HostGator Review And HostGator Coupon Codes
You can view a more readable copy of the HostGator Review and Coupon Codes at our site. Click Here.
25% Off Hosting Account Code ======> 25PERCNTOFFHOSTING
$9.94 Off Hosting Account Code =====> 10OFFHOSTINGACCT
$24.94 Off Reseller Account Code ====> 25OFFRESELLERACCT
One of the top questions we get from our customers is about which web hosting company they should use. We usually give them the top 5 web hosting companies and tell them to do their research and make their decision. But they always come back and say they want to know who we personally use and recommend. So for the benefit of our customers and others we are providing our recommendation and detailed information on why we clearly recommend and use HostGator as our personal web hosting company.
1. Why We Use And Recommend HostGator?
We have used HostGator for over 5 years and recommend it to our customers for web hosting. Yes, there are other good web hosting companies and we have even tried several of them. But with the variety of account types we have, we have had the best overall experience with HostGator.
There are several reasons we continue to use HostGator and always will unless these reasons change.
- No Down Time
In the past 5 years of using HostGator, we have had no downtime. We have either been really lucky or they just have a great technical back-end.
- Quick Load Stats For Sites (even on shared server plans)
We have each type of account that HostGator offers and have noticed that our sites consistently have quick load stats even on the shared server plans. Quick load stats are very important to us as we want our sites to load as quickly as possible as our customers expect quick and responsive sites.
- Simple To Use CPanel Interface
We like the way that HostGator has organized their Cpanel as it is easy to use and intuitive.
- Customer Service Is Knowledgeable And Responsive
One factor that has always been important to us is customer service regardless of what service we are using. When we pay for a service, we expect the highest levels of customer service. This means that we can get a hold of customer service via email, live chat, phone, etc. within a short time frame. We do not like long hold times and want to get our questions or problems addressed quickly. We have always had a good experience with HostGator customer support and generally use their Live Chat to get our issues handled.
- Technical Support Is Excellent
Our interactions with Technical Support have been really good. Whenever we have encountered a technical issue or need to know how to do something, their Technical Support has been able to give us an answer quickly. In the few times we need more advanced support, their advanced Technical Support team got back to us fairly quickly.
- Ability To Hire Tech Support To Do Back-end Technical work
The other thing we really like about HostGator Technical Support is that we have been able to hire them to do work we were not able to do or did not want to do. Some of these were moving accounts, installing sites, fixing code, transferring site platforms, etc. This is a real plus that we have enjoyed being able to use. It has saved us the time of having to learn it ourselves, use our own time to do the work, or having to hire it out.
- Variety Of Hosting Accounts That Are Reasonably Priced
We use different types of HostGator Hosting Accounts for our networks of sites. Compared to other web hosting companies, we have found that HostGator’s accounts are reasonably priced.
2. Have We Tried Other Web Hosting Companies?
Yes, we have tried many different web hosting companies over the years and have good experiences with some of them and bad experiences with others. As detailed above, we have had the best experience with HostGator and that is why we use them to host all of our sites.
3. Types of Accounts HostGator Offers?
HostGator offers several different types of hosting accounts as we have listed below.
Web Hosting
- Hatchling Plan
- Baby Plan
- Business Plan
Reseller Hosting
- Aluminum
- Copper
- Silver
- Gold
- Diamond
VPS Hosting
- Level 1-9
Dedicated Servers
- Basic Dedicated Server
- Standard Dedicated Server
- Elite Dedicated Server
- Pro Dedicated Server
4. Which Type Of Hosting Account Should I Use?
We also get this question a lot about which type of account our customers should use. Most of our customers use the Baby or Business web hosting plans since they generally have more than one domain they want to host with sites. The Baby and Business plans give you unlimited domains, disk space, and bandwidth. The Hatchling plan is good to use if you only have one domain you want to host a site on or want to create a site that you are going flip or sell and want to include that account as part of the deal. The Reseller, VPS, and Dedicated server hosting plans are really for someone who is going to be hosting many sites for themselves or customers, have large sites that need dedicated resources for quick load stats, etc. These plans are for the more advanced users.
5. HostGator Coupons And Why You Should Use Them?
You should definitely use HostGator Coupons when you sign up for a HostGator account since you can save quite a bit of money. We have listed several of the best Coupon Codes below you can use when you sign up for an account. You can signup at the link below, just click on the Click Here link to get to HostGator. Select the account type you want and then enter in the Coupon code and your balance will be reduced.
25% Off Hosting Account Code ======> 25PERCNTOFFHOSTING
$9.94 Off Hosting Account Code =====> 10OFFHOSTINGACCT
$24.94 Off Reseller Account Code ====> 25OFFRESELLERACCT