I'Mer's: Best Industries for Starting a Business in 2014 (Hint: Not MMO)
"What market should I focus on?"
The answers vary, but most newbies are always drawn to the Money Making Opportunity market - or a market that supports it.
Nothing wrong with that in itself, but it's the most competitive market to start an internet marketing career in. The road to glory of the Money Makng Opportunity market - is littered with the dead bodies of newbies (and many veterans). So, it's not the ideal place to start your career.
As an encouragement to look outside the box of M.M.O here's a current list of the latest ground floor (high demand - low competition) industries of 2014.
With a little research and niche marketing skills, you can start a blog, create niche products and services, find an affiliate program, start a monitized newsletter or membership site. Or all the above and more. Because the market demand is high and will only grow. See trend chart. So, get started (researching) now while the competion is sparse.
Note: I recently got involved with one new industry on the list and it's taking off like gang busters. Something I would have never thought of before, much less did.
This list is by no means complete. Feel free to add to the list. Opinions and predictions also welcome.
Here's the list ... Best Industries to start an Internet Marketing business or ... Full Article
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