Adsense Websites
    FREE WEB 2.0 Blog At Ideal For Link Wheel.

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  • Profile picture of the author eugie17
    I am also trying to promote CPA offers but using SEO not PPC I wonder if anyone has used SEO to promote them?
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    • Profile picture of the author gobs45
      Hi folks,

      Appreciate the many suggestions.

      I plan to use SEO organic traffic since I have limited funds. Is there anyone who can recommend a good guidebook on this, as I saw a
      lot of wso's on this topic & I'm rather confused which one to start
      with ?


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  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    The way I am familiar with is, building a website and driving traffic to it.

    It also widely depends on the affiliate product. I have bought SEO tools that had an affiliate program and once I learn the tool, I just make a video tutorial and share my aff link.
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