Can AI Help in Content Creation Really?

95 replies
It is very much believed that artificial intelligence can assist in content creation for marketers. How should I use AI for creating content for my email newsletters? Does it really save my time? Experts say that one need not even check the validity of content once AI does its work.
#content #creation
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Suggest you read the two sticky posts at the top of this forum section.

    "Experts say" you don't even have to check the A.I. content. You may need better experts. A.I. can be a great tool but there are AI detection sites and I think some marketers will end up damaging their lists and their blogs trying to do too much 'the easy way'.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by prasanth1964 View Post

    It is very much believed that artificial intelligence can assist in content creation for marketers. How should I use AI for creating content for my email newsletters? Does it really save my time? Experts say that one need not even check the validity of content once AI does its work.

    If you are sending general marketing emails, ChatGPT
    can do a great job for you.

    I would recommend that you get a ChatGPT account and
    try it for yourself.

    You need to learn how to prompt it to write a certain way.
    It will write "human" but you need to give it very specific
    instructions, and monitor the outputs.

    I have found a characteristic in its writing that definitely
    indicates the content is AI generated, but you can
    circumvent this.

    I am working on a project now, ChatGPT is writing the
    content for me, in this latest chat it sometimes wrote
    in very technical or scientific terms, so I had to reel it
    back to my original instructions.

    I usually proofread the outputs and edit where I think
    it is necessary, but it depends on what the content will
    be used for, sometimes I don't bother because it does
    not matter as much.

    For example, I put ChatGPT content on my websites,
    and I don't really care if the reader thinks it was written
    by AI. It is high-quality content, and if somebody wants
    to sit there and analyze it, it does not matter to me.

    Anyway, you are only going to find out whether it works
    for you, if you try it for yourself, instead of asking other
    people what they think about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Thad Whitley
      ChatGPT is hyper-aware (I won't say woke) and always begins with some sort of disclaimer before it gives any information, and that can get old because you can talk to it like you would another person and it's like they are always apologizing. You are right, it can be very useful for writing creatively, which is exactly what content writers are sought after. But it is no more than a tool and in the right hands it can be used to great effect. I am almost finished with a 25,000 word romantic novel I could not have written without ChatGPT
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    • Profile picture of the author bulkcheapservice
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      • Profile picture of the author NetMan
        Originally Posted by bulkcheapservice View Post

        I was always curious how will people think if they find out all my writing are AI generated. After having your thought I think i should not put that much of focus on that.
        I guess there should be a difference between "AI generated content" and content written with AI assistance using the REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE to do so.

        The thing is, AI is already at a level where those who use it with wisdom and responsibly and smartly, will soon overcome and leave behind those who decide "to not put that much focus on that" for now.

        Get informed everywhere possible about all the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly sides of AI and LEARN all you can, and THEN decide if you will or not, or if it's worth it or not to be used in and for your business. Don't count only on "knowledge" found in this forum to make a decision.

        Never forget that YOUR intelligence is NOT artificial.

        IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well yea it can help you to create content but if you plan to create quality content then you should not focus on AI
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    • Profile picture of the author Stella Warren
      I agree as AI can deliver us plenty of content but for quality we have to rely on human creativity. AI can give idea on only existing content available on Web but cannot make it's own new and creative content.

      AI will save your time once you give prompt what you want in your newsletters. But if you want effective result I would recommend you to take few ideas from AI and then build on it and create your own new ideas and make your own content.

      As much content will be unique you will get more impression and engagement on your content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I put ChatGPT content on my websites,
    and I don't really care if the reader thinks it was written
    by AI. It is high-quality content, and if somebody wants
    to sit there and analyze it, it does not matter to me.

    It seems to be working well for you - and frankly probably produced better content than some posting here... but...your reader is dealing with AI generated content. Will be interesting to see if it works long term. Will people stay on a list if they learn the content is AI generated? Will they return to a site where the 'person' giving advice/info is not human? I don't know but I expect we will find out in time.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author prasanth1964
      This is what is running in my mind. What if my list members come to know that the content is not created by a human? It is a good point you made!

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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      It seems to be working well for you - and frankly probably produced better content than some posting here... but...your reader is dealing with AI generated content. Will be interesting to see if it works long term. Will people stay on a list if they learn the content is AI generated? Will they return to a site where the 'person' giving advice/info is not human? I don't know but I expect we will find out in time.

      Hello Miss Kay!

      My sites are authority websites built for affiliate marketing
      purposes. Say for example it is a travel site, and I want to
      develop content about some location, Hawaii for example,
      ChatGPT could write things about Hawaii, in the blink of an
      eye, that would take me days to research and write about.

      ChatGPT will write about its history, people, food, climate,
      and on and on. It writes about things that most people
      probably wouldn't think to write about.

      Sometimes it gets too advanced, it might describe the
      molecular structure of lava rock, or it might tell you how
      long it takes a coconut to ripen and fall off the tree, and
      those are things I delete, because it is too farfetched to
      think someone would actually write about such obscure

      People on here saying that the thing does not produce
      quality content either haven't used it, don't know how to
      use it, or don't know what they are talking about.

      I have heard that most people will be using AI to develop
      content, but there will always be holdouts that want to
      do everything themselves.

      Kind of like the ones that would rather wash their clothes
      down by the river with an old-timey washboard instead
      of just putting them in a clothes washer.

      You are correct that time will tell about all of this AI
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      • Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

        Hello Miss Kay!
        Prizin' Miss Kaysie

        Your Ultimate Movie Synopsis!

        From her eyrie in the stars, Miss Kaysie commands total respect, yet wishes for personal & tangible reward.

        tbh it is the Rapunzel ishoo, so you gotta be real pernickety 'bout lay down of your hayer.

        "So, am I redundant now in this script, despite I won like Oscars," says Morgan Freeman.

        "I believe Princess was merely being succinct before you presented yourself as an inconsequential interlude," replies Tarantino. "In my version of your movie, you crash your employer into a tree, and your corpses are ravaged by Satanist hordes clad in Andy Warhol T shirts."

        HEY, guys, guys, guys!

        (There now follows an inevitabyool Makin' Up To Moi scenario wherein Tarantiino an' Freeman combat out their intrinsic valyoo to the planet while takin' on similarly voluble contribyootions from Uma Thurman, Jaunt Whydontcha, an' anywan played Batman recently. tbh our very days are now consoomed by preoccupations beyond eternal inconsequence!)

        Anyways, I demand a Miss Kaysie movie.

        Resta the WF mods in on this?

        Bcs yanno, I see sidekick kudos flowin' out like effusive squoit offa a dolphin's blowpipe!

