Internet Network Marketing: Lessons You Can Learn From Former US President Abraham Lincoln

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One of the major reasons of "failure" in the internet network marketing arena is because people quit. See people don't fail in this business. They quit just before they are about to win. They are 10 yards away from "touchdown" so to speak.

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I read the story about former US president, Abraham Lincoln, and his story is perfect for network marketing. If he was in this business, he would have been one of those who makes BIG money and has millions in his organization all over the world. He was never a quitter. He is probably the greatest example of persistence.

He started his quest to congress and then white house back in 1832. For years he failed and lost many elections until in the year 1860, he was elected the President of the United States.

See, with so many setbacks along the way he persisted. He could have thrown in the towel many times and become one of life's failures. He chose the opposite side, which is success. If you read his whole story, it will give your so much inspiration. I admire him so much.

I have seen too many people, on my teams and others teams, quit the business before they had a chance to succeed. Too many guys and ladies quit this amazing business way too soon and if they would stick it out, taken massive action, worked on themselves everyday, worked with their mentor, and never quit then they would become one of the millions of successful MLM'ers all over the world.

When you say to yourself:

" I will never quit no matter what", then this will help you push forward when things are not working out for you. You will, just like many others, face many setbacks and "failures" along the way. You will have 2 options.

Option 1: To quit.

Option 2: To keep pushing forward UNTIL you do succeed.

This is your choice.

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