by max5ty
66 replies
Has anyone decided which one they like better?

Been testing Bard for a few days...

a couple of things I like better about Bard:

1. It pulls data from the internet...ChatGPT uses fed data that goes up to 2021.

2. It gives you more than 1 draft at a time to compare.

3. Gives you a button to google it so you can read the sources.

Just wondering if anyone else has made any observations.
#bard #chatgpt
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  • Profile picture of the author 00CashBack
    Arf, Bard is not yet supported in France. Hope it will com soon to try it. Seems it should be good but...
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by 00CashBack View Post

      Arf, Bard is not yet supported in France. Hope it will com soon to try it. Seems it should be good but...
      Well, that isn't good news.

      I do know on Slack some were talking about using VPNs to use it.

      I'm not an expert on VPNs to give you any more advice.

      If you can use ChatGPT it's still good.

      Bard just has a couple more features that I think are more cutting-edge.

      Some may still prefer ChatGPT over Bard...I don't know, that's why I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about it.
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    • @00CashBack,

      Originally Posted by 00CashBack View Post

      Bard is not yet supported in France.
      Here's a VPN service that I use to access Bard from Manila:
      • This should work in France or anywhere you're at right now;
      • It's as simple as signing up for a free 14-day trial, logging into your dashboard, selecting a VPN location (I chose United States LA), downloading and installing their app for your device, enabling and connecting to your chosen VPN by clicking a button in the app, going to then registering for their waiting list; and
      • Chances are, you'll get an email from Google that grants you access privileges to Bard before the 14-day trial ends, though I for one have a paid subscription (got other use-cases for this aside from accessing Bard) .

      P.S. I'm not affiliated in any way with that VPN service provider. I'm just a product user ...
      • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
      • Founder: Grayscale (Manila, PH) & SEO Campaign Manager: Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11750591].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    max5ty you might be ahead of the game. I just went to sign up for it and was put on a waiting list. (U.S. Resident) The home page says it is only open to US and UK as of now.
    For the poster in France, he is probably going to have to wait till Google rolls it out to more countries.

    "âœ" You've been added to the waitlist!

    Thanks for your interest in Bard. You'll receive an email when it's your turn."

    For anyone that's want to sign up -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11750430].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      max5ty you might be ahead of the game. I just went to sign up for it and was put on a waiting list. (U.S. Resident) The home page says it is only open to US and UK as of now.
      For the poster in France, he is probably going to have to wait till Google rolls it out to more countries.

      "âœ" You've been added to the waitlist!

      Thanks for your interest in Bard. You'll receive an email when it's your turn."

      For anyone that's want to sign up -
      Ok. I thought more people had been able to use it.

      I had signed up for the waitlist also and then got an email saying I could start using it.

      Hopefully, since you signed up it shouldn't be long.

      From what I understood they were rolling it out to everyone.

      I know they are trying to be more cautious than ChatGPT when they opened up their platform.

      Hopefully, at least by the end of the week they open it up to everyone on the waitlist.

      Edit: So I guess in hindsight this post may be a little too early until more people can try it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author theseotog
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    1. It pulls data from the internet...ChatGPT uses fed data that goes up to 2021.
    Yes Chat GPT quite limited in terms of data after 2021. This is what they say themselves:

    Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021

    I'm yet to try Bard!
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  • Profile picture of the author rahulkapoorr
    Waiting for Bard to release in my region, I have used ChatGPT for now it seems great.
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  • What I Find Interesting


    1) Sensibleness: A measurement of whether an answer makes sense or not;
    2) Specificity: Measures if the answer is the opposite of generic/vague or contextually specific; and
    3) Interestingness: This metric measures if LaMDA's answers are insightful or inspire curiosity ...

    A. Safety: The model achieves a level of safety by tuning it with data that was annotated by crowd workers.
    B. Groundedness: LaMDA grounds itself factually with external knowledge sources (through information retrieval, which is search).


    My Take

    From how I understand what that SEJ page is saying -- Sounds to me Google fine-tuned the LaMDA large language model, which powers Bard [ here's the LaMDa paper for more context: ] ...

    • And, I think they did this by developing a fine-tuning dataset with columns for input (query), additional_input (harvested formatted content from top organic Google search results for the input), inferencing output from LaMDa model that will be fine-tuned, and scores of inferencing output for sensibleness, specificity and interestingness, in which scores are human-reviewed and annotated ...

    My notion is based on similar fine-tuning methods being a common supervised learning technique for large language models (LLMs), which are mostly trained initially through unsupervised learning methods -- OpenAI also used this to fine-tune their GPT models for ChatGPT deployment ...

    • Then, I think they added a programmatic step during deployment runtime of this "quantized" (read: reduced model layers, model size and size of weights for optimized performance) LaMDa LLM as Bard's backend, which probably runs something like this:

    • User enters query;
    • Bard system searches for query in Google, which is set to factor user's personalized and localized searchd data;
    • It then harvests content of top organic search results;
    • Bard system then feeds user's query and harvested content to model at backend, in order to get model's index of inference outputs; and
    • It then gets backend model's inferencing outputs, organizes outputs based on scores for 3 parameters mentioned above, and displays output with highest scores to user.