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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        • Profile picture of the author mreed
          ...can someone translate for me? lol
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          • Profile picture of the author Monetize
            Originally Posted by mreed View Post

            ...can someone translate for me? lol

            A.I. = Artificial Intelligence

            Please post your specific questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author drwnrz
    So far I've used ChatGPT for idea and outline generation...not actual writing. I have played around with its writing capabilities...but 99% of the time I find that the quality is nowhere near what I could write.

    Also, in most cases, using ChatGPT actually wastes more time. You spend more time prompting...fine tuning prompts...editing, etc....

    When that time could be better used just writing from your actual knowledge and skills. It's an effective tool no doubt. But one that should enhance what you can already do...not replace it.
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by drwnrz View Post

      So far I've used ChatGPT for idea and outline generation...not actual writing. I have played around with its writing capabilities...but 99% of the time I find that the quality is nowhere near what I could write.

      Also, in most cases, using ChatGPT actually wastes more time. You spend more time prompting...fine tuning prompts...editing, etc....

      When that time could be better used just writing from your actual knowledge and skills. It's an effective tool no doubt. But one that should enhance what you can already do...not replace it.
      That's interesting points you bring here.

      Indeed, one of the most powerful features of this thing is to help developing IDEAS and plans and outlines etc. Yes, but much much more than that. In fact it can definitively becomes a real personal assistant and accomplish many tasks. Only, of course you need to LEARN how.

      So, you're right one can also waste much time, and likely more than writing the content oneself, trying to "deal" with the AI Agent. That is because the art of prompting, which consist in adequately and effectively instruct the AI Agent to produce exactly what you want, is not something that comes naturally to everyone. You need to engage in a certain learning curve of "prompt engineering" before getting viable results.

      Ironically, the fact is you need to have singular communications skills in reading and writing to become a perfect "prompt engineer".

      Now, this is where comes a new generation of APPS called AI generator. At the time of this writing there already is more than a thousand of these apps available online as SaaS targeted to business people to use as a tool to help them create content, and that includes text, images, audio and videos (yes, absolutely) without any knowledge of "prompt engineering". These apps comes pre-loaded with tasks and content generation of all kinds prompts to which the user can use to create what's needed without even knowing what "prompting" means.

      So, that means that like anything new and powerful we must either LEARN to use and take advantage of it, or use tools that will do the trick for us, or even hire a prompt engineer, depending on your needs. I saw salary offers of up to US$300k per year for a prompt engineer.

      Eventually, the apps will become developed to a level that even "prompt engineering" and even "prompt engineers" will not be required anymore.

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I will test it to see if it saves me time whilst giving me the ability to increase output and productivity.
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  • Profile picture of the author pondersage
    Absolutely. Tools like ChatGPT, Bard, etc. help you build a content skeleton very quickly and shorten your preparatory research process.
    Example prompt;
    "I want to create an email newsletter for my online footwear brand for Black Friday. I need a CTA text emphasizing 35% discount for today and limited stocks. Create a sample text."
    Output of this prompt;
    "Subject: Exclusive Black Friday Offer: 35% Off Today + Limited Stock!

    (A.I. content deleted by moderator) - please refer to rules.
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  • Profile picture of the author rahulkapoorr
    Yes, AI can indeed help with content creation. With advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, AI tools can generate content, suggest improvements, and automate certain aspects of the writing process. However, human input and editing are still crucial to ensure quality, coherence, and creativity in the final content.
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  • tbh this is a Perpetyool Vomit kinda question.

    An' all depends 'pon the recipient an' the mod as to what happens next.

    Less'n there nuthin' else gowin' on.

    Which most times prolly there ain't.

    Proliferatin' kinda till now in an infinite Caaahsmaahs is such a glitch, I guess.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author NicheNirvana
    You can use AI content but anyone telling you that you can simply press 1 button and get meaningful and valuable content is being dishonest with you.

    You'll need to learn to give it useful prompts, feed it facts and insights, and train it to learn your voice before you start getting anything useful.

    I've used ChatGPT and JasperAI content creation tools for blog posts where it's a simple question and answer piece of content that there's a straight forward answer to.

    In theory that could work for emails too if it's something simple but I don't think your list would get a lot of value from it, they are looking for something unique and with your personality usually.
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  • Profile picture of the author germainmahjub
    You can use tools like chatgpt. Many people are using it for email newsletters also.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Morris
    I have used ChatGPT and I think that it is the best tool to get ideas. I would never recommend relying on the content generated with any AI tool. It is because, sometimes AI gives you wrong facts and information that might harm your credibility among your visitors. With a little bit of your personal editing, you can easily create the best content for any purpose. AI+Human=best results...!
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Heard a podcast a couple of days ago about GPT4. Someone asked it to come up with a recipe for something written by a depressed person.

    It came up with things like:
    softened butter, if you even have the energy to soften it
    vanilla extract, the fake artificial flavor of happiness

    It's a very interesting pod cast... read or listen to it...

    It will convince you beyond the shadow of the doubt that artificial intelligence can help with content creation... assuming you ask interesting questions.

    Note, in this example, the input was not: gimme a creme brulee recipe but gimme... in a depressed tone.

    The podcast was about whether AI is actually intelligent. Spends some time describing how it works (trained to come up with the most likely word based on the words that occurred before) but goes into much more... It seems it can draw a unicorn (like a 5 year old, but unicorn nonetheless... Know which part of a unicorn drawing is the head and much, much more).

    Here's the link to a transcript of the program (It's Ira Glass's American Life on NPR).

    Originally Posted by prasanth1964 View Post

    It is very much believed that artificial intelligence can assist in content creation for marketers. How should I use AI for creating content for my email newsletters? Does it really save my time? Experts say that one need not even check the validity of content once AI does its work.
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    • Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      gimme a creme brulee
      So here is where my datin' brain kicks in.

      I a slave, or what?

      Or an infinitely exotic juicah gonna drown out yr cries for nuthin' else?

      Likely those are the optschwaahns always.

      Less'n you ordah 2 or more crème brûûaizement kinda schwango.

      OK, 7, bcs it is a magical numbah.

      Anyways, bell rings, an' I hear, "It is Benedict. Do I have your permission to come up?"

      I say, "you gaht the broolay?"

      Natchrly the internashnl supahstar of stage an' screen is more than adrimably equipped with a selection of yummy cremmo-centric deliciousness he can fling to his heart's content 'pon my discreetly bared bosom.

      So, yeah, I invite the guy up.

