Article Marketing - A Simple Deadly Secret For Increasing Your Clickthrough Rates
Here it is: Instead of finishing your article with a conclusion, put the conclusion in your resource box!
What do I mean? Instead of ending your article as per normal and then continuing with your resource box, make your resource box almost as if it is part of the article.
For example, let's say you have an article on 'How To Pick Up Women At Clubs Instantly', you can write your resource box like this:
"Now that you've learned some of the deadliest secrets for picking up women from clubs at will, here's how you can get more my secrets for FREE! Simply sign up for my weekly newsletter at Your Domain dot com."
As you can see, this acts like a continuation of your article, so it doesn't stop the flow of your content and leads naturally and smoothly on to your website! Believe me, this boosts your signup rates considerably! Of course, for some articles, you may want to use your traditional resource box if it calls for it, but use this technique if you want to see a boost in your clickthrough rates instantly and make your articles generate more traffic for you.
Alright, now that you've learned this deadly article marketing secret, I hope you'll put it to use!
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