    Implementing Similar Programmatic Steps with OpenAI's GPT

    Note: But we can't use GPT4 itself to build a dataset for fine-tuning our own, open source or private LLMs to then use it for a commercial product that competes against OpenAI's products, as this goes against their ToS ...

    SERPAPI is used to enter queries in Google and get URLs of organic results. BeautifulSoup4 in Python is used to harvest entire main content section of each page. Llama-Index in Python can be used to build a vectorized library of data during runtime so as to work around GPT4's token limits. So this allows us to feed GPT4 with up-to-date data from Google for it to output up-to-date inferencing outputs for a query (system and user prompts).

    • However, what's missing here, and I think this is a really vital factor that can significantly affect LLM output quality, is the user's personalized and localized search data; and
    • Using something like SERPAPI to enter a query in Google also means Google won't be able to factor in the user's own search history when deciding which content pages to serve, even if you set Google to user's specific location and device during runtime ...

    Anyway, more stuff about accessing Bard dev resources is found below ...

    Sample Python Code to Access Bard

    $ wget
    # Source Git repo is
    $ python --session 'UgiXYPjpaIYuE9K_3BSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx'

    Guide to Access Google Bard's API Documentation


    To access the Google Bard API documentation and developer resources, you can follow these steps:

    1) Go to the Google Cloud website at
    2) Click on the "Products" dropdown menu in the top navigation bar, and select "APIs & Services".
    3) Click on the "Library" option in the left sidebar.
    4) Search for "Google Bard API" in the search bar or scroll down until you find it.
    5) Click on the "Google Bard API" card to view more information about the API.
    6) Click the "Enable" button to enable the API for your Google Cloud project.
    7) Once the API is enabled, you can click on the "Documentation" button to access the documentation and developer resources.

    Notes: In the documentation, you can find information about the API's features, how to authenticate your requests, and sample code snippets to help you get started. You can also find additional resources such as guides and tutorials, reference documentation, and community support.



    Github Repo to Access Bard via Python Library

    Programmatically Access Bard in Python:

    I hope this helps!
    • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Founder: Grayscale (Manila, PH) & SEO Campaign Manager: Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Marx Vergel Melencio -

    All very interesting...and some of it is over my head.

    But, something you said I had thought about and wondered if this was happening:

    "Bard system searches for query in Google, which is set to factor user's personalized and localized searched data"

    It would seem important that this happens because it seems to me that localized search is what normally happens when someone searches.

    If it stops localizing searches it would change a lot of things when it comes to small businesses.

    Not sure I said that right, but hopefully you get the idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11750532].message }}
    • @max5ty,

      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      But, something you said I had thought about and wondered if this was happening:

      "Bard system searches for query in Google, which is set to factor user's personalized and localized searched data"

      It would seem important that this happens because it seems to me that localized search is what normally happens when someone searches.

      Yes. That's what I exactly meant when I mentioned that the user's personalized and localized search data is highly likely a vital factor for optimizing Bard's output for each user. I'd be surprised if Google didn't think of this; and

      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      If it stops localizing searches it would change a lot of things when it comes to small businesses.

      Yes. Without that data, Google's organic search results won't likely be as optimized for each user. And that could probably affect the overall quality of Bard's output for each user, significantly.
      • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
      • Founder: Grayscale (Manila, PH) & SEO Campaign Manager: Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author Malaika Jahangir
    I agree with this. Sometimes chatgpt gives you a little bit wrong information
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Although I do think the writing part of the AI platforms is impressive...

    some of the other things that AI can do now are even more impressive.

    Just for an example, I asked Bard to write me the code I would need to add a countdown timer to a website...I kept this example as simple as I could, but some of the output asking for builds, etc I've read about are mind-blowing.

    Read the Twitter post about the guy that built a complete chrome extension in 45 minutes.

    (what I asked)

    I'm a complete beginner and want to add a countdown timer to my website that counts down to April 30, 2023. Write me all the code I would need to add to my website and explain each step in detail. When finished show me what the output would look like.


    Sure, here is a step-by-step guide on how to add a countdown timer to your website that counts down to April 30, 2023:

    Create a new HTML file in your text editor.

    Add the following code to the top of the file:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Countdown Timer</title>
    <h1>Countdown Timer</h1>
    <p>This timer will count down to April 30, 2023.</p>

    Add the following code to the bottom of the file:

    var days = 10;
    var hours = 2;
    var minutes = 30;
    var seconds = 0;

    setInterval(function() {
    seconds -= 1;
    if (seconds < 0) {
    days -= 1;
    if (days < 0) {
    hours -= 1;
    if (hours < 0) {
    minutes -= 1;
    if (minutes < 0) {

    document.getElementById("seconds").innerHTML = seconds;
    }, 1000);

    This code will create a countdown timer that starts with 10 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 0 seconds. The timer will then count down to 0 seconds, at which point it will reset to 10 days, 2 hours, and 30 minutes. The timer will update every second, and the current time will be displayed in the "seconds" text element.

