If you had $1000 and you wanted to start a small business on the internet, what would you do?

34 replies
Hello Warriors,

I have around $1000 bucks and I'm so confused in some small projects on the internet, I would be so thankful if you can show me some ideas.

BTW I'm web and mobile apps developer.
#business #internet #small #start #wanted
  • Profile picture of the author Adam Leech
    Hypothetically (not really because it's what I did), take the $1000, live off of it, create a lead list of people who need your help, create a low-ish priced front end offer, learn how to cold email + cold call + run some facebook advertising then upsell the clients you brought in.

    Are you just looking to make quick cash or actually starting a web/mobile app dev business?
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    • Profile picture of the author firasabb
      Originally Posted by Adam Leech View Post

      Hypothetically (not really because it's what I did), take the $1000, live off of it, create a lead list of people who need your help, create a low-ish priced front end offer, learn how to cold email + cold call + run some facebook advertising then upsell the clients you brought in.

      Are you just looking to make quick cash or actually starting a web/mobile app dev business?
      Thank you very much Adam. Actually, I want to start a small business that will give me a monthly income, I don't want to make a quick cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author CRodInvestors
    With $1000 you can easily find a product on Clickbank to become an affiliate for and then create a video for that product and get it ranked on Youtube. Everyone should by now be well aware of the fact that Youtube Videos are the easiest and best way to market a product. Having the ability to optimize your channel and videos does take some skill sets and "know how" if you don't already know. But you can easily do some only research to learn how to do that. With 1k you can actually pick a couple products and focus on getting those videos ranked on Youtube in order to monetize. Of course, do some proper Keyword research prior to all of this to ensure you optimize the videos properly in order to rank them. It is a lot easier than it sounds and if with either proper assistance or a little research you can do it all yourself.
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    • Originally Posted by CRodInvestors View Post

      With $1000 you can easily find a product on Clickbank to become an affiliate for and then create a video for that product and get it ranked on Youtube.
      Please give abit more detail of how you would spend the $1000 being used here to get (ranked?) on YouTube.

      Originally Posted by CRodInvestors View Post

      With 1k you can actually pick a couple products and focus on getting those videos ranked on Youtube in order to monetize.
      Please give abit more detail of how you would spend the 1k being used here to get (ranked?) on YouTube.

      Originally Posted by CRodInvestors View Post

      It is a lot easier than it sounds and if with either proper assistance or a little research you can do it all yourself.
      You are making it sound really easy.
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    • Profile picture of the author firasabb
      Originally Posted by CRodInvestors View Post

      With $1000 you can easily find a product on Clickbank to become an affiliate for and then create a video for that product and get it ranked on Youtube. Everyone should by now be well aware of the fact that Youtube Videos are the easiest and best way to market a product. Having the ability to optimize your channel and videos does take some skill sets and "know how" if you don't already know. But you can easily do some only research to learn how to do that. With 1k you can actually pick a couple products and focus on getting those videos ranked on Youtube in order to monetize. Of course, do some proper Keyword research prior to all of this to ensure you optimize the videos properly in order to rank them. It is a lot easier than it sounds and if with either proper assistance or a little research you can do it all yourself.
      Thank you CRodInvestors. I have started many youtube channels trying to make money from ads and from affiliate marketing (before the new terms of Youtube), but the best video of 35 videos has gotten only 30k views in 2 years. I think that these days you have to promote your Youtube channel, because without promoting nobody will find it.
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  • I would agree with promoting affiliate product on YouTube. Everything mentioned above is on point.

    The only thing I would add is try to find some products that give you more than a $20 return. If you are going to spend money on creating a video and/or promotion, pick a couple products that can give you a $100+ return each sale.

    The same amount of work will be involved whether its a cheap product or higher priced product.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by firasabb View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    I have around $1000 bucks and I'm so confused in some small projects on the internet, I would be so thankful if you can show me some ideas.

    BTW I'm web and mobile apps developer.
    I would start with affiliate (cpa) products and paid traffic. This is actually how I got started.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by firasabb View Post

    I have around $1000 bucks and I'm so confused in some small projects on the internet, I would be so thankful if you can show me some ideas.
    What's confusing you is that thousand bucks. Forget about what you have, and instead think about what you would need to create a business that you believe in.

