Insights on AI Bots in Brand Experiences

1 replies
I'm curious to get your insights your encounters any instances where AI bots enhanced your brand experience significantly and how do AI bots compare to traditional customer support channels in terms of responsiveness and user satisfaction? I personally appreciate the convenience of being provided with service with a quick chat while I get on with my daily routine.
#bots #brand #experiences #insights
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Thato Leokaoke View Post

    I'm curious to get your insights your encounters any instances where AI bots enhanced your brand experience significantly and how do AI bots compare to traditional customer support channels in terms of responsiveness and user satisfaction? I personally appreciate the convenience of being provided with service with a quick chat while I get on with my daily routine.


    Bots are annoying.

    Whether I am on the telephone or online I would
    rather deal with another human person than a bot.

    I understand corporations, such as Amazon, need
    to use them to respond to inquiries and complaints
    more efficiently, but it doesn't do anything to enhance
    brand experience, for me as a customer.

    And I hope you don't talk the way that you write.
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