Video Marketing - How YouTube Can Generate a Tidal Wave of Traffic to Your Website!
The YouTube web site has revolutionized the way the world looks at video. Hundreds upon thousands of videos are being watched at any given moment by viewers from all over the world. One popular video can bring about instant notoriety and fame for just about anyone these days. Look at the example of Chris Crocker, whose "Leave Britney Alone" video garnered him so much attention on the Internet that his story was picked up by major media outlets around the country. Crocker is not the only example of the phenomenon now known as viral video and almost certainly will not be the last.
It doesn't cost anything to set up a page and profile on YouTube, nor does it cost anything to upload unlimited videos. The real trick is to create a video no matter how simple that engages the viewer either emotionally or through humor. The most popular of all viral videos seem to share humor as a common element so if at all possible it is suggested that any videos used for YouTube marketing start from a humorous angle.
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