Website Hacked, Trying to Figure out Malware and Blacklist Repair

1 replies
Hello, I am a busy mom of 2 who used to have all these grand dreams of a website empire. Enter two kids and most of that has fallen to the wayside. Unfortunately, my one site that I still had kicking for a while has been compromised. According to scans I've done online, it has malware and it's also been blacklisted.

I've tried repairing it on my own but I am just not as technical as I'd like to be. Is there a place on here to ask if I can barter with someone who can help me? I am a writer by trade (and marketing specialist) and would gladly write some blog posts or a press release or something for someone who can help me to get my site patched up properly. Please let me know how to go about this the right way. (I am happy to post the site link and scan results, but I don't know the rules here as far as what I am allowed to do.)

Thanks in advance for taking a look at my cry for help!
#blacklist #figure #hacked #malware #repair #website
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    I am so sorry to hear this, and believe me, I know how much work goes into this stuff. When I started I had zero kids, and now I have six! We have had blogs, membership sites and forums hacked in the past, so I know how painful this must be for you. These days things have become a lot easier for locating help for this type of thing. If I were you, I would put a posting up at UpWork, and you should receive several offers from qualified individuals. I wish the best for you and hope that you can get things up and running (and tightly secured) very quickly, and I know you will. God bless and don't let this stop you.

    Doubts Kill More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will.
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