      "You gaht a dedicated catapult for alla the broolay-2-boobie actschwaahn, or do I gotta jus' lie down on muh fayvrit rug while you unload it from outta a bucket?"

      It is at this point that Benedict experiences a CRISIS MOMENT.

      "Princess," he gasps, "how could you ever presume that I would brûlé upon your person by virtue of a bucket when I know what you demand of me is nothing less than my very soul?"


      Ha! Despite the guy's faux deference, turns out he PREPARED.

      "Lemme lay down on my side," I say. "Bcs intrinsically easieah to hit."

      Several moments pass while Cumberbatch perfects his catapult aim on my TV, plus also a signed photo of Brad Pitt I turned round bcs I no longah considah his teeth exotic.

      Then, lookin' like Dr Strange an' Sherlock combined, plus also that cowboy who died, The Dickster tossed the crème my way, right offa the expertise he gaht gowin' with his catapultin' instrooment.

      "Hey, you hit me in the mouth, bab," I say. "Canya angle sweetah so this entire scenario be better framed as the prelood to romance an' naht simply smut?"

      Evah the consummate Avengah, B.C. executes a sublime ONE-TWO shot direct to my brooley-centric areahs, plus an extra move whooshies me way out back an' I gaht no idea what happened.

      He's cool that way, an' when we talked aftah 'bout life an' stuff, he said sumthin' trooly profound.

      "Lana Del Rey lives only for chocolate. And Harry Styles prefers suppositories to catapults. Which is why I love being with you most of all, O Princess."

      Yeah, but then he left ... walked back to his movie life ... leavin' me with brool all ovah my boobies an' tears in my heart.

      Gotta figure I a gal with squidos I could lick it all off musself.

      As it is, I gotta spoon the fkr.

      Yanno bcs no towel would debase the whole experience.

      Anyways, we meetin' up in Octobah for pilchards.

      Naht boobies this time, jus' laid out on my back to Anton Bruckner with (an' I quote) "the tweezers of a diva long dead, but never forgotten."

      Let's hope I can get to that moment before I flood evryplace I walk with my anticipatory passion!

      Tellya, I jus' ruined a decent paira slacks forevah simply postin'!

      How crool the flow of the inevitabyool ...

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author NicheNirvana
    One good thing ChatGPT can do (and probably some other tools) is help you speed up research and gathering information as you can just ask it specific questions and it brings back the info (hopefully reliable - it isn't always).

    That's typically much quicker than you doing it manually and quicker + cheaper than using a freelancer to gather it.

    But ChatGPT also is known to make up information and provide inaccurate information at times, so be cautious of that.

    Some examples of ways you can use it is by asking it things like...

    1. In a blog post about TOPIC what are the main points I should cover?
    2. If I wrote about TOPIC then what should the main headers and sub-headers be?
    3. Suggest me 10 headline ideas for a blog post / email / social media post on the topic of X
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

    Well .... if you plan to create quality content then you should not focus on AI
    Curious, how much time have you actually spent working with Ai?

    Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

    People on here saying that the thing does not produce
    quality content either haven't used it, don't know how to
    use it, or don't know what they are talking about.
    Add in some that may not know what ai tools are out there. Just this thread is limited to mostly Chat or Chat GPT--no mentions of Bard, Jenni Ai, or several others.

    Speaking to the Original Poster, do you know (from Forbes) " A recent Semrush survey showed that 48% of companies today are using AI tools " That means approximately half of your competition is already using ai. You might want to read this article for more information. The Forbes article even gives a list of ai tools that are available, not mentioned above.

    Maybe that will help you decide what tools to use to you speed up your time. Plus you can ask ai to give you some information that you can rewrite, to produce better e-mails.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      Add in some that may not know what ai tools are out there. Just this thread is limited to mostly Chat or Chat GPT--no mentions of Bard, Jenni Ai, or several others.

      I referenced ChatGPT because it seems to be
      the main AI that people are familiar with, but I
      have tried a couple of the other ones.

      Jasper has prompts and templates and it is built
      on ChatGPT, but I don't like the way it performs.
      I especially did not like how they kept reminding
      me of all that I was missing by not subscribing
      to their more expensive option.

      I have also used Bard and Bing, text to image,
      and text to video/animations. I love making the
      AI animations, they are so much fun to make
      and watch.

      Of all the AI systems that I have tried, ChatGPT
      is my favorite. I use it on a daily basis, I always
      have some problem or question and use it for
      working on my various projects or whatever I
      ask it to do.

      One of my favorite things it does is summarize
      books. You can just tell it the title, and perhaps
      the author, and it gives you the main points of
      a book you don't have time to read.
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  • This has really helped us in our (link deleted per forum rules) business. We create a lot of content from AI and it is the way forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author NicheNirvana
    Even though AI is not the 1 click solution to all things marketing just yet the reality is if we don't all embrace it in some form or another in our business and work life we WILL be left behind.

    The tools are only going to keep on getting better, faster, and cheaper and those who figure out how to use them effectively will be more productive, can scale up faster, produce mass output (content etc) and when it finally reaches the point where everyone is using it to improve their workflow and you're not...'ll get left behind!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kuljeet Singh
    According to google official now even google accepts the use of a.i in the content creation. So i think that yes ai can help in content creation. [link removed by moderator]
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    What I'm trying to get clear in MY mind...

    I hear about how great GPT is for writing content.

    So, I'm wondering since GPT is free and more and more people are slowly (some quicker) catching on to what it does, and in another year or so everyone will probably be familiar with it...

    why would anyone need to read articles that are written by AI when they can just go to it themselves and ask it to do a whole lesson on whatever they want to learn about?

    This goes back to the point I've made a few times...people will still want original content. Content that the writer has lived and knows about. Those original writers will be the ones that will still have followers.

    GPT is really putting most of the content writers out of business simply because people can ask GPT their own questions without having to read a million articles that were written by AI. As I said, eventually everyone will realize that.

    The world will always want original thinkers.

    Just my thoughts. Maybe I'm overlooking something here...

    If you're going to do something, yes, AI can help, but writing whole articles without a good dose of originality?

    We still need originality.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      So, I'm wondering since GPT is free and more and more people are slowly (some quicker) catching on to what it does, and in another year or so everyone will probably be familiar with it...

      why would anyone need to read articles that are written by AI when they can just go to it themselves and ask it to do a whole lesson on whatever they want to learn about?

      Humans are LAZY. It's just human nature.

      They would rather buy an ebook, read some website,
      or watch a video that has all the information they are
      looking for, rather than go to ChatGPT and enter

      Look at some of the commenters here and elsewhere
      that haven't even tried an A.I. yet, for various reasons.

