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Unread 19th Mar 2014, 09:32 AM   #1
Innovation expert
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$33 per sale, Video training for Entrepreneurs on innovation, 1200 students already, clickbank 40%
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Business Name: Improvides
Product Name: 3 Dimensions of Innovation - online training
Product Description: This training helps entrepreneurs & company leaders improve their capability to produce successful innovations. Delivered by 4+ hours of video training on the platform.
Product Price: $92
Affiliate Commission Percentage: 40%
URL For Affiliate To Sign Up:
Attachment 20154
More than 1,200 students have already taken the new online course from Improvides, which is all about the capabilities which are needed for successful innovation.

Did you know that 96% of all innovations actually fail to make a return for their company?

This course shows why this is, and what can be done to build the capabilities in innovation which are needed to prevent this from happening.
 per sale, Video training for Entrepreneurs on innovation, 1200 students already, clickbank 40%-cover2.jpg
Sales / Pitch page: Turbocharge your innovation success rate today - Improvides

Final product page: (the fee is taken off first when paid for through Clickbank on the sales page):

Target market for the course is anyone involved in leading or managing a business. This stretches from Sole Traders to Entrepreneurs, Team Managers, all the way up to CEOs. It is for anyone who realises that they need to innovate in order to stay in business long-term.

Affiliates are given access to:
  • All the text, images and statistics used on the sales page, listed above
  • Access to the sales VIDEO, also on the sales page above
  • ADDITIONAL 4 secret preview videos of what is included in the course (contact vendor once confirmed as an affiliate to get access to these, to prevent unauthorised usage). These are the ones which the vendor uses in his autoresponder campaign.

Included in this course:
  1. Over 41 lectures and 4 hours of content: Available for streaming whenever you want, on PC, Mac, Android or iOS devices.
  2. What innovation is within companies and markets: And why large companies often lose their innovation edge
  3. The 10 myths of innovation: Why most of what people think of in relation to innovation is actually wrong
  4. The 3 Dimensions required for successfully being innovative: The detailed capabilities you can improve for each of them
  5. The Ten Types of Innovation: The 10 different ways any business can innovate (beyond just product updates), and how this can turbocharge your success rate and business models
  6. How you generate ideas and how to improve your creativity: What is needed for you to actually generate breakthrough ideas
  7. How to set up and manage a high-performance innovation team: To evaluate, refine and execute ideas into innovations
  8. Reducing risk around innovation projects: To make sure you are structuring your effort, budget and resources towards innovation which your customers will actually love
  9. Leading an innovative company and developing a culture which enables innovation: How leaders can enable everyone to contribute value to the company’s innovation ability

I look forward to working with you, and both of us making some money together
nickskilly72 is offline   Reply With Quote


$33, 1200, 40%, affiliate 40%, clickbank, entrepreneur, entrepreneurs, innovation, sale, students, training, video

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