what are the key points to take care when using PBN?

4 replies
When we buy PBN or setup PBN, what are the key points which we need to take care so
we do not get penalized by Google.
Please share your experiences.

Do first tier linking to the Money site is safe with PBN?
or should we play safe and make it 2nd tier links.
How does it effect ranking.
#care #key #pbn #points
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Don't buy PBN most of them are spam. And if you want to create PBN by buying old domains then check the history of the domains, check whether they are penalized by google or not. And if you create a safe PBN then its okay to link to your money site.
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    • Profile picture of the author AbhiTan
      I have 5 questions regarding PBN.

      - Key points for setting up PBN network?
      - What points we should check before registering a domain name?
      - How to check if domain is every black-list by Google or not?
      - Should we use old website design (from archive.org) or setup a new theme on PBN domains? What is your experience?
      - How to link Money site? What is your experience regarding it?
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  • Profile picture of the author romanepo
    1.Buy domains through different registrars.
    2.Each website should be on a different Subnet IP address.
    3.Unique and valuable content on each of the websites.
    4.Each domain will link out to any money site once only,Each page has a maximum of 2-5 outgoing links.
    5.PBN site should be in the same niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    - Different domain providers
    - Different hosting providers
    - Different in who.is
    - Different in CMS
    - Different in themes
    - No add links to the money sites from all PBNs at the same time
    - No use the same anchor text
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