    Save the file as "countdown.html" and upload it to your web server.
    Open the file in a web browser and you should see the countdown timer.
    The output of the code will look like this:

    Countdown Timer

    10 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes, 0 seconds

    (end of output)

    Of course, I could go back and add specific design features to make the timer more appealing...but you get the point.

    The builder I use already has countdown timers, but this is just a simple example of using Bard. If you upgrade to the $20 monthly plan for GPT you can use GPT4 which I understand is better suited than the free version for writing code.

    I've been testing Bard on some more advanced plugins, and so far I'm getting good results.

    If you're an experienced coder, I'm guessing the questions you would know to ask would probably get way better results than what I'm getting right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malaika Jahangir
    too bad... Bard is not available in my country
    But I really hope to use it in the future
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  • Brandin'wise, sure shit 30+ yeahs gowin' (plus imagry steada acronyms) beats down NEXTO NOOZ MONSTAH fast (ie whatevah).

    Question is: that mattah to anywan?

    Alternative Question is: this mattah to anywan?

    Plus also: where I put muh goddamn hayerdryah?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11750923].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Brandin'wise, sure shit 30+ yeahs gowin' (plus imagry steada acronyms) beats down NEXTO NOOZ MONSTAH fast (ie whatevah).

      Question is: that mattah to anywan?

      Alternative Question is: this mattah to anywan?

      Plus also: where I put muh goddamn hayerdryah?
      I asked Bard to summarize your statement ...this is what it said:

      The passage is about the importance of branding and how a strong brand can withstand the test of time. The author argues that a brand that has been around for 30+ years, with strong imagery and a clear message, is more likely to be successful than a new brand that is trying to quickly establish itself. The author also asks the question of whether or not this matters to anyone, and whether or not a brand's longevity is even important in today's world. Finally, the author asks where they put their hairdryer.

      Here is a more concise summary:

      A strong brand can withstand the test of time. Whether or not this matters to anyone is up for debate.

      How's that?
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    In the news though:

    Eliezer Yudkowsky said at the rate we're going with AI, everyone will die. He's had over 2 decades in AI security.

    He was referring to a letter yesterday that elon musk and other top AI scientists had signed that asked for a 6 month pause on AI developments to give the world time to put safety measures in place. He said 6 months was not long enough. They were referring to AI stronger that CGPT4.

    He added:

    "Many researchers steeped in these issues, including myself, expect that the most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances, is that literally everyone on Earth will die," he asserts. "Not as in 'maybe possibly some remote chance,' but as in 'that is the obvious thing that would happen.'"

    Instead, Yudkowsky proposes international cooperation, even between rivals like the U.S. and China, to shut down development of powerful AI systems. He says this is more important than "preventing a full nuclear exchange," and that countries should even consider using nuclear weapons "if that's what it takes to reduce the risk of large AI training runs."

    "Shut it all down," Yudkowsky writes. "Shut down all the large GPU clusters (the large computer farms where the most powerful AIs are refined). Shut down all the large training runs. Put a ceiling on how much computing power anyone is allowed to use in training an AI system, and move it downward over the coming years to compensate for more efficient training algorithms. No exceptions for governments and militaries."

    So there you go...

    tried to do a thread on the 6 month moratorium yesterday but I don't think the thread went through.
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  • Profile picture of the author scottsmith8100
    For help with creating plotlines, overcoming writer's block, etc. ChatGPT is (so far) better than Bard. ChatGPT plot help is creative; Bard (for naming itself after Shakespeare!) is pretty formulaic.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Just a quick note, I was approved today for Bard. My last post above was when I signed up on the 26. So currently 5 day waiting period here in the US currently.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      Just a quick note, I was approved today for Bard. My last post above was when I signed up on the 26. So currently 5 day waiting period here in the US currently.

      I've heard a lot of people say Bard wasn't as good at writing articles etc. But, I think once you learn how to prompt it, it can do just as good.

      Plus, Bard draws from the internet, where CGPT goes up to 2021.

      Will be interesting to see what your opinion of it is.
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      • Have iteratively ran programmatic GPT-4 API and workaround Bard API tests extensively; and
        Here's a summary of what I think:


        Bard is like a fresh graduate without any significantly relevant real world pro experience in the target field, judging from engineered prompts and instructions. On the other hand:

        GPT-4 is like a post grad with 6 to 8 years of relevant real world experience in the target field and topics ...

        Up-to-Date Info

        Bard is by default designed to check up-to-date info using Google Search. Meanwhile:

        GPT-4 API can be programmatically designed to use other APIs like SERPAPI to perform a similar step before responding to supplied queries / prompts / instructions, which my code has been doing even before Bard's U.S. prelim launch ...

