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Unread 9th May 2011, 11:22 PM   #1
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FOREX LAUNCH: Earn Yourself Upto $500 PER MONTH - Pre-launch 5th June, Wed, 2011 + HUGE Cash Prizes
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Dear Warriors,

I've put together what has been called as one of the best Forex Training Courses Online by some of the top people in the Forex Industry, for starters, FAP Turbo Crew which includes Terra Geores From

Business Name: Daily Trading System, Inc.

Product Name: Daily Trading System

Product Description: (Vin Montello, Expert Copywriter who has helped path the way to sell MILLIONS in the Forex Niche and Internet Marketing Niche, has created my Landing Page Copy, Up-sell Copy, Pre-launch and Post Launch Email copy.

He has a
HIGH rate of converting sales pages like no bodies business and has beat everyone in the business when it comes to writing copy that sells like hotcakes.

The Copy is that good, even I wanted to get my wallet out. I know you will do extremely well, regardless of your list size, or even if its a I.M List, Gambling List, any list for that matter that is make money online related.)

The Daily Trading System is a Learn at your own pace 12 Month Forex Course. In fact, there's 13 months of content (153 Videos; 143 segments with some that have up to 3 parts), however the first Module of the 5 available is for free and takes just a few moments to go through and familiarize themselves to the inner points of navigating through the MT4 Metaquotes trading platform.

The Forex Course is suitable for those who have not tried this before, or those who have failed, or heard of the Forex but never tried, anyone who's experienced Stock Trading before, even intermediates and advanced users will benefit from this in a great way.

It's not just a Forex Course which is easy to follow, which also has been created for the Color Blind in mind too that also comes with IPOD, IPAD and IPHONE versions as well as downloadable High Definition Viewable formats, Daily Trading System illustrates how to utilize the default indicators that come with the MT4 Trading platform to spot buy and sell signals; I step outside the box revealing my experience of Trading since 1999, as I do in each video what to look out for, what to be careful of if a particular pattern is formed to know AHEAD of time the potential outcome - border line Crystal ball techniques that they will enjoy as they progress throughout the course.

I even go one step further by showing Students how to maximize their profits and revealing ways to locate the really strong signals.

Included are 60 Forex Trading Strategies, 38 of them come with downloadable Forex Chart Templates, while illustrating how to work out Market Sentiment, this section of the Market Sentiment Module out of the 5 Modules available is where I reveal what I refer to as "Borderline Insider Trading Techniques" to get in before anyone else does while sucking up the profits big time from those who like to fight the trend.

I have also built myself a Team of Forex Traders, and Level 1 and Level 2 Support Staff who will assist the Daily Trading System Students.

My Mother is also apart of the Team who will take care of all the follow up emails to EACH customer as they join. She'll also be responsible for following up on each question that has been answered to see if they need further assistance.

She's had 35+ years of experience in the Customer Relations Industry, as that of I, I've had 20+ years in the same industry.

I'm a very hands on person and I expect all my Staff Team members to be the same. So you can be sure that the retention rate is going to be extremely high to allow you to make as much money as possible for as long as possible.

Support is my #1 goal here, without it, no matter how good I know these videos are or whom have made comments how good they are, without the support then the rest just comes a mute point.

Lastly, 5% of the proceeds from any complete sales after Affiliate Payments, and expenses, will go towards 3 charities. You can Google them to review them in more detail.

1. Hearts and Hands International.
2. Water Is Life

The above two are operated and founded by Ken Surritte, whom I'm very good friends with.

3. American Red Cross to help the Japanese who recently suffered from that terrible ordeal when the Tsunami hit them.

I'm also Trading for Ken Surritte too, yes, a LIVE Cash account which will also be shown LIVE at a Webinar that we will be holding twice a week, for a period of 1 hour up to 6 hours, on average one can expect these to last about 2-3 hours and Customers are allowed to come in late and join in at any time. And can catch up on what they missed when the recordings are uploaded.

And some time next year, 2012, I'm planning on creating a Seminar, of which 50% will go to Ken Surritte's Charity Foundations. (Hearts and Hands International also donate to The American Red Cross Association too to help those who were caught up in the

I truly believe this Forex Course will set the path to set a new industry standard and be renowned as a Go-to place to learn the Forex and to turn Daily Trading System into a Fortune 500 Company as the years go by, and with your help this will happen a lot faster as we focus more and more on Customer support ensuring everyone gets exactly what they need.

Product Price: Front end: $297 Per month for the first two months, then $597 per month thereafter.
Back end (upsell): $497 per month Webinar Service. These will be held 2 times a week, once in the morning and one in the evening to cater for those around the other side of the world, all webinars are recorded. JV partners are also welcome to attend if they close 5 or more sales.

Affiliate Commission Percentage: Default Percentage = 30% (I can go higher if your list is a highly responsive one.)

URL For Affiliate To Sign Up:
Here you will get an update that follows as soon as you join up. Not all the fields in the form are required, but will come in handy to chat with you more.
Plimus Sign Up Link:
OPT-IN Form: currently converting at 24.03%

All the best,

Loz Lawn
President & CEO Of Daily Trading System

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$500, 2011, 5th, cash, earn, forex, huge, june, launch, month, prelaunch, prizes, upto

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