      Or the ones that ask questions about whether the
      thing can produce a TOC or outline. There will always
      be those that make excuses about everything.

      If people that are supposedly internet marketers are
      too lazy to work with ChatGPT, then ordinary people
      just looking for information probably won't want to be
      bothered with it either.

      There are people who are too lazy to copy and paste
      content from ChatGPT into another software. That's
      why they stay broke.

      They are the same ones that come here year after
      year to ask "how can I make money online?"

      As to originality, you can still add your own flair to
      ChatGPT's outputs. Or just use it for research and
      write from that.

      All I know is, if I need 20,000 words in a hurry, I'm
      using ChatGPT for it.
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    • Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      What I'm trying to get clear in MY mind...

      I hear about how great GPT is for writing content.

      So, I'm wondering since GPT is free and more and more people are slowly (some quicker) catching on to what it does, and in another year or so everyone will probably be familiar with it...

      why would anyone need to read articles that are written by AI when they can just go to it themselves and ask it to do a whole lesson on whatever they want to learn about?

      This goes back to the point I've made a few times...people will still want original content. Content that the writer has lived and knows about. Those original writers will be the ones that will still have followers.

      GPT is really putting most of the content writers out of business simply because people can ask GPT their own questions without having to read a million articles that were written by AI. As I said, eventually everyone will realize that.

      The world will always want original thinkers.

      Just my thoughts. Maybe I'm overlooking something here...

      If you're going to do something, yes, AI can help, but writing whole articles without a good dose of originality?

      We still need originality.
      As mortals, how may we dom without also becomin' sub?

      Yanno, bcs nowan can nevah know an' do evrythin'.

      We are forevah partial in our potential consumption, I guess.

      Plus also limited in our catalytic potential also.

      So you would want to imbibe qualitystuffs always c/o yr various imbibotoobs.

      My prahblem with AI is how it offahs immediacy of facility an' diminishes likely eternality of whatevah.

      Think 'bout datin'.

      The more the guy sittin' opposite in the bar squoits alla the surefire lines in yr face, the more you wanna flee -- or ordah instant delivery of sum nutcrackin' wrench while pruttendin' to text yr bestie 'bout how you jus' met THE ONE.

      Discernable flavah is always preferable to indiscriminate blancmange.

      That is why the undiscernin' OK with blancmange.

      The convenience of instantaneousness is mostly an illusion.

      We see it in plastic, food additives, all kindsa stuffs, heralded once as early adoptah shoutouts our current mass XP would wanna hindsight to kinda shit.

      This mean progress is inevitably stoopid?

      As your hearstily abominabyool princess, I would love so much for all hooman flavah to flow.

      So my thoughts 'bout AI remain kinda how they been for sum time.

      It is kinda universally anodyne in a way you would nevah want to become the norm.

      Anodynimity ain't polyunlimity in my book, tellya.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    @ Monetize -

    Thank you for your comment.

    I believe AI can assist...but I was mainly referring to those that sit back and pump out whole articles without having any idea about the subject they're writing about.

    I know very little about cryptocurrency.

    However, I could sit down and have a whole article printed out by AI that explained everything about cryptocurrency and make it sound like I was an expert...

    would someone buy from me? Maybe, but right now we're in the foggy stage of AI where the majority of people are still unclear what GPT will actually do. That will be changing quickly.

    People will begin to realize a lot of the stuff out there is pumped out by AI and will look for those that have actual experience with what they're talking about. They'll want someone that can show they've got experience with cryptocurrency. They'll want someone that can relate real stories about their experience with cryptocurrency.

    Now, if I was a cryptocurrency expert and used AI to give me tips on writing an article...that would be different and acceptable.

    My point is, I'm seeing people pump out article after article about everything from cats to quantum physics and haven't the slightest clue about the subject. They're running an article mill thinking they could make a buck or two...

    and I'm saying that soon the general population will be able to see right through the nonsense.

    My belief is that creativity will win in the long run because as much as some want to believe most people are too ignorant to see through their AI-generated article about something they have no clue about...I believe people will become smarter about the nonsense the more they learn about AI.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    @ max5ty

    I think that you are referring to "crap" but it's
    no different now, than when content creators
    were using article spinners or running other
    people's articles through translators to come
    up with new content.

    The end result was garbage and you could
    detect it after reading the first sentence.

    I don't need to tell you that you can't control
    what other people publish online, there will
    always be garbage on the internet.

    As to crypto, I probably couldn't write much
    about it, but I would trust ChatGPT to.

    I won't belabor my thoughts on its output,
    although I just (last night) developed a brand
    new proprietary method for creating content
    with it. I believe that it ensures original and
    high quality writing, and I am going to put it
    to the test when I submit the content for
    publication in a few days. It'll be reviewed
    by others, and then I will know for sure.

    As always, I enjoy your enlightening posts
    and I wish you all the best.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760980].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author oceanlogpig
    AI is a game-changer when it comes to content creation for your email newsletters. But there are some limitations.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I found it interesting that the Screen Writers Guild (on strike for several weeks now) and the Actors Guild (which may go on strike this week) both focus some of their demands on Artificial Intelligence.

    I understand why they are against having A.I. used in their industry - but seems like a thumb in a dike, doesn't it?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760998].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I found it interesting that the Screen Writers Guild (on strike for several weeks now) and the Actors Guild (which may go on strike this week) both focus some of their demands on Artificial Intelligence.

      I understand why they are against having A.I. used in their industry - but seems like a thumb in a dike, doesn't it?

      I have used ChatGPT for scriptwriting and it does
      an excellent job. These were just short scripts for
      videos around 5 minutes long, not as elaborate as
      a television production but I wouldn't be surprised
      if people are using it for that.

      I haven't done any screenwriting but I asked if
      it does that and it explained the process to me.
      Screenplays are very involved.

      A.I. will definitely have an impact on the content
      used in the entertainment industry.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rully
    I recommend you guys to read about AI Prompt Engineering.

    ChatGPT, as well as the other AI text generators, are conversational, not creative.
    That is why the text provided by AI, in its raw form, is not appropriate to use for content creation purposes.
    To make the AI produce human level writing, there are some steps to follow in the prompts we offer, and these were mentioned in the article above.

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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    You can use Chatgpt for pretty much everything when it comes to running an online business.

    Especially if you have the right prompts, which I use AIPRM for.

    ChatGPT saves me tons of time and 10x my productivity.

    As far as content goes, Google has already stated they do not care if the content was created by a human or an AI as long as it is helpful and unique.
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    @ Princess -

    I have nothing against AI.

