Sick of promoting small ticket, low converting offers?
Just Send Traffic to My Free Squeeze Page And Earn $148.50 Per Sale!
I have just opened the doors to my MASSIVE SHORTCUT!
The Master Plan Academy currently retails at…
Paying a PayPal Busting
50% Commission
There's more, I have a highly sought after $97 a month upsell that pays 25%, so an extra $25 per student per month in your pocket.
Talk about passive income!
Do you have your own affiliates or students that can promote this offer?
If so, take advantage of my 2nd tier affiliate offer too…
That’s right there is money making “double dip” available for you here.
Any sales made by affiliates that sign up via your 2nd tier link you get paid
Of EVERY Sale THEY Make!
There is unlimited potential for additional long term income with this offer.
Just share your 2nd tier link with your affiliates, students and fellow income focused marketers to create a massive passive income for years to come.