4 File Formats That Your Website Graphics Can Be In

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You will want to use website graphics if you want to convey a particular message that words alone can't describe. Website graphics help to paint a mental image in a prospect's mind and can help to keep visitors on your webpage. If you want to increase your sales and profits, then you will want to use graphics on your website.

Graphics help to communicate things that words alone can't. When picking the graphics for your website, you will want to pay attention to the file formats that they are in. In this article, we will take a look at 4 different file formats and what they mean to you as a website owner.

There are certain file formats that you can use when selecting the graphics for your website. Each one differs in terms of their size and usability. In this article, we will take a look at some of those graphics and how you can use them on your website. Here's the first file format that we will take a look at.

1) GIF

In the early days of the internet, GIF graphics were used alot. But nowadays you won't find them used as much. They were great for their interlacing abilities but now users prefer the use of a file format such as JPEG. When compressing GIF images, you will find that the quality of the images get sacrificed as they get smaller. GIF images have their place in the online world, but they are seldom used amongst business owners today.


JPEG images are a more advanced image format than the GIF. This popular file format loads fast and is the preferred website image format amongst marketers today. JPEG images are compressed files that provide excellent image quality without sacrificing the look of the image. If you're looking for a file format that is fast and good to use, then you will go with the JPEG.

3) 3D Graphics

3D seems to be all the rave these days as far as movies goes, but they are also popular file formats for image files. 3D images are made from specialized computer software and have opened up a whole new world of possibilities for graphic designers. These designs are usually more expensive, but they can be more than worth it.

4) BMP

The bitmap or BMP file format is an uncompressed file that renders very high quality file images. If you were to place a bitmap image on the internet, it would load slow, but the image would be so crisp and flawless. Alot of images when you place them on the internet they lose their image quality. But with BMP files, this isn't the case. You should only use BMP image files on your website only if it's for a special project of some sort. Otherwise, you're better off with a JPEG format.

All of these image files have their place in the online world and you should pick the ones that is best for your business.

Good luck with using these 4 images types and using them to improve your website sales.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, visit his website here: http://www.internetmarketing-rules.com
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