List Building - My Secret Blueprint For Building A Mammoth List
1. Create A Compelling Offer
Create a free offer that no one in your market can resist! This can be a free ebook, free audio recordings or even free videos. Join an autoresponder service and include your opt-in form on your squeeze page to capture leads that want to get their hands on the free product.
2. Drive Traffic To Your Offer
Now it's time to drive traffic to your offer and build your list! There are many ways to do this. Here are my favorite methods: Forum marketing, article marketing, pay per click advertising, ezine ads and last but certainly not least...
3. Ad Swap With Other List Owners
Once you have built up a list size of 500 subscribers or 1000 subscribers, contact other list owners who might have similar list sizes and offer to do an ad swap with them. They will promote your squeeze page offer to their list and you will promote their squeeze page offer to your list. This strategy allows you to build your list at warp speed and you will be getting laser-targeted subscribers as well by leveraging on the lists of other entrepreneurs. When you do this 2 or 3 times a month, you'll start to see your list grow faster than you can imagine! So go and act now to start building your list.
Click Here to download your FREE report called "List Profit Blueprints: How I Built An Opt-In List Of 320,603 Subscribers, Made 6 Figures In Less Than 12 Months And How You Can Too!" at Fabian Tan's List Profit Blueprints!