How to Use RSS Feeds to Significantly Boost Your Website’s Traffic and Index Your Backlinks

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    RSS stands for Really-Simple-Syndication and RSS provides a way for people to share and connect with content extremely fast as well as to stay up-to-date with the newest headlines of their favorite blogs and web 2.0 sites. RSS feeds are a fantastic option for people to get current content from your site and also share your content. However, marketers routinely only focus on getting a lot of traffic ONCE but RSS feeds help you get returning visitors over an over again which is the key element in producing a huge increase in your site's stats and profits. Most website owners already have an RSS feed, but don't how to actually use it effectively. Below I listed numerous ways you can use your RSS feed and RSS feeds in general to create more traffic and backlinks for your website or blog. RSS feeds create backlinks, these links come from RSS aggregators and directories. You submit your blog or RSS feed and it is published with its own page there, producing a link to your site. However, these links are pretty weak and not beneficial for increasing your website's rank. But they are great for getting recurring traffic.