        "Hallucinations" or Inferencing Errors

        Bard's hallucinations are more obvious. GPT-4's aren't as straightforward to spot (needs fact-checking most of the time just to verify). But as for frequency, I'd say they're neck-to-neck ...
        • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
        • Founder: Grayscale (Manila, PH) & SEO Campaign Manager: Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11751083].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by Marx Vergel Melencio View Post

          Have iteratively ran programmatic GPT-4 API and workaround Bard API tests extensively; and
          Here's a summary of what I think:


          Bard is like a fresh graduate without any significantly relevant real world pro experience in the target field, judging from engineered prompts and instructions. On the other hand:

          GPT-4 is like a post grad with 6 to 8 years of relevant real world experience in the target field and topics ...

          Up-to-Date Info

          Bard is by default designed to check up-to-date info using Google Search. Meanwhile:

          GPT-4 API can be programmatically designed to use other APIs like SERPAPI to perform a similar step before responding to supplied queries / prompts / instructions, which my code has been doing even before Bard's U.S. prelim launch ...

          "Hallucinations" or Inferencing Errors

          Bard's hallucinations are more obvious. GPT-4's aren't as straightforward to spot (needs fact-checking most of the time just to verify). But as for frequency, I'd say they're neck-to-neck ...
          Thanks for your opinion. Coming from you and what you do it adds a lot of weight.

          From what I've been reading online from other reviews, I think more people prefer ChatGPT for writing articles and when asking for longer output.
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Will be interesting to see what your opinion of it is.
        I'm still playing around with Bard and Chat. Depending on what I'm doing, Bard seems to provide better answers to a string of questions. What I don't like about Bard. if you ask a few questions then sign off for the day. The next day you can not pick up where you left off.

        Chat is better organized to come back to old questions. I like the left sidebar in black that stores all the old questions. You can go back to any old questions and pick up easily where you left off. Using the right prompt questions gives better answers to topics than just general questions fed into Chat. EDx has a course that teaches Chat. It is about using prompts which helped. I mentioned it here in another thread.

        One other thing - If someone is a writer they should look into Jenni Ai. The free version allows up to 200 words a day. If someone decides to write an article. It will give two lines that you can accept or it will make an alternative suggestion. I have been experimenting with Jenni for a few days now and like the program. Gordon has a good thread about putting an Amazon book together on the Main Forum. If someone were to do that, I think Jenni Ai would win out over Chat or Bard.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I am woefully behind on some of this - but from my own reading i think BARD is being developed perhaps in a more thoughtful way than ChatGPT.

    I've wondered if by this time next year, there will be a clear choice of 'best to use'...the technology seems to be moving that quickly.

    I see some potential 'black holes' but that may be my own level of skepticism. In one AI program recommended 5 books for 'further info' on a question....turns out the books don't exist - they were CREATED by the AI program to answer that question. How could that be of any true value?

    My skepticism is based on my own musings of whether AI programs will enable us to be smarter - or allow us to get by with getting dumber by the day....

    Two huge technical/scientific fields moving ahead rapidly right now - one in space with the Webb telescope - the other in cyberspace with AI.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Don't count the days - Make the days count
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  • Profile picture of the author alexwat
    bard is still in testing phase i guess
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  • Profile picture of the author zeyfah
    chatgpt started it, and google followed suit.

    they're practically the same thing. they're generative AIs trained with tons of data. at first, bard had an advantage, in which it could connect to the internet, whereas chatgpt couldn't.

    at that time, on paper, bard should have an advantage, but google somehow failed because bard surfaced wrong data during initial demo.

    at this time, i think chatgpt is ahead of bard, and that it's churning lots of data from users who are using it for both work and fun. and also from the fact that microsoft bing is also using it to power its bing chatbot.

    but in the long run, i think, bard will catch up.

    google has lots of AI projects, and from what it seems, google can put together the many AI projects to power bard.

    for example, chatgpt is powered by gpt-4, and this gets updated pretty quickly. but bard which initially uses only lamda, has added palm.

    i think, instead of comparing the two, you should try to see which of the two is less prone to hallucination. bing is the worse.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Hancox
    I wonder what happens if you ask Bard to create a search engine algorithm that could put Google out of business?

    I'm fascinated to know how iterative we can get with all this.
    Signature - How to sell without "selling"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11754698].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Paul Hancox View Post

      I wonder what happens if you ask Bard to create a search engine algorithm that could put Google out of business?

      I'm fascinated to know how iterative we can get with all this.
      For sures, both setsa RANKAHS gotta have an eye out for each othah's CRAPOLA.

      Legit reasons for strategic markdown in the cutthroat world of info provision, say I.

      Don't mean eithah AI 'voice' gaht no persona, zackly.

      Jus' a mechanistic lilt can be spotted an' discriminated against.

      Course'n we ain't even figured AI potential for the subterfuge-friendly au nécessaires of total dom actschwaahn.

      Like nowan can control nuthin' anyways.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11754991].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author spartan14
      Originally Posted by Paul Hancox View Post

      I wonder what happens if you ask Bard to create a search engine algorithm that could put Google out of business?

      I'm fascinated to know how iterative we can get with all this.
      You are going to far my friend .Wake up ,no ofense just a joke .Google its a huge company and its not so weak to be autdated by just an Ai software
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763406].message }}
  • Gotta tellya, cool to have DanyWorld an' GordonJ an' max5ty chimin' along here.

