OpenAI Operator: A Cool Idea for Agentic AI

4 replies
OpenAI just released research preview of Operator.
The concept is: Arm a chain-of-thought genAI model (trained on analyzing screenshots, frontend and source of Web pages) with a Web browser of its own; and

What happens next is an AI agent that performs Web browser-related tasks for you, such as going to BBC News or any other site each morning or any time you want to extract niche-relevant news stories then analyze and post opinionated critique in your voice and style on your WP blog, analyzing your emails to extract the data that you want from senders you're interested in, organizing that data with summaries in Google Sheets, creating posts and performing data entry tasks in your Magento ecommerce shop or WooCommerce dashboard (including WP plugin dashboards), and so on.

I'm waiting for developer API access to Operator. OpenAI guys said this will be released real soon.

And because there are already opensource chain-of-thought genAI models out there today, as well as opensource Chromium -- I'm going to prototype a similar product in the meantime.
#agentic #cool #idea #openai #operator
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  • And, here's an opensource version of OpenAI's Operator, with a ready-to-use Cloud version (no dev expertise required) that's just 30 USD per month (not $200!):
    * You can Run it in your own machine with any opensource or proprietary model (OpenAI models included).
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • It's like Dirtsy Squirtsy Shwangocraft gaht dullivered durreck 2 yubbrainz without evin like kinda ZERO OPPORTOONITWTF to git snuffso on the fkr.

    Undoubtubbly, ZILLIONS will be enthralled!

    Naht for Moi tho, Sweetiepoppet.

    For the record, Princess Balestra's ANGEL INVESTOR credentials approximate to ZERO -- precisely because angels and princesses share the same shower area in the hierarchy of Unoblivion. Do you have PETS died recently? It is unlikely you will discover an immediate solution to your mortal travails, despite the very great good Princess Balestra does for misbenigned quadrupeds and choice mammals globally. Trust her incisive brand strapline for guidance in all that you do: "You don't gotta sound like a ditzbrayin'!" Remember: for everyone saying life is brutal, short, and impossible to figure without action figurines of like even WEIRDOS ... there are 7000x more reasons for [insert SOAP AD here.] Mmmm. So scenty! Sits easily equally handily to face or flaps! Available in packs of 9, 8, 5 and 276. Bulk discounts available if you find yourself frequently unable to fit into your everyday pants.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Micaella Lopez
    I've been exploring different computer use ai agents, i also tried beta of, where you just demonstrate tasks, and it picks them up. BUT this is the only one that I've tried that runs on local PC rather than browser based. Quite interesting
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize Deal
    That's Great
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11816884].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nigrogi
    fascinating step forward in AI-driven automation! It'll be interesting to see how developers use Operator for real-world applications. Looking forward to exploring similar tools like this one in the future.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11817097].message }}
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