    The business dictates the budget, not the other way around.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author virajshah125
    If you have $1000 then I would recommend start Vlogging. Vlogging is trending. With $1000 you can purchase essentials for Vlogging and start your career.
    Later then, by monetizing your Vlogs you can earn x-times your investment in Vlogging!
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    • Profile picture of the author firasabb
      Originally Posted by virajshah125 View Post

      If you have $1000 then I would recommend start Vlogging. Vlogging is trending. With $1000 you can purchase essentials for Vlogging and start your career.
      Later then, by monetizing your Vlogs you can earn x-times your investment in Vlogging!
      How would I monetize my videos? Youtube Ads only?
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Seriously, you're wasting money If you have to spend any amount of money other than the basics (hosting, etc...) to get started.

    The odds of failing during any startup is HUGE.

    What you do is figure out how to do things without money then after you start making money you'll know what works for you and be able to make better informed buying decisions.

    Keep your hand on your wallet.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronnierokk
    Save the money you have.

    Join Fiverr or another site that offers your expertise.

    Build up your credibility on that one site and build up some reviews.

    Next use some of the 1k you have a few ads here and there to get
    more customers to your page on the site you are working on.

    Once you build a pretty nice customer base, open your own site
    with your services so you can keep all the commissions you make.

    Have fun
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    • Profile picture of the author firasabb
      Originally Posted by ronnierokk View Post

      Save the money you have.

      Join Fiverr or another site that offers your expertise.

      Build up your credibility on that one site and build up some reviews.

      Next use some of the 1k you have a few ads here and there to get
      more customers to your page on the site you are working on.

      Once you build a pretty nice customer base, open your own site
      with your services so you can keep all the commissions you make.

      Have fun
      Very nice idea, thanks buddy!
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  • Profile picture of the author Judey
    First you should build an assets that keeps paying you consistently.

    And that should be an email list of targeted subscribers.

    Since you're still starting out , I recommend you buy traffic from reliable solo ad sellers.

    You can go to Facebook group to see the top best solo ad sellers.

    Once you've build a targeted lists , you can start selling affiliate products offers from jvzoo or clickbank to your email lists.
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  • It depends on what you want to do.

    You can use it to start building your website and promote your services.

    You can use it to start your inventory and go into ecommerce.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lichensa
    You should go ahead to prepare a good online portfolio on your own website selling mobile app development, website development etc. There are many sub niches around this products like iPhone app development, Android app, Shopify websites, Wordpress website development. You should stick with 20+ such services on your website and try to promote this online via different free and paid channels. Try with small cost mediums like fiverr, forums, social media, seo, email marketing etc. You might get a single lead of $2k for website development and entire of your website cost will be received with just one lead..
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  • 1. I would buy a high converting done-for-you funnel and then start driving traffic to it.
    Make sure the traffic you drive is going to be targeted.

    2. When I have had some success, I would invest in a long-term business which for me happens to be content marketing or a blog targeting different products.
    Remember,you need a platform of your own, that you can control.
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  • Profile picture of the author tmnsky
    I'd find local business who would potentially want to sell their own merchandise, but wouldn't want to invest in minimum orders, holding inventory, etc. For example, a local brewery would love to sell shirts to loving customers.

    Using Printful.com you can upload artwork into a drag & drop editor so you can place them on shirts, hats, iphone cases and maybe 200 other products that can be dropshipped directly to customers. Then, you can connect Printful right into a Shopify store that you make for the local brewery.

    Charge the brewery a few hundred (or few thousand) bucks to setup this merch dropshipping store and if you're a good negotiator, get them to agree to pay you a royalty on every product sold. You can use Vendor Payout app for shopify to automatically account for all the royalty fees.

    Best of luck to ya!
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  • Originally Posted by firasabb View Post

    I'm so confused in some small projects on the internet,
    What exactly are you confused about, in some small projects on the internet?
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    I think you should start with dropshipping. It does not require a lot of investment.
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  • Profile picture of the author thefrenchguy
    I only have small time for internet work because I have the full time job, i want business with no much involve from me.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Affiliate / CPA marketing

    My preference is PPL (pay per lead) offers because there is no credit card / purchase required. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require you to make a sale.

    Build a mailing list. With a list, you can promote additional offers and follow up at little cost. Which beats always having to spend money to drive traffic.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author LovingLife2
    If I were you I'd make a product that teaches web and mobile apps development since that's your area of strength. You could take the $1k and put it into promotions.

    Originally Posted by firasabb View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    I have around $1000 bucks and I'm so confused in some small projects on the internet, I would be so thankful if you can show me some ideas.