    But, the articles I see written have no emotional connection to the reader. They're facts, statistics, and other robotic fill in.

    I've done articles about diseases that had the readers crying...articles that had the reader wanting to hit the buy button before they were done...

    articles for food delivery that were comical and ended up getting so many subscribers the company was sold for millions. AI can't do that.

    I read a couple of forums on Reddit where people are talking about how they can now produce a ton of articles a week. And? Is anyone buying what you're selling? I doubt it... any more than were buying the spin articles that used to be turned out.

    There's so much nonsense going on with the giddy excitement about AI turning out articles in mass. The fact still's the money they're making that matters...and most still aren't making any.

    AI can let someone on the other side of the world write an article on anything and pass it off as professional knowledge...

    I'm saying that as more people become familiar with AI they'll realize the scam that's taking place.

    AI has no emotion connected to it. You've still have to know how to connect with people.

    As I said, we're in the 'giddy' stage of AI where people are happy they can mass produce articles...but who really cares? I guess to some making $100 a week is good...they're the type that sings the praises of AI doing mass articles.

    I love AI for the advances it's making in science and medicine...they're amazing.

    The fly-by-night article writers that are looking to make a couple bucks a month are hilarious in my opinion.

    I believe within the next year we'll see the nonwriters who rely on AI fade away.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan129
    I used AI for content creation (link deleted per forum rules) and it turned out pretty well.I definitely recommend using AI not just for content creation but for marketing as well
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  • Profile picture of the author joycedaniels
    It certainly help content creators but yet the content won't be always facts-driven. The personal touch we can give, AI wont be able to. That's the experience I got from my latest project (promotional text deleted)
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by joycedaniels View Post

      It certainly help content creators but yet the content won't be always facts-driven. ...
      For instance, with the actual "AI craze" things goes so fast that it evolves almost by the hour. For ChatGPT, there now exists a multitude of absolutely amazing PLUGINS that can be added to ChatGPT (pro users only) and greatly enhance how it's used and what you can do with it. And, as a matter of fact, one plugin is to allow GPT to go online to read and MAKE RESEARCHES for you, and also you can specifically prompt it to "MAKE SURE FACTS in the results are VERIFIED and ACTUAL" ...

      Originally Posted by joycedaniels View Post

      The personal touch we can give, AI wont be able to.
      That is the part I strongly believe will never change and will still be the most important of all.

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762385].message }}
      • Quickly ansering the question: Yes, among other tasks. And here's how I look at this:

        Imagine you have a bot that profoundly understands [ or at least seem to ] natural language questions, such as something like (this isn't a prompt that I'd use):

        "Write 0 and nothing else if [ input_data ] makes sense based on [ my_parameters ]. Otherwise, write 1 and nothing else."

        Now imagine you also have other tools, such as something that gives you programmatic ways to:

        * Supply info and parameters;
        * Harvest, analyze and sanitize your target results from your target types of repositories;
        * Gather, analyze and sanitize your target data from your target communities; and
        * Use info and do something ...

        "If 0, write code in [ my_language ] and run it to follow [ my_instructions ] to produce [ the_stuff_I_want ]. Otherwise, ignore and proceed to next item."

        Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
        • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
        • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        It's kinda fun to think that even in just some small way, AI programs are currently being trained on the writings of the Princess.

        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

          It's kinda fun to think that even in just some small way, AI programs are currently being trained on the writings of the Princess.
          Not quite there, last time Bard had no information. Now "..... Princess Balestra..... she is a very real and important figure in the world ...... She represents the woman who is confident, stylish, and always ready to turn heads."

          Quote modified from Bard Ai ;>)
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  • Profile picture of the author sumitnirala
    It's a good idea to get some new ideas and new ways to write content with the help of AI. AI can suggest you different ideas and different variations of the content. Just use AI to explore more about your topics and start writing yourself. But, also be double sure by checking the other sources too before believing the AI content.
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  • Profile picture of the author maruxz
    Let me chare my experience.

    ChatGPT and other tools are great in writing informational stuff. If you write something like encyclopedia, thats great tool.

    Fiction really s@#$ks (forgive my lexics, ChatGPT couln not use such expressions ever without urging several times).

    ChatGPT cannot write good intro and summary. So if you write an article for media or blog, be prepared to suffer and spend some time rewriting intros and summaries. In most cases they are very similar, just reworded.

    As you have probably noticed, I am not native English speaker. ChatGPT is weak in my native language. The level is like 8-9 grade student in high school. My son writes better essays with less mistakes.

    Language is a live thing, it has intonation, style, specific punctuation habits of a writer. Unfortunately, AI tools still cannot do that. If you need SEO texts - it is ideal tool, but people already start to understand, which text is written by human and which one by AI tools like ChatGPT.
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  • My six cents, get content from AI using creative queries, idea is to get genuine content bits. Then ask content editor to weave, edit and proof read it.
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  • So here is the question.

    You commanded AI (bcs you in control) to generate the ultimate skyscrapah article on orgasmin' till'n your eyes fly outta yr skullscape.

    An' then you read it.

    An' it is kinda mechanical soundin', kinda cold.

    Way too much repetition & naht so much gettin' to the point.

    Gush of theoretical aptitood but diminished liquids.

    So what is the next step?

    Bcs the editah from Juice My Flaps Out magazine DEMANDS a surefire zingah for their audience.

    "The facts are here, babe, but I'm not inspired to bring myself off at random on presentation of the first 3 paragraphs -- let alone the conclusion."

    So who we callin' in to sort this?

    Gotta hope the AI guys figure a kinda Tidy This Shit Up intelligence to get in there an' put evrythin' straight aftah the EZ Shit intelligence poked its fingah in evry hole an' came up with nuthin' yummy soundin'.

    Kinda ... AI 2.


    Your AI Guide To Why You Should Be Incinerated On Sight
    For Leaking Fluids That Could Potentially Stop Digitally-centric Tech From Functioning

    Yeah, so, OK ...

    Can we get right back to basics here?

    Like a zucchini or sumthin'?

    etc etc

    Princess Balestra is not affiliated with any AI tech company, nor does she seek to promote their glories. If you feel you have been influenced into purchasing an AI solution for your business, family, or iguana hobby as a direct result of acting upon her proclamations -- and your entire life nosedives in the process -- remembah always how you naht intrinsically a moron. Won't save your ass, but it kinda makes the days less intolerable.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author edenwheeler
    Well, yes. it is really used for content creation and content is also unique and informative. It's really amazing.
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  • Profile picture of the author SemWerf3
    Might not be doing too badly. What's important is that this content is controlled. I, for example, use it for blogging. I can write a 100-word post, for example, and artificial intelligence will supplement it with less significant information. But if you ask it to write a post completely, you have to double-check the veracity of that data. We should not forget about simple human communication between blogger and readers.
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  • Profile picture of the author CYBORG ELON
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    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Altman
      Much like Lay's potato chips people have a very hard time eating just one. Take this AI content to its logical conclusion.

