Need to know your opinion about that idea
I have an idea to promote CPA offers with youtube+google, and i know that my idea isn't new, but i don't know if it keeps working until now for anyone of you or not.
The steps are:
1- searching for some easy competition keywords+high number of searches a month, from us+canada+uk+australia because the most offers allow traffic from those countries, in a specific niche such as: dating, gaming....
2- find an offer that meets the need of who searches for a specific keyword.
3- make a video convince the searcher to click the link and sign up in the website so that he will get what he wants, i think the conversion will be high because the traffic is targeted (searches from google).
4- work on the video to rank it in the first page.
5- start making some cash !!
i want to know your opinion about that idea my friends, and if you have any propositions or other ideas feel free to tell us and thank you !!
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