Creating a VSL with AI for Paid Traffic on Facebook Ads

1 replies
I'm planning to create a product and promote it using paid traffic on Facebook Ads. With a limited budget, is it feasible to produce a VSL using AI, considering it won't include emotional elements? Would this affect conversion rates, or are there alternative strategies I can implement to maximize results with an AI-generated VSL?
#ads #creating #facebook #paid #traffic #vsl
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  • My sweet counsel, evin if'n you don't cayurre ...

    1) Get a hooman poyson to write yr script.

    2) Get a relevento hooman poyson to read yr shit out.

    3) Aw, plus also a camera guy to surrlickt the best material to make you kinda look good.

    Creative persuasion has a long history.

    Colosseum to cinema.

    "SLOP" gaht spotted the moment it jumpsied outta the trap ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11811747].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author conquest99999
    Hiring a human would be better as all A.I. generated voices right now sound boring.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812626].message }}

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