      You have a store and I have a store. We both need to rank our stores and the best way to do that is content.

      I start using AI to create three articles a week, while YOU are writing all of your own by hand. Very quickly you see your site losing keywords and traffic. You need to do something quick.

      Your solution is to fight fire with fire. You will write six articles a week to make up the difference and to give yourself the edge. IT WORKS!!! You quickly make up the deficit AND dominate me and others in search.

      I have to respond. AI makes it very easy to create 20 articles a week, but they start to get sloppy because editing them is a chore. GOOGLE begins to take notice and creates an update that penalizes you for dropping AI content on your site.

      I have PERSONAL experience in this EXACT scenario. AI for content creation is a VERY BAD IDEA. You do YOU though. I have already gained 100's of places in search for keywords that I was not even going for because my competition decided to do foolish things to their business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wayne Altman
    I would caution anyone using AI to create content. Are you using AI to come up with ideas, or are you pasting AI generated blog posts to your money site or on any page you want to keep ranking for?

    A company I worked for recently lost their money site, AND an entire 10-website PBN because one of the managers thought it would be ok to dump articles on the blog page. Within seconds their $10k a month domain was NUKED and unavailable via search. This was a teeth whitening company that had 200+ thousand visits a month. GONE...

    Be VERY careful about putting non-human generated content on ANY site you want to keep.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762257].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by Wayne Altman View Post

      I would caution anyone using AI to create content. Are you using AI to come up with ideas, or are you pasting AI generated blog posts to your money site or on any page you want to keep ranking for?

      A company I worked for recently lost their money site, AND an entire 10-website PBN because one of the managers thought it would be ok to dump articles on the blog page. Within seconds their $10k a month domain was NUKED and unavailable via search. This was a teeth whitening company that had 200+ thousand visits a month. GONE...

      Be VERY careful about putting non-human generated content on ANY site you want to keep.
      Woahh... Are there any evidences that this sudden "lost their [of] money site" is due to the "dump articles on the blog page"?

      Anyway, if the story is true then they might have done something very wrong (as you make it sound like it is) but it is certainly NOT because of the AI itself, the cause is the idiot(s) having attempted to "manipulate the SERPS" with use of AI (as what it sounds also the way you say how they handled their irresponsible use of AI) and their NOT use with Google's guidance and parameters for the use of content generated with AI.

      You can see that G's still rewarding "high-quality content, HOWEVER it is produced" and that specifically admits content generated with the use of AI.

      You can see G's guidance on this matter here

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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    • Profile picture of the author mmaeb
      I've had some great fun with AI and whats already mentioned its more how you frame the question, AI will even advise you how to aske the question for a more in-depth or better response per-se
      Such as:
      You are Gary Halbert, one of the greatest copywriters of all time and you can sell anything using words only

      Rewrite this entire text Gary Halbert style

      that in its self is fun
      The list is endless
      This was one such little venture with Bard
      act as a self-help book

      I want you to act as a self-help book. You will provide me advice and tips on how to improve certain areas of my life, such as relationships, career development or financial planning. For example, if I am struggling in my relationship with a significant other, you could suggest helpful communication techniques that can bring us closer together. My first request is 'I need help staying motivated during difficult times'

      After it gave the answer I then questioned what prompt that may elicit more detailed and actionable advice from AI:

      prompt that may elicit more detailed and actionable advice from AI:
      "Dear Self-Help Book, I'm feeling stuck and demotivated during these challenging times. Despite my best efforts, I find myself losing momentum and falling into old patterns of procrastination and self-doubt. Can you offer some practical strategies and inspiring insights to help me overcome these obstacles and stay motivated? Specifically, I'm looking for advice on how to:
      Cultivate a growth mindset and overcome fixed thinking patterns
      Set achievable goals and break them down into smaller, manageable steps
      Create a supportive environment that fosters productivity and creativity
      Develop resilience and coping skills to deal with setbacks and failures
      Stay focused and motivated when faced with distractions and competing priorities
      Celebrate small victories and acknowledge progress along the way to keep myself energized and engaged

      Also remember chatgpt is 2 years out of date, BARD is connected to the tinternet so theyre not all equal!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Also remember
      AI generated posts are NOT PERMITTED as forum posts. It is almost funny how many people think 'no one will notice' or that 'no one will know this is AI generated'.

      Wrong - and it is an offense that will get you a warning and then a ban here.

      The AI detecting tools are better than most people realize.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763852].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        The AI detecting tools are better than most people realize.

        Typical A.I. content is so easy to spot, it only takes eyeballs.

        I hope Kay King gives all you lazybones the boot.
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  • Profile picture of the author Username
    I've found that if I give the AI some sample content and then tell it to "match the tone" of that content, I get better results.
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by Username View Post

      I've found that if I give the AI some sample content and then tell it to "match the tone" of that content, I get better results.
      Yes, it's one way of working it and it works great.

      It can also proofread your text, just as grammarly does and also TRANSLATED on the fly, in a few seconds, your text to almost any of the most used languages on earth.

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762501].message }}
  • Ain't the prompts always the thing in no Caaahsmaahs of the perfectly biddable?

    Who sits at the counterpoint of consequence, wavin' the magic wand?

    Always there is sumone -- an' most times it ain't you.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author vdigitalx
    Definitely! AI can assist in content creation by generating high-quality, engaging content tailored to specific audiences. It's like having a creative writing assistant that saves time and boosts your game!
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  • Profile picture of the author WEX2706
    AI-powered tools can generate content based on predefined templates, keywords, or specific instructions. For email newsletters, you can use AI to draft subject lines, introductory paragraphs, and even complete sections of your newsletter.
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  • Profile picture of the author joycedaniels
    I too was worried about content writer's job! But I dm one marketing adviser(promotional text deleted by moderator) she assured me that AI would not be able to create unique content. That is still in our human's hands. In fact Google too worried and ruminating over it regarding how to avoid AI created content. Certainly it would help but to a limit.
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  • Profile picture of the author leonlittle
    The problem is some people think of AI as a writing tool. But it's not. It can be a great content-creating assistant. You can check spelling, grammatical errors, suggestions, rephrasing of your sentence to make it a better one, and other benefits.
    If you can use it wisely than its great.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762984].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by leonlittle View Post

      The problem is some people think of AI as a writing tool. But it's not. It can be a great content-creating assistant. You can check spelling, grammatical errors, suggestions, rephrasing of your sentence to make it a better one, and other benefits.
      If you can use it wisely than its great.
      I cannot see how people thinking of AI as a writing tool could be a "problem" because this is exactly what it can be.