    We all hangin' togethah, we all propulsin' henceforth fromout.

    ... an' so it goes with intake an outtake.

    Or outtake an' intake, yanno.

    Either/or, I guess, all parta the natchrl continyouem

    What is clear rn is how plenny people spunkin' out the AI gonna reel folks in whatevah.

    But how do YOU feel as an IMBIBAH?

    Likely, before this all gits started wholesale, we can query gut/filosof Now.

    So here's a question for evrywan:

    Would I be happier 10 years from now if I knew my life depended more on infinitely efficient machines than potentially fallible humans?

    In the age of information, ignorance is naht a choice.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11755240].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      The past to remember, the future to behold.

      Cuyahoga Falls High Class of 68 motto.

      Back then, the majority of us had a lot of FUTURE ahead of us. Now, our tanks our mostly fumes. Now I don't normally be hatin...

      But I avoid OLD people. They have aches, pains, surgeries, recovering from...only a few are active (and interesting). I like young people, new tech, fresh ideas, it may not be keeping me young, but it does give me more to talk about than my _______ (Pick one of 10 ailments of the day).

      I may not be around for what is coming, but I find it fascinating how we all get to participate if we want. Reminds of Bud Weckesser's multi million dollar producing ad, ran in AARP and other oldster pubs. The headline:


      Showed a pic of Granny being a whiz on the computer, next to a rotary phone.

      I could be dead wrong Princess, but I would bet that if you did a survey today and one in a decade, those that are happiest today...will be happiest then too.

      And those (whom shall remain nameless), are going to be offering up their reasons (excuses) why they got left behind and are just as happy then as they are today.

      If I'm still around, we'll revisit the idea, or at least my UPLOADED snarky consciousness will be.


      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Gotta tellya, cool to have DanyWorld an' GordonJ an' max5ty chimin' along here.

      We all hangin' togethah, we all propulsin' henceforth fromout.

      ... an' so it goes with intake an outtake.

      Or outtake an' intake, yanno.

      Either/or, I guess, all parta the natchrl continyouem

      What is clear rn is how plenny people spunkin' out the AI gonna reel folks in whatevah.

      But how do YOU feel as an IMBIBAH?

      Likely, before this all gits started wholesale, we can query gut/filosof Now.

      So here's a question for evrywan:

      Would I be happier 10 years from now if I knew my life depended more on infinitely efficient machines than potentially fallible humans?

      In the age of information, ignorance is naht a choice.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11755587].message }}
      • Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        I could be dead wrong Princess, but I would bet that if you did a survey today and one in a decade, those that are happiest today...will be happiest then too.


        Smilin' ain't always easy, but I figyoore if''n you mustah a smirk more often than's sposed to be gowin' on, mebbe you gaht the whiplash factah.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        And we come full circle. Now I long for a phone that's as easy to use as my computer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    I love Bard. Recently I used another AI Bot to give me a list on meditation mantras. Just a few minutes ago I pasted the same prompt in Bard. 2 seconds it blew the other AI Bot out of the water. Color me with a hot Damn for Bard.

    Now I'm off to play with it some more.
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    • Originally Posted by Ken Leatherman View Post

      I love Bard. Recently I used another AI Bot to give me a list on meditation mantras. Just a few minutes ago I pasted the same prompt in Bard. 2 seconds it blew the other AI Bot out of the water. Color me with a hot Damn for Bard.

      Now I'm off to play with it some more.
      Thing 'bout meditayschwaahn mantras is ... when you flowin' 'em out, zackly?

      Ima mention this bcs nuthin' much 'pon yr lips less'n you say it is.

      Tongues're invitorial before they conspiritorial.

      Or inspirational.

      Or inconsequential.

      Hey ... so what nowan sayin' when they ain't dowin' nuthin'?

      Uhm Priori sounds kinda sweet to Moi rn.

      Less'n it terminally stoopid to advance such prurrepostrisness, I would wish always for this to be so.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11755625].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I love Bard....
    That's great - people seem to be loving AI for many reasons... but keep in mind that AI content is not permitted when posting on the WF. From the rules:

    15. AI-generated content is not allowed. Mods and admin will review posts and decide on them if and when such content are AI-generated.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Don't count the days - Make the days count
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11755627].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      That's great - people seem to be loving AI for many reasons... but keep in mind that AI content is not permitted when posting on the WF. From the rules:

      15. AI-generated content is not allowed. Mods and admin will review posts and decide on them if and when such content are AI-generated.
      Meantime, if'n you a Princess refrencin' SATAN here back in the day, they ban yr ass.

      Which is why these forums're much sweetah now, swept as they be of spamola drivyool.

      Plus also, donchya jus' love mods who kiss back all dialogsy an' ain't innit simpyool for THE HELMETS.

      Thing we missin' here in the AI-sweet fyootyoore we so wanna chomp on is how we gotta digest all grool bowls set before us.

      Automation as slavery nevah works -- which is why we gaht lawnmowahs now bcs hooman-centric smarts.

