Free Classifieds and Traffic Exchanges

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Free Classifieds and Traffic Exchanges

Reading the postings in different Newsgroups it becomes clear that the"It does not work for me.." statements come from one very clear reason:not enough Traffic. To be more accurate, it is "not enough *targeted*Traffic".

The ability to generate targeted and low cost Traffic is crucial for the success of every internet business.

Well, what is "enough Traffic" ? Let´s take some minutes to analyze the traffic needs in detail.

Let´say you would have a single business opportunity that you would like to advertise. This opportunity allows you to earn 10$ per Sale.

Furthermore, you would like to earn 500$ in month from this opportunity alone. So would need 50 sales during this period.

In order to determine the number of clicks (traffic) you will need, you need to know the conversion rate of your opportunity. This rate itself will depend on how targeted your traffic is. In order to make it easy,let´s assume your conversion rate is 4%, meaning that 4% of your potential buyers will purchase your product/opportunity etc.

This means that from 100 Clicks, you will get 4 sales. So you need 25 Clicks in order to make a sale (100/4). This is in fact a good conversion rate! Usually you will have such high conversions only for free stuffor by having an extremly well targeted traffic.

Considering that you wish to have 50 sales in a month, you will need thus 1250 Clicks per month.

If your conversion rate would be 0.4 % instead of 4%, you would need 10 times more, 12.500 Clicks per month.

So the next question would be where do you obtain such traffic (compare next section).

In reality, the number of Clicks to perform a sale (conversion rate), depends from the "Quality" of the Traffic itself.

Let´s consider an advertiser of Food for Cats starts an advertising campaign sending an Ad to everybody. Obviously for "non cat owners", the Ad isabsolutely irrelevant. May be some people will click to the ads forcuriosity, but their clicks will seldom lead to sales. The "Traffic"would be of low quality, since it is not "targeted" enough. Instead, if the Ad is placed in an electronic magazine for Cat Owners, he will needa considerable lower number of clicks to perform sales, since theTraffic is more "targeted" and thus, has a higher quality.

This is a simple, but very important point. Thus, "Traffic Providers"promising to send "10.000 Clicks" will lead with high probability to no where, since the traffic is highly "untargeted".

Free Advertising

One easy source of free traffic are Free Ads. Just type in Google (just scroll this page down to find a Google Search) "FreeClassifieds" to find hundreds of free Ad sources.

I personally use US-Free Ads, since they are free and offer multiple helpful options, like Tracking, Add a Picture, Paypal Button and so on.
A free Account can be obtained here,

Free Advertising using Free Classifieds can be a very time consuming task and the results are overestimated at the beginning. It is recommendedt to consider the option to buy "featured" Ads to reduce the manualeffort and maximize the results.

You may need to submit your Ad to a high number of free ad providers to get really a reasonable number of clicks.

Free Classifieds have the inconvenience that the Ads are scrolled down as soon as new Ads are submitted. Thus the visibility and Click Rate are significantly reduced.

AdLandPro offers an hourly resubmissionservice that avoids that problem. Additionally the Ads are submitted tohundreds of Free Classified Websites.

A free AdLandpro account can be obtained

#classifieds #exchanges #free #traffic

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