      But, yeah, you're also right as it is in fact a great AI assisted content creation tool, helping with tasks as you describe and much, MUCH more...

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763069].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        From what I've seen with other tools:
        People think it can do everything, from beginning to end, without input or proofing. Because, for some people, that's what a tool means: a replacement for themselves. With other things, the end result has been that a lot of people sell a lot of 'just click a couple of buttons, and you've got yourself a passive income stream' products.

        AI requires good input.

        If you ask AI something like this: write me a 2000-word article on mortgages, it will give you that, but bland and uninteresting and uninspiring. You fill your site with such stuff, it will stink to high heaven.

        If you think AI is a tool that you use, i.e., you strategize about what you need, ask AI smartly (as in, write me an article about 7 ways FHA mortgages are different from conventional mortgages, in a conversational manner, with bullet points), you will not have issues.

        So, it's not that AI is a writing tool, it is that people do not understand (or care) what a tool is and do not bother to learn how to use this one.

        Originally Posted by NetMan View Post

        I cannot see how people thinking of AI as a writing tool could be a "problem" because this is exactly what it can be.
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        • Profile picture of the author NetMan
          Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          From what I've seen with other tools:
          People think it can do everything, from beginning to end, without input or proofing. Because, for some people, that's what a tool means: a replacement for themselves. With other things, the end result has been that a lot of people sell a lot of 'just click a couple of buttons, and you've got yourself a passive income stream' products.

          AI requires good input.

          If you ask AI something like this: write me a 2000-word article on mortgages, it will give you that, but bland and uninteresting and uninspiring. You fill your site with such stuff, it will stink to high heaven.

          If you think AI is a tool that you use, i.e., you strategize about what you need, ask AI smartly (as in, write me an article about 7 ways FHA mortgages are different from conventional mortgages, in a conversational manner, with bullet points), you will not have issues.

          So, it's not that AI is a writing tool, it is that people do not understand (or care) what a tool is and do not bother to learn how to use this one.
          Not sure of why you're quoted me on this but what you say, is basically pretty much what I've covered and said somewhere above:

          " ... it can definitively becomes a real personal assistant and accomplish many tasks. Only, of course you need to LEARN how.

          ... the art of prompting, which consist in adequately and effectively instruct the AI Agent to produce exactly what you want, is not something that comes naturally to everyone. You need to engage in a certain learning curve of "prompt engineering" before getting viable results.

          Ironically, the fact is you need to have singular communications skills in reading and writing to become a perfect "prompt engineer".

          So, YES, I persist and sign AI (can be) is a writing tool, just as Word is but with different features, but just as Word it requires a certain learning curve to use it properly.

          It's a matter of I/O:
          What you put in
          is What you get out
          It's as simple as that at the end, only you need to 'correctly' prompt the AI to obtain exactly what you need.

          IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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  • Profile picture of the author kalki411
    From my experience so far, the content quality isn't that great.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ana17
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by Ana17 View Post

      I want to know more.
      What more?

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Monteiro
    A lot of people can go into the tool and use it at a basic level. Type in a question or command and get a base answer. You won't get advanced quality content from that though, although you'll get a base framework to work from. If you use the tool the way every other person does, it won't add new information or thought leadership.

    However, if you do spend some time testing the tool, determining the questions/ frameworks and build out an 'algorithm' of sorts, you'll be able to generate a bank of information and content that will give you a more advanced structure to add expertise on top of & make personable.

    At my studio, we tested the tool for about 2 months to determine the best way to feed in information in order to generate content that is actually useful. It now helps us produce advanced content creation strategies by analyzing the best practices across industry to make sure anything we ideate authentically is checked against a deeper and broader market analysis and aligns strategically. This takes out a bit of the guess work out of the creative process.

    So yes, it does save time and you can use it for writing an email newsletter to a point. But i'd still make sure to check what it's creating, make sure it's aligning and adjust to make sure your emails are still sounding personable.
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  • Profile picture of the author jhon steve
    I think AI can assist in creating email newsletters by generating ideas, drafting content, personalizing, testing, and analyzing your content. It saves time, but human oversight is still needed to ensure quality and relevance.
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  • Profile picture of the author catexotica
    I have found a characteristic in its writing that definitely
    indicates the content
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob012
    Artificial Intelligence can generate content in details of a topic but all of them are not suitable for specific topic. So you need to research and choose the right information from it and add additional info yourself so that it covers all the part of your products or services.
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  • Profile picture of the author Erigo Holidays
    Using AI tools we can take some ideas and it can save you some times to create content also but we cant completely depend on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jthornhill
    Hi, This is my opinion on AI to answer your question the first thing to remember is AI is just a tool and still requires the human check to make sure it has the right tone that will resinate with your customers.

    You can use many different prompts to make the AI produce better results just keep in mind the Ai does not know your customer the way you do.

    Google has already stated many times as of now they will not penalize a site for using ai generated content. As long as it is helpful and follows the EEAT formula.

    If you are using AI to crate your news letters to your customer it will be a great starting point to get some ideas and then just flesh the rest out in your tone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Felance
    AI make our work very easy better than that we're expected. If we proper use AI in our marketing site positively, than as a email marketer definitely we can shine by creating content in Artificial Intelligence site and I believe it.

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  • Profile picture of the author catexotica
    Whether that's for blog articles, social media posts, newsletters, or any other type of content you're creating.
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  • Profile picture of the author nudifyai
    I use every day in creating texts and translations into languages that I don't know. He will not completely write a good text for you, but will speed up this process by 2-3 times.
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  • Just like having any content created...whether it be by a ghostwriter or an AI.

    You need to consider that is going to need some polishing.

    1. Make sure its accurate, the facts, stats and data!
    2. Check the work is original by using a plagiarism checker.
    3. Double check its not recycled content already used somewhere else.
    4. Does it make sense.
    5. Proof read it for spelling, grammar etc
    6. Is it formatted, too short, too long, does it dribble on!
    7. Is it relevant to what you wanted.
    8. Is it SEO's correctly with your keywords, meta titles, h1, h2 etc
    9. And dont forget legal considerations
    10. Make sure its engaging or no-one is going to read it.