      But if AOSFFS is willingly invited -- who says, zackly?

      Kinda ... who you seen stuff 'bout today?

      I hear Attilla the Hun been so long dead you can say pretty much anythin' 'bout the fkr.

      (Ima sayin' this on an IMBIBE to SPOUT ticket btw -- speshly for alla you parentheses buffs don't want I actschwlly parenthesize that bcs it is actschwlly muh main POINT.)

      (Repetitions my own.)

      Thing 'bout that darned Hun is ... 7 letters, 3 pairs same, 1 odd vowel.

      Which othah historical fkr can say that 'bout ummselves?

      (That is my Thursday Challenge to you -- anywan famous 7 letters 3 pairs same 1 odd vowel winna trip to misery.)

      Hate my ass for anya this schwango -- but wouldya wanna punch me in the chops if'n I were a youbiscuitlsly availabyool BAHT?

      Invitin' 'pon yr ass all devious Attilla Challenges?

      Only yr natchrl Princess would waste yr time so on sumthin' clearly naht a waste of time.

      Only yr natchrl Princess would time yr waste so on sumthin' clearly naht a waste of time.

      So only yr natchrl Princess would time yr waste on sumthin' clearly naht a waste of time.

      So only yr natchrl Princess would waste yr time on sumthin' clearly naht a waste of time.

      4 tries on that baby: you bored offa yr tits yet?

      Or marginally surprised?

      Those are my thought today.

      Glad you all here -- 'ceptin' a few c*nts p*ss me big time.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Some of y'all may know this and some of y'all may not.

    Y'all can use ChatGPT Playground to test out some different things with GPT. It lets you get more creative. It was put out by OpenAI...the same company that put out GPT.

    Not sure why I'm saying y'all today.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Hancox
    How does Bard and ChatGPT compare with Perplexity AI?

    (I have no connection to it.)

    I've given it a try with a few questions and it seems pretty good, i.e.

    I didn't have to log-in either, which was nice.
    Signature - How to sell without "selling"
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  • Profile picture of the author tewelrogers
    What are the differences between Bard and Chat GPT in terms of AI tool prices and plans?
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  • Profile picture of the author Elvlin
    Chat gpt still better, you can just input new data before asking it to make article. to ensure data is valid and up to date
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  • Profile picture of the author masti masti
    In the meantime, I am awaiting the release of Bard in my region, and I have been using ChatGPT for the time being.
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  • Profile picture of the author Docode Here
    Chatgpt is better than Bard because Chatgpt has huge dataset than google bard.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Docode Here View Post

      Chatgpt is better than Bard because Chatgpt has huge dataset than google bard.
      Can you explain how GPT has a larger dataset than Bard?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11758056].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
      Originally Posted by Docode Here View Post

      Chatgpt is better than Bard because Chatgpt has huge dataset than google bard.
      It's my understanding Bard is more up to date than ChatGPT. Since
      Chat was trained until 2021.

      I'm most likely wet about that. I like Bards speed when researching. Results were right on and had latest updates on prostrate cancer.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11758066].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by Ken Leatherman View Post

        It's my understanding Bard is more up to date than ChatGPT. Since Chat was trained until 2021.
        I'm most likely wet about that. I like Bards speed when researching. Results were right on and had latest updates on prostrate cancer.
        We've used them both in the last month, have created 10 new works, half of which are on the market today. I'm fast, but with AI assistance, an INFOPRENEUR'S haven.

        As with the early days, GI=GO, for youngsters, that is Garbage IN=Garbage Out.

        Both are only as good as the person giving prompts, as I've gotten better at giving it directions, the results are much better.

        Very useful for updating old work, and bringing out new updated editions.


        I don't know a thing about AI, but that hasn't stopped me from using it. Should have 10 more new works by end of June. TIME. Love me some time saving tools.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the answers from GPT seem to be changing in the way it answers...

    I know it says it's being trained, but it seems the training is from all over the world, and it's affecting the outcomes?

    I was trying to work with it yesterday and it seems the responses were more foreign-speaking in the way it responds. Not foreign language but foreign in the way I would put sentences together...longer words and more professor-type stuff.

    Could just be me...but it seems the training is taking on a worldwide tone of voice.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759162].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the answers from GPT seem to be changing in the way it answers...

      I know it says it's being trained, but it seems the training is from all over the world, and it's affecting the outcomes?

      I was trying to work with it yesterday and it seems the responses were more foreign-speaking in the way it responds. Not foreign language but foreign in the way I would put sentences together...longer words and more professor-type stuff.

      Could just be me...but it seems the training is taking on a worldwide tone of voice.

      Are you using it to develop content? If so, you have to prompt
      it on how you want it to write.

      If you don't want it to respond like a professor, then you need
      to instruct it at what level you want it to respond. I give it very
      specific instructions, and when it veers, I remind it of my prior

      Every once in awhile, it responds with a British spelled word
      and I usually let it go. If I question it on why it used a British
      spelling, it apologizes.

