An Internet Marketing DON'T - Putting Your Eggs Into One Basket
One guy I know of lost his $13,000 a month income after the Panda Update. Another incident like this one is where Google Adwords stopped allowing affiliate links to be inserted into a person's ad. People used to make a KILLING with this technique. They would go to Clickbank, pick an affiliate product, put it on Google Adwords, and instantly see money and commissions within 24 hours.
However, Google cracked down again. Google felt that these kinds of practices didn't help their user to find the information that they were looking for. As a result of this, Google shutdown accounts who were doing this, and again... people who were making $10,000 or more with this practice soon found themselves out of business - having to start all over again.
You don't want this to happen to you. Google had legitimate points about why they shutdown alot of peoples' accounts. If I were Google, I'd want my visitors to be happy with the information that is displayed on people's sites also... instead of a straight sales pitch. This is just a classic example of why you shouldn't put all of your eggs into one basket.
So ask yourself: Are you using multiple marketing strategies, or are you solely focusing your efforts to only 1 marketing strategy? If you answered "yes", then you will want to re-consider that decision. Focusing only on 1 marketing strategy is dangerous, because you never know when that traffic source will stop producing for you.
If you're stubborn or naive about the possibility of this happening to you, just know that many other people felt the same you do... only until when they saw their online business go belly up. And you don't even have to look at online businesses. Take a look at all of the major offline businesses that had to close up shop.
I'm talking about huge corporations here. You would think that they could foretell their fate and do something about it right away. But they more than likely didn't listen to their instincts, and because of it, they had to shut down their business. Some online businesses are on the edge like this also, and they are 1 egg shell away from being forced to go out of business.
I mention this for your sake. I think you can change the direction of your business and make it profitable for years to come. You have to diversify your marketing efforts, and get lots of brand new customers to your site simply and easily. If you're up to it, make sure you put in the necessary changes into motion so that you can see your business grow.
Good luck with using these tips in your online business today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, visit here: Internet Marketing Secrets