Affiliate Article Marketing-The Importance of Quality Content
It is because you are using already "Search Engine Optimized" Websites to do the hard work for you.
You are submitting your articles to directories with high Page Rank and this way the article you write will get indexed by Google almost immediately.
It is not uncommon to see your article on the front page of Google where it will do the best work for you.
But this seems to by exactly the part where many affiliate article marketing newbies make the mistake to use articles only to get backlinks to their website.
You see if you have a website or blog with the affiliate offer or product your goal of course is to drive traffic to that website and get some sales which is fine.
The problem with the approach to write articles only for backlinks to give your new website with your product some juice is that it will take weeks and months and sometimes more to do the job that only one good written article can do.
If you do affiliate article marketing it should be of the highest importance to do everything you can to produce good quality content for your articles because it is the article that will drive the traffic to your website.
The website alone (that is without the good quality article) will do absolutely nothing for you at this point. It is because your website or blog with the affiliate offer is sitting somewhere far back without any notice whatsoever.
There is a power in writing articles there is no question about it but these articles better be good if you want to see some results and it all starts with a mindset of writing articles to get traffic not just backlinks and in doing that you will get both.
You can learn to create quality content for affiliate article marketing in this FREE five module video tutorial.