    BTW I'm web and mobile apps developer.
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  • Profile picture of the author anex4real
    Build some landing pages with CPA offers and run FB ads + bing ads
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  • Sell stuff on Amazon, start an affiliate website and promote it via Facebook or other social media platforms.
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  • Profile picture of the author dilipcybex
    Don't go looking for the niche others recommend. Do what you do the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Pay for my domain and hosting, buy a solid theme and invest money in training. Then I'd spend 100% of my time learning my niche, practicing creating content, publishing helpful content and building strong bonds with niche leaders.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    Do 2 things please! First... be a teacher/coach on udemy or skillshare or any site similar to. Second... be a freelancer on freelancer.com or fiverr or upworks or any site similar. And... use the $1K for promotion. Connect your teaching-page and freelancing-page for more credibility and more jobs. You can also use your $1K to hire an assistant to help you do the work or marketing or whatever you want to boost your profit in your expertise. Good luck!

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    IMHO you're asking the wrong question.

    You should go take a walk and ask yourself what are you passionate about?

    List the top 3 things that you love so much you'd do them for free.

    Then look at which one of those has the greatest potential in monetization.

    Then, follow your dream.

    You may find you can get started for just a few hundred dollars and save most of your $1k.
    Free eBook =>
    The Secret To Success In Any Business
    Yes, Any Business!
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  • Profile picture of the author toysoldier80
    To start a business online with $1000 bucks is not a bad proposition.

    What if there was a way to create an online business for yourself at no cost. You keep the $1000 in your pocket and create an online company from scratch.

    I have spent years testing out various programs on the internet and came out with some income but not an income to say hay.. "I am a successful business owner"

    I stumbled upon an opportunity with paid online surveys that starts at no cost. I am not sure if I can share the pictures here, but I have payment proof for $6.50 payment for a 15 minute survey, also proof that I started doing online surveys for pay in 2011 just to show some background info.

    What I learned at first was the payments were so small after completing them. I would then come across programs online through ads that showed men and women who did paid online surveys for a living. I used to wonder in my head how they did it. Never really paying much thought into it, I just did paid surveys online for fun while trying to do other businesses online.

    I failed at

    Forex opportunities online
    mlm opportunities
    wordpress sites
    traffic exchanges
    affiliate marketing
    even bitcoin.. (probably the easiest opportunity I came across, just backed out before it ballooned to 15,000)

    Almost name anything to try and make money online I have tried these past 7 years.

    Many of these companies and business opportunities I mentioned above are free to join, free to sign up and offer opportunities to make money online without having to pay any up front costs. I just did not have the time to generate enough income to make it a sustainable living. Not to say it would not have worked out if I put more time into it because the effort was definitely there. But how long do you keep advertising, reading articles, and trying to make money without spending money. You never really hear to much about a program that says give it 6 months or a year of continuous effort and then stop. Instead you hear positive messages like keep going and you will get there. How many people give 100% effort and not get there. I would not know unless I was a business owner myself but common sense tells me this happens.

    I think many of the successful business owners have a lot of capital to work with. Your able to advertise a business or buisnesses on virtual auto-pilot. Its like a lot of the big money companies have high free organic and paid traffic on the search engines because they have the best writers, best SEO teams, and can hog up all of the big money clicks. This leaves smaller businesses to come up with creative ways to try and compete. Even if they catch up they can easily be pushed out by money or some legal legality through the courts.

    What I found was market research is a Billion Dollar industry and some of them pay people to join their sites to take surveys for them. You keep bumping into other websites that offers surveys and you find they have paid out millions to their members as well. And the business is global. Having access to a worlwide opportunitiy online is always a plus. Sometimes programs are limited or do not have such a large economical presence overseas.

    If you have a love for sharing your opinions you do not have to worry about money too much. Instead your taking surveys because you like taking them and you just happen to receive rewards, after a while, just for taking them. What happens after a while is you get accepted to higher paying offers and focus group discussions just for sharing your opinions. Some discussions pay over $300.

    What I did not know in the past, that I know now, is in order to be accepted for these offers is you need to be a trusted survey taker. This takes time. In the background is an algorithm or "quality score" that most market research companies have running to make sure you are taking surveys ethically. They catch people who are lying or trying to rush through them in order to receive a reward. The accounts never get a chance to qualify for high paying surveys and have a much tougher time qualifying for any survey in the future.

    Once you have taken surveys with a particular company for a while you will begin to get qualified for more and more opportunities very easily. Since there is hundreds of legit market research companies who operate similarly, you can imagine the offers inside your inbox that you will be able to pick and choose throughout the day once you become a trusted member... which takes time. You will know the amount of money your going to make with each survey and how long it will take.