    I always consider content about 80% done...its rare something or
    someone can nail exactly what you are thinking in your head.

    Learning how to prompt correctly is half the battle, but I'd never use
    something generated as just a cut and paste option.

    Food For Thought.

    Take Care,

    Michael Silvester
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by Michael Silvester View Post

      Just like having any content created...whether it be by a ghostwriter or an AI.

      You need to consider that is going to need some polishing.

      1. Make sure its accurate, the facts, stats and data!
      2. Check the work is original by using a plagiarism checker.
      3. Double check its not recycled content already used somewhere else.
      4. Does it make sense.
      5. Proof read it for spelling, grammar etc
      6. Is it formatted, too short, too long, does it dribble on!
      7. Is it relevant to what you wanted.
      8. Is it SEO's correctly with your keywords, meta titles, h1, h2 etc
      9. And dont forget legal considerations
      10. Make sure its engaging or no-one is going to read it.

      I always consider content about 80% done...its rare something or
      someone can nail exactly what you are thinking in your head.

      Learning how to prompt correctly is half the battle, but I'd never use
      something generated as just a cut and paste option.

      Food For Thought.

      Take Care,

      Michael Silvester
      Nailed it perfectly man!

      What more can be said?

      I'd say:

      USING your Real and Natural Intelligence to LEARN to MASTER Artificial Intelligence will let you Add Great Benefits to Your Bottom-line! Me

      I think one must try it seriously while leaving out all the hype sold to the masses by crooks out there. Learning this NEW COMPUTING SKILL can change your life seriously.

      Get in the know!

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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  • Profile picture of the author Optimein SEO
    I wouldn't suggest to trust AI 100%, is usually updated up to 2021 and could refer info from not trustworthy webpages
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    • Optimein SEO,

      Originally Posted by Optimein SEO View Post

      I wouldn't suggest to trust AI 100%, is usually updated up to 2021 and could refer info from not trustworthy webpages
      Yep. But what I tried doing to resolve known output issues like content customizability and deterministic output success rate was to create a fully autonomous pipeline for completing the following steps:
      * Can also be manually performed, but doing it that way, I think, isn't a cost-effective use of the technology?

      • STEP 01: Use supplied data to perform Google searches. Objective is to harvest, sanitize and format contextually relevant, timely data as salient research sources; and
      • STEP 02: Iteratively optimize sequential prompts and support functions. Objectives include increasing generation speed, reducing cost, enforcing supplied parameters with higher compliance rates, and satisfying conditional quality assurance metrics to increase output desirability towards target result.
      Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
      • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
      • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by Optimein SEO View Post

      I wouldn't suggest to trust AI 100%, is usually updated up to 2021 and could refer info from not trustworthy webpages
      True, but what you are referring to is specific to OpenAI's ChatGPT models when it came out to the masses. A few months later in development is like light-years ahead right now in this domain and we're not talking only about chatgpt anymore. Yes it's still ahead of the pack, but not for long as there are now several more BIG, and also great, players in AI train and it run full speed ahead to... ;-)

      Just to put away the almost a myth that it's become, the limitation of data access only up to 2021 is already a broken barrier by several plugins available for ChatGPT and through the use of several other LLMs already there plus more upcoming shortly.

      Moreover, you can now even submit all your data to your personal AI Agent bot, to train it to answer any and all request and questions from your website and social pages. It works amazingly. You provide it whatever data form you have, text files, docx, pdf, html, entire websites, database etc you get the point You now really can get a virtual Agent working around the clock for MUCH less than an employee. It doesn't even take a break...

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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  • Profile picture of the author SEOwarez
    Its all about the right prompt. You need to learn how to write advanced prompts, then you can generate high quality content that is human-like. Or you can use tools to get it done for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mayur Bansal
    Hi, I don't have any professional knowledge yet, since I'm a digital marketing student but according to that what I've learnt till now AI can be a great help in content creation.From searching recent trends to the whole content you can find all the stuff through AI. Search about good AI for content creation and try using them, it would definitely help you alot.
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  • Profile picture of the author mamundev
    Yes, Definitely but there is something to keep in mind...after generating content from AI you must try to make it more valuable for humans not only for the (bot) search engines.
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  • All I know is, there sum missin' days in this comment trail where AI coulda gaht in like a shaht.

    "Tired of experiencin' naught but a procedural vacuum? Let us helpya out beforeya realise you even desprit!"

    Gotta figure the WF AI weeded out alla that schwango.

    "It's like a battlefield here. But we do our best."

    Uh huh -- I believe you all gaht matchin' capes an' helmets.

    An' you fly in formation, repellin' the defaultospeak idiocy would othahwise fill your starkly open speakout slahts.

    *I believe*

    Thing is wouldya you rathah sumone clone whatchya do ... or whatchya don't do?

    My view?

    AI gaht stuck on her goddamn homework.

    She sposeda be invadin'/enhancin' yr braino potential here in this comment box, but, yeah the math is hard, an' grades are all, so I cain't be here for y'all now, an' yanno ...

    Who else invades a vacuum anyways?

    AI Crapola or Prinno B?

    My turn at content, ovah to the restaya ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    Yes it definately does, my email rates have increased to almost 30% but its not all about ai, i still have enter in the ideas and thoughts i have when writing a email, its main gift it can really expand the thoughts and ideas we have and give the user that experience that a copy writer can deliver and it really does, but for say blogs it does the exact same thing great content, but i still do outsource to my seo guy, at the moment ai is not great for images but it does really help my business, i hope this helps in some way thanks for sharing this

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The main problem with AI content creation is FACT CHECKING
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Ask it to write you out a newsletter about your niche and copy paste it into an email and send. This can also be done for posting ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author GullyBET
    The primary challenge in AI content creation lies in fact-checking and staying abreast of the latest trends.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexcary77
    AI can assist in content creation by generating ideas, writing drafts, providing insights, and even enhancing creativity. However, human oversight and refinement are crucial for ensuring quality and relevance.
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  • Profile picture of the author iGex Solutions
    AI also Help with content write but we can not depend on it. because humans and AI both think differently. Now Google updated its algorithm for AI Content Detection. AI tool ChatGPT is now more famous in the market. More agencies are using this tool for content writing. AI Tool Use High-Level English Language for Write. We can take Outlines or Ideas from the AI tool but not use them directly it's for content writing purposes.
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  • Profile picture of the author jack057
    AI can significantly enhance content creation by providing quick, high-quality drafts, optimizing SEO, and generating ideas. It streamlines the process, allowing creators to focus on refining and personalizing their work for maximum impact.
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