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Unread 14th Apr 2017, 09:08 AM   #1
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iq Option CPA
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Hey, every one.

Business Name: IQ Option CPA
Product Name: IQ Option.
Product Description: Brand new Binary CPA.
Product Price: min. deposit $10
Affiliate Commission Percentage: T1 $130.
URL For Affiliate To Sign Up:

IWe are opening CPA cooperation model in IQ Option.
IQ Option #1 Binary Broker - Our path to success in binary

What is IQ Option CPA?
IQ Option | CPA - Ultimate affiliate experience

For 4 years we have gathered data about performance and acquisition cost of more than 14 000 000 users from 200 countries around the world.

This data allowed us to calculate an average payout we can give to our partners for the first deposit from an active trader irrespective of the sum deposited, but depending on the location and the platform used to register with IQ Option.

With IQ Option FTD CPA a payout for a single user from Tier1 can be up to $130 for a deposit as low as $10.

Why would you want to be a part of IQ Option CPA?

IQ Option FTD CPA program is designed by media buyers for publishers and affiliates.

We have implement all our knowlege and experience building our system as effective, as informative and as useful for performance marketing as possible.

Mordern tracker in real-time is providing you with 49 slices of detailed statistics :geo location, country, city, ISP, carrier, OS version, device type and many more.

Customizable postbacks are able to forward you the whole user funnel or specific actions you are interested in. Wide range of data is available for transfer through built-in parameters along with 5 customizable sub IDs available to publishers for use at their own discretion.

FTD CPA is made for those who can’t wait.

Network? Media Buyer? Looking for quick financial turnover, scale and growth?

Payout goes through instantly irrespective of the deposited sum. We makes it easier to focus on the marketing side more. IQ option covers all further user related risks.

Our product proved itself to have a high FTD conversion that delivers high returns.

Every one is welcome to join:
IQ Option | CPA - Ultimate affiliate experience

Last edited on 4th May 2017 at 08:20 AM. Reason: Update
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binary, cpa, forex, gambling, option

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