    At first, I would take all of the surveys you can with companies who disqualify you often. Allow the companies to get to know you a bit by constantly taking what is sent to you no matter the time or the amounts. Since you have a love for taking them, this should not bother you. When you factor in a blog or referral system the money will stay rolling in.

    If you love taking surveys online then I would highly recommend signing up with like 5 companies who will send offers to your email inbox. Your should have enough emails to take surveys online and on your mobile device as much as you can. I would reccommend taking all of the surveys you can, starting with the most recent since quotas fill up fast, not worrying about the amounts and time it takes to complete them. Just make sure you have at least an hour of your time free to make sure you complete the survey accurately.

    If you do not have a love for surveys, which many people don't, I would recommend affiliate marketing. You can take that $1000 bucks and sign up with a webhost. Grab a domain name, get connected with a good keyword research tool like MOZ and begin working on an affiliate site. If you have a love for fishing, you can plug in the word fishing and find a topic you can begin writing about that has a lot of searches. For instance... you might find a keyword assoiated with fishing that you have a love for that has 25,000 searches a month and not to many competitors which will allow you to rank well for that keyword after a while and all of the long-tail keywords associated.

    Since you have a passion for the topic you will be able to add affiliate links associated with your passion, like links to walmart fishing gear, amazon links, or links to ather affiliated fishing products. You will also have a love for writing about it, continuously learning new things about your passion while sharing your experiences at the same time.. You don't have to neccessarily be the best writer of course. People who read your writing will notice your love and personal stories associated. The keyword tool will give you a bunch of topics and articles you can write about on your blog and give you a good estimate on how much traffic you will receive.

    Once you have your blog going associated with one of your passions like fly fishing, you will want to register your site on Google. This will give you access to a webmaster tool called Search Console which will show your rankings in the search engine on how people are reaching your site and give you ideas on future article topics because people are reaching your page from words you have not even written about.

    My last advice would be to connect with other blogs, articles and sites in your niche. Writing posts, commenting, and networking with them to build your business. You never know what types of opportunities migh open up after a while.

    Oh yea... you should have about $800 left over to date, pay rent, take a cruise, etc...
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    • Profile picture of the author fxmoments
      Originally Posted by toysoldier80 View Post

      Forex opportunities online
      mlm opportunities
      wordpress sites
      traffic exchanges
      affiliate marketing
      even bitcoin.. (probably the easiest opportunity I came across, just backed out before it ballooned to 15,000)

      My last advice would be to connect with other blogs, articles and sites in your niche. Writing posts, commenting, and networking with them to build your business. You never know what types of opportunities migh open up after a while.

      Good advice. Whilst I'm no expert in the vast array of fields, one thing I can tell the OP for his particular scenrio, is don't consider trading financial markets, it's probably the most difficult skill around.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    The first thing I would do is put that $1000 somewhere it isn't easy to get to.

    There are way too many shiny objects that all sound wonderful, so it would be easy to blow through that stake in very little time.

    One of your biggest challenges sounds like you don't know what you don't know, which makes you easy prey for all the "follow me to the promised land" hucksters out there.

    As was mentioned, figure out what you want to do, what you would do even if there were no chance of making money. I know a writer who makes a middle class living off of a hobby site he started around gourmet coffee. I know of another marketer who got his start with a site about guinea pigs. You can make decent money, especially as a side project, in some of the weirdest little niches.

    Pick one, start a blog, or a video channel, or whatever, and start learning how to connect with people. Build an engaged, responsive audience, and they will tell you how to make money from them. You'll learn what turns them on, what keeps them staring at the ceiling at night. Deliver that, and you have the keys to the vault.

    Or maybe the first attempt doesn't hit. Take what you've learned and try again in another niche. Most of us go through multiple tries before finally hitting on the one we stick with.
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  • Profile picture of the author patrickvfisher
    Dropshipping .
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Bridgen
    Ok it is not having $1000 that will make you a business. You need to do something that you have passion in. No matter what that is because if you have passion in what you are doing you will make more people follow you and then more people makes more sales. Look at ways to make money online that others are doing Myself I went into affiliate marketing and failed. I turned to video marketing and that worked but my heart was in affiliate marketing. so I spent many hours finding out how to become a affiliate marketer. Today I have a business and work from home. So look at your passion because no matter what you are into some one is doing it online. Hope it helps
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