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Where does all achievement begin? With a burning desire!

Do you think you could achieve the goal of becoming a millionaire or a billionaire if you didn’t have a burning desire to do so?

Think of the last time you said I wish I had “this” (whatever that may be) but it was like an afterthought, odds are you are still saying “I wish I had ‘this.’”

Now think of the times you said I need this, I’ve got to have it and you went on to get it. The difference is that there was a burning desire, the desire that say I’ve got to have this!

The first think you must do if you truly want something is to develop your burning desire for it. You must fill your mind with all the benefits that achieving your dream will bring and, believe it or not, all the negative things that will happen if you do NOT achieve you dream.

You need the push and pull affect to achieve your goals.

Next picture yourself as already having achieved your goal. Picture what your life would be like, what cars would you own, what house or houses, would you own a boat or a plain. Picture yourself driving that car, living in that house, flying that plain, make it real and see it now.

Thank God, or the higher power you believe in, or the universe, for everything already being achieved.

Do not say I wish I had this, say thank you for this wonderful home, thank you for this beautiful car, and thank you for _________ and fill in the blank for every single thing you want, but as if you already had it.

The subconscious cannot tell the difference between what is real and what you tell it is real. By telling the subconscious that everything is real, the subconscious will begin to attract all those items to you. It will begin to help you instead of fighting you.

This burning desire must consume you. You must think of it morning, noon and night. You must dream of it, feel it, see it and taste it. Go to places where you can actually see what it is you want, take pictures and place them on your computer screen, walls and carry them in your pocket.

The best way to begin building a burning desire if you do not already have one is to gather pictures of everything you desire and put them everywhere where you can see them. Look at them constantly and see and feel yourself in possession of them already.

LIVE THE DREAM as if it exists now.

James Darren Davis
#achievement #point #starting #success

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