SEO Copywriting: Tips In Balancing Keyword Use And Readability

by cdn1
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When you write content for search engine optimization, it is just normal that you keep in mind the use of the correct keywords because that what the task is actually about. However, you should also be careful not make your reader feel insulted with a content that is rich with keywords but poor in terms of sense.

You should bear in mind that you readers are intelligent and they would certainly want to read a copy that is not only optimized but also relevant. This is the reason why you should give utmost importance to balancing keyword use and readability, a task that even the experts in SEO content writing would admit is not always easy.

It is interesting to note that the usual culprit in imbalance is the writer's tendency to be too conscious about the use of the keywords, making sure that these are used and ultimately making the article revolve around it.
However there are keywords or phrases that are simply not very sensible, which means that making these the basis for the content itself may not be a good idea.

Another major factor that could make you overuse the keywords is when you do not really make an effort at understanding the niche that you are writing about or the keywords that you are going to use. Of course, when you are not very familiar with the subject, you would have the tendency to say the same words over and over again just to achieve the required word count.

Before you start writing, familiarize with the keywords and then try to make an outline, making sure that the keywords are evenly dispersed in the paragraphs. Of course, with the outline, you should be able to organize your thoughts too and not just the keywords and make sure that title itself contains the keywords too.

With an outline, let the words just flow as you write without really focusing much on the keywords. There are some content writers who do not even think about the keywords as they write only to insert these later when they are done, which actually results in a more readable content.

Ideally, the keyword density should be somewhere near 1% and this is what you should remember as you try come up with an optimized content. If you find out that you have exceeded greatly, then it is necessary that you reduce the number keywords in the content.

One basic rule in ensuring balance is not to focus much on the keywords but on the content itself. While there is no doubt that keywords are important to lead people to the content itself, this would still be useless if they find piece nonsense.

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