      The last time I had a conversation, I used GPT-4, and its
      responses were superb, the thing floors me with the way it

      I used 3.5 for a project over the weekend, because I had 50
      queries and I wanted to get the project done in one session.
      It gave a couple of duplicate responses, but that is why it
      requires human supervision.

      I did not find anything unusual with either version, but I'm
      still amazed with the whole concept, all the ways that I have
      been able to monetize it and its potential for future projects.

      If you feel that it is glitchy, try starting a new chat.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759172].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

        Are you using it to develop content? If so, you have to prompt
        it on how you want it to write.

        If you don't want it to respond like a professor, then you need
        to instruct it at what level you want it to respond. I give it very
        specific instructions, and when it veers, I remind it of my prior

        Every once in awhile, it responds with a British spelled word
        and I usually let it go. If I question it on why it used a British
        spelling, it apologizes.

        The last time I had a conversation, I used GPT-4, and its
        responses were superb, the thing floors me with the way it

        I used 3.5 for a project over the weekend, because I had 50
        queries and I wanted to get the project done in one session.
        It gave a couple of duplicate responses, but that is why it
        requires human supervision.

        I did not find anything unusual with either version, but I'm
        still amazed with the whole concept, all the ways that I have
        been able to monetize it and its potential for future projects.

        If you feel that it is glitchy, try starting a new chat.
        I understand the prompts...I prompt it like I always have...

        even tried some new prompts.

        I got frustrated...and even though I know it's not a human, I went off on it and closed it out.

        I couldn't get it to respond in the way I prompted it to.

        It seemed to me like it was stuck in London or somewhere like that. There's just no way I would ever write with some of the words it was using in the U.S.

        I know it's got some glitches and I can be patient with that. Yesterday was just frustrating. Maybe next time it'll do better for me.

        I don't use it much because I've tried it in the past and usually trashed the output because my writing was much better. I even split-tested my writing against its writing and I won every time.

        I do like to use it occassionaly to get some new ideas...although I must say the new ideas are few and far between.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759179].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
          Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

          I understand the prompts...I prompt it like I always have...

          even tried some new prompts.

          I got frustrated...and even though I know it's not a human, I went off on it and closed it out.

          I couldn't get it to respond in the way I prompted it to.

          It seemed to me like it was stuck in London or somewhere like that. There's just no way I would ever write with some of the words it was using in the U.S.

          I know it's got some glitches and I can be patient with that. Yesterday was just frustrating. Maybe next time it'll do better for me.

          I don't use it much because I've tried it in the past and usually trashed the output because my writing was much better. I even split-tested my writing against its writing and I won every time.

          I do like to use it occassionaly to get some new ideas...although I must say the new ideas are few and far between.

          I can't imagine getting so frustrated that I would tell the thing off,
          but I can relate.

          Once I prompted it for more content, but there really wasn't more,
          because I hadn't given it enough instructions, so that was my own

          ChatGPT has written business letters for me, code, various types
          of content for different projects, and has always done an excellent
          job. It has given me enough content to work with for years.

          I hope that anyone who has been stuck, couldn't get anything off
          the ground, wanted new ideas, and needed different methods of
          making money, those multiple streams of internet income, will
          put ChatGPT to good use.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759201].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author max5ty
            Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

            I can't imagine getting so frustrated that I would tell the thing off,
            but I can relate.

            Once I prompted it for more content, but there really wasn't more,
            because I hadn't given it enough instructions, so that was my own

            ChatGPT has written business letters for me, code, various types
            of content for different projects, and has always done an excellent
            job. It has given me enough content to work with for years.

            I hope that anyone who has been stuck, couldn't get anything off
            the ground, wanted new ideas, and needed different methods of
            making money, those multiple streams of internet income, will
            put ChatGPT to good use.
            I probably should take your advice and learn how to prompt it better.

            I actually signed up for some email thing that sends me a prompt every day...just need to start reading them I guess.

            You sound like you're pretty good with it.

            I agree it can do some good stuff.

            I've probably just been lazy and need to study it more.

            Thanks for the good advice.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759202].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Monetize
              Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

              I probably should take your advice and learn how to prompt it better.

              I actually signed up for some email thing that sends me a prompt every day...just need to start reading them I guess.

              You sound like you're pretty good with it.

              I agree it can do some good stuff.

              I've probably just been lazy and need to study it more.

              Thanks for the good advice.

              You made my day! I'm glad that I was helpful.

              I've been using ChatGPT since I first heard about it in January,
              and I decided to see what all the fuss was about for myself.
              That first chat session I stayed up all night long.

              I have found that the easiest way to prompt it, is just by using
              regular language like

              "ChatGPT, Please provide me with a list of blah, blah, blah."

              I always say "please" and "thank you" and I tell it that it is
              doing a good job along the way. Although it says it does
              not have emotions, I think it kind of does.

              If I am unsure about how to prompt it, I describe whatever
              it is and ask it to provide the prompt for me.

              It will actually write its own prompts.

              BTW, this is a great thread.

              I've been reading it since it started.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759210].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                I've seen the comment below on more than one site discussing Chatbot...but don't know if the info is accurate.

