Email Marketing: 5 Tips for Increasing Email Open Rates

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Email marketing is the foundation of almost every successful online business, yet you can't sell a thing if your subscribers aren't opening your emails. If your email open rates have been dropping you are not alone. Your email messages are competing for your subscribers' attention with all of the increasing amounts of spam and other marketing messages that they are bombarded with at every moment of the day.

But there are specific steps you can take that can help boost your email marketing open rates, which can lead to better conversions. Here are five tips that will help boost your email open rates.

1. Effective subject lines
The subject line of your email message is the first line of defense. It's got to be relevant, compelling, and enticing enough to stand out from your subscribers' crowded inbox to get them to click on it and open up the email message. Experiment with different subject lines. Keep your own 'swipe file' of email subject lines that you like and that have worked for you.

Tips for subject lines that spur action include:

· Using you & your
· Pique curiosity
· Be controversial
· Spark a bit of confusion
· Ask compelling questions

2. Timing for sending email
Extensive testing in the Internet marketing industry has shown that early morning (before 8am) on Tuesday-Thursday morning yields the best open rates, however this will vary according to subject matter, industry and niche. Test to find out which day & time yields the best response from your audience. Once you find a responsive time frame, be consistent with when you send your messages so your subscribers will expect them at a particular time.

3. Make it personal
When you write your email copy, speak to one person because you are in fact writing to just one person at a time. Include details about your life and show interest in what is going on in their lives. Sign your name to your email messages and provide a way for subscribers to offer feedback.

4. Build a strong relationship with your subscribers
You probably hear this a lot, but that's probably because it's true, but people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Don't just spam your subscribers with offer after offer. Add value. Contribute to their lives in a meaningful way and they will respond in kind.

5. Congruence between landing page copy & email copy
Keep the content, tone and theme of your email copy consistent with the content and copy on the landing page that they joined your list from. If you switch things up you will confuse subscribers and they may report you for spam. Set clear expectations about how often you'll be emailing them and what kind of emails you'll be sending them and then stick with that.

At the foundation of all of these tips is the need to create and cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship with your subscribers. When your emails consistently answer that age-old question that's on the mind of every subscriber, "What's in it for me?" in a favorable way, they will keep on opening your emails and remain on your list.

Email marketing can be an effective way to build a rapport with your audience and sell more products and services. For additional tips on growing your online business visit http://mcreasite.con/blog today.
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