Whats the BEST free Ai video creation software to create nice xmas shorts?

7 replies
Hi all

Im looking to create magical Christmas shorts whats the best free Ai video creator in your opinion?

#create #creation #free #nice #shorts #software #video #xmas
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by marcus passey View Post

    Hi all

    Im looking to create magical Christmas shorts whats the best free Ai video creator in your opinion?


    Free will have watermarks and there's nothing magical about those.

    A.I. video generators cost around $20 per month.

    It's not that serious.
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  • Profile picture of the author marcus passey
    Ok cheers

    So whats the best one to create lovely Christmas scenes? just by using a prompt?
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    • Profile picture of the author RickFranklin
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      • Profile picture of the author marcus passey
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        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
          Originally Posted by marcus passey View Post

          im looking for this style

          That is not a video, that is images pasted together and some music.
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          • Profile picture of the author marcus passey
            The images are moving so I thought they were quick clips. Ok so where to create the images do you think? I've tried a few creators but nothing comes close.
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            • Profile picture of the author Monetize
              Originally Posted by marcus passey View Post

              The images are moving so I thought they were quick clips. Ok so where to create the images do you think? I've tried a few creators but nothing comes close.

              You have been on the forum for over a decade, nearly two,
              so you've probably been doing IM for twenty years.

              Google AI VIDEO GENERATORS and find something that
              works for you.

              The "video" that you are referencing was probably created
              with an editor, which some people are using their phones
              to make that type of thing.

              I do not have the patience or inclination to do work on my
              phone, I do my work on a desktop computer and sometimes
              on my laptop when I am lounging around.

              Besides using an online video platform where I can upload
              a script, I also use a video camera and editing software.

              If I could figure out how to make videos, so can any other
              adult, or even a child could do it. No offense, just facts.

              I suggest that you take some time to read a book or watch
              a YouTube about making videos.

              Then find a platform that offers video clips, images, graphics
              or whatever you plan to use, learn to produce videos and
              get busy doing it, or else hire someone to make the videos
              for you if you are not able or don't want to be bothered.

              This whole video thing may seem overwhelming but it is not
              rocket science, this likely concludes my contribution to this
              topic and I wish you all the best with your project.
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              • Profile picture of the author marcus passey
                been out of the loop for a while and yes I know how these videos are made just don't know where they have created theirs. Thats my question was trying to find what Ai video creator they used.
                Watch me finally make money this year now I have a mentor follow my journey at www.marcuspassey.com

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