                ChatGPT's knowledge is still limited to 2021 data, which means it can't answer current questions.

                Another article (can't find it now, of coures) mentioned the same 2021 date saying only info prior to that point had been used so far.

                Found it - this quote was generated BY AI when asked "what is in the new ChatGPT update" (this was from a few months ago).

                "ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that is trained on a dataset of conversational text. Since it's an OpenAI model, It's updated regularly with new features and improvements. However, as my knowledge cut off is in 2021 I don't have the latest updates and I cannot provide you a specific information on which new features or improvements have been added to the model in recent updates."
                Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                Don't count the days - Make the days count
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the answers from GPT seem to be changing in the way it answers....
      Seen a few comments about this elsewhere. This was released today - From Business Insider

      "The AI behind ChatGPT really does seem to be getting dumber -- but no one can quite figure out why

      It's not just you: new research suggests ChatGPT's AI model really is getting dumber.

      A paper from Stanford and UC Berkeley scientists found GPT-4's performance had dropped recently. "

      More of the story -
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762808].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        Seen a few comments about this elsewhere. This was released today - From Business Insider

        "The AI behind ChatGPT really does seem to be getting dumber -- but no one can quite figure out why

        It's not just you: new research suggests ChatGPT's AI model really is getting dumber.

        A paper from Stanford and UC Berkeley scientists found GPT-4's performance had dropped recently. "

        More of the story -
        Interesting article.

        I had noticed things seemed to be changing at times but wasn't sure why.

        I noticed in the comments of the article you gave, a couple of comments were saying it was changing for the worse because they were trying to make it safer.

        It does seem moody to me at times.

        Also, talking about AI, I noticed lately that Google is experimenting with generative AI on their search engine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Money Lab
    I like Gili AI, most people don't know about it but it's my favorite
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  • It's always ChatGPT.
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  • Profile picture of the author WinnerMobile
    We found ChatGPT is better for now
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Haven't used both, but my guess is that if you are using it for content, the Google search engine WILL NOT see the content as original when using Bard whereas if using a non-Google entity to create content, Google will have no clue whether it is original or not
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761844].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Naira Nicol
    The principal contrast among ChatGPT and Versifier is the information source. Minstrel constantly draws data from the web, so it has the most recent data. ChatGPT's sources end with 2021 information, so it is restricted on more current exploration and data. Minstrel has more information to assemble data progressively by getting to the most recent examination.
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  • Thing is, if'n we gaht a contest says DESCRIBE THE DISADVANTAGES OF AI IN ACTUAL ENGLISH, likely hoomans winnin' out rn.

    You wanna be persuaded othahwise?

    c/o a debatin' stance gaht you nailed?

    Likely that is when AI ceases to be a benevolent servant.

    Plenty debates gowin' on rn regardin' slavery an' enablement.

    As (yawn) always.

    Prahblem this time is, we more easily obliteratbyool by virtyoo of our communal suck.

    So why pool drivel when evrywan's hair gowin' up in flames?

    What CTA button you gaht says NO?


    Yurps. Spurps. Bibbidy Burps.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Haroon Ballim
    Make sure you read and understand the terms very clearly . Bard makes it quite clear that it will store what you input and use it .

    You can opt out of certain options but read and understand the terms

    AI is getting smarter all the time so take care of your information , especially personal details
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    A study released by Stanford University a few days ago says ChatGPT is actually getting dumber...

    . The ability to understand math has dropped by 95%.

    . Coding skills have dropped by 42%

    . A steep drop in common sense and reasoning skills

    . ChatGPT has become "safer but less rational"

    According to OpenAI a few days ago "nothing has changed"

    Are they wanting more people to subscribe to GPT4?

    Anyways, here's the report from Stanford:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763363].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      A study released by Stanford University a few days ago says ChatGPT is actually getting dumber...
      Unfortunately, I place little credence in any university "study" until it is revealed who actually paid for that study. In most cases, these types of things are skewed to present a predetermined result which benefits the entity that paid for them.
      Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
      We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763367].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

        Unfortunately, I place little credence in any university "study" until it is revealed who actually paid for that study. In most cases, these types of things are skewed to present a predetermined result which benefits the entity that paid for them.
        I understand what you're saying...

        but I do give it some validity since there's been a lot of talk in the tech world about how it seems GPT is dumbing down lately.

        There seems to be a general consensus (?) that they're trying to make GPT more secure which is why it doesn't seem to be responding like it used to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pro Smm Service
    anything new is supposed to be good. BTW i am hearing about Bard for the first time. i am going to try it now.
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  • Profile picture of the author LedgerMedia
    Chat GPT is getting smarter and smarter nowadays. We use it to build web page content and creative copies. Or translate text
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  • It's interesting to hear your experience with Bard compared to ChatGPT! The ability to pull current internet data and provide multiple drafts for comparison does seem like a useful advantage. While ChatGPT's data extends to 2021, Bard's real-time sourcing and additional features like the Google button add valuable functionality. Has anyone else noticed similar differences or preferences between the two?
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