Trending Online Income Streams?

16 replies
Around two years ago I got into internet marketing while trying to find "passive" sources of income while in college. I discovered a tshirt design/dropshipping site called Teespring and started using it in cooperation with Facebook Ads. Eventually I focused on one niche that was bringing in profit, and over a year hauled in roughly $10k gross/$7K net after Facebook Ad fees were subtracted.

Unfortunately, the Teespring/Facebook Ad market has been getting significantly difficult to thrive in, and being a new college graduate I'd like to start getting some serious income streams rolling in from other sources.

Are there any online income streams that are currently "trending", and what online ventures would you recommend to someone who is planning on working a full-time job but eventually wants to get into online business full-time? Appreciate your responses.
#income #online #streams #trending
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  • I would say email marketing in conjunction with affiliate marketing. With your history of Facebook ads you would have an advantage over others just starting out.

    Just keep in mind you many want to go after a smaller niche starting out.

    As mentioned above, self publishing is always profitable. You really just need to make sure you have the right strategy and not just guessing. Publish on all 3 platforms (kindle, createspace, acx)

    To be honest, I would stay away from ecommerce (drop shipping). Its much easier to build a brand and then add this on later attaching it to your brand.
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    ^^^ I disagree with the above comment. I believe opening a Shopify store and dropshipping products from Ali Express is still hugely profitable if you can find the right niche. I would make use of your skills running Facebook ads and expand to Instagram ads as well to push products.

    But of course that's not the only space, if you're creative enough and can learn new skills, ,you can always offer writing services, web development options, as well as apps and other products.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Judey
    There are lots of online business you can get into

    E-commerce e.g shopify. You can sell physical products VB online with shopify , you don't need to keep inventory. You can drop ship from AliExpress and resell for a higher price.

    Email Marketing : You can promoting original products or affiliate offers.

    Blogging : if you like writing and write quality valuable content .You can earn a living as a blogging, then monetize your blog with your products or affiliate offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author gadislade
    In this advance world various online earning source are available as per different streams, If you have knowledge about ecommerce or digital marketing aspects. Then Don't wait just go because too many active clients are waiting for experts.
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    You can try Cryptocurrency that is now in trend.

    Yes, it is risky but you can minimize it by trading at small capital and even market the program when you benefited.

    Sometime ago, I put up a trend on this.

    You can also PM me for more details if you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author Spartan119
    Thanks for the responses! Affiliate marketing seems very interesting, especially in regards to having greater passivity compared to ecommerce i.e not having to provide constant customer support.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by Spartan119 View Post

    Around two years ago I got into internet marketing while trying to find "passive" sources of income while in college. I discovered a tshirt design/dropshipping site called Teespring and started using it in cooperation with Facebook Ads. Eventually I focused on one niche that was bringing in profit, and over a year hauled in roughly $10k gross/$7K net after Facebook Ad fees were subtracted.

    Unfortunately, the Teespring/Facebook Ad market has been getting significantly difficult to thrive in, and being a new college graduate I'd like to start getting some serious income streams rolling in from other sources.

    Are there any online income streams that are currently "trending", and what online ventures would you recommend to someone who is planning on working a full-time job but eventually wants to get into online business full-time? Appreciate your responses.
    There are a ton of trending options, but I wouldn't necessarily chase the trend.

    The problem with trend chasing is you're always chasing. Something comes in, it's hot and then it goes out and you need the next hot thing.

    I would focus on building up a website/blog in, really, any niche. Invest in content and SEO and you will be building something you can make money from now and in the future.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • You have get different income source now. If you have any SEO experience. You should go to the Upwork.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    OP is a fancy way of asking, "What's working?"

    Gonna read it again to ensure I'm not jumping to conclusions as I occasionally do that ;-)


    "What's working?"

    Newbie question. I think you're better than that.

    What's working is you find a demand and you meet it with a solution.

    Money is being made all around you all the time by any kind of method.

    The real question is what do YOU feel comfortable with? Doing what for whom? At what price point? What involvement level?

    There's no magic bullet, and as you've discovered the more people know about something the more saturated that niche is gonna get. Fast. So quit worrying about what other people are doing. All that will get you is into a quickly-saturated market where costs rise and margins fall.

    Carefully do your own research, pick out your niche, and don't tell a soul.
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Ecommerce with shopify is the new teespring. Get in there now and find some good products and you can make a killing. You'll need a budget if you are looking to get started on Facebook though.

    Find products that people need or what is selling right now. Test those products. Pick the winners. That is basically the formula to follow.

    There are many people that have been able to build huge businesses out of Aliexpress dropshipping on Facebook. A guy on Youtube by the name of Franklin Hatchett has some good free stuff check him out.

    Once you get a hang of what you are doing start testing and seeing what works.

    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Spartan119 View Post

    Around two years ago I got into internet marketing while trying to find "passive" sources of income while in college. I discovered a tshirt design/dropshipping site called Teespring and started using it in cooperation with Facebook Ads. Eventually I focused on one niche that was bringing in profit, and over a year hauled in roughly $10k gross/$7K net after Facebook Ad fees were subtracted.

    Unfortunately, the Teespring/Facebook Ad market has been getting significantly difficult to thrive in, and being a new college graduate I'd like to start getting some serious income streams rolling in from other sources.

    Are there any online income streams that are currently "trending", and what online ventures would you recommend to someone who is planning on working a full-time job but eventually wants to get into online business full-time? Appreciate your responses.
    Is it just me, or does this thread resemble an all you can eat: just as long as l sign the check first?

    But as for dropshipping, from what l have heard it takes a lot of money and can become successful in a year or more.

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  • Profile picture of the author mostCPA
    I suggest to purchase a dropshipping online store that already achieve a good income. but don't waste your time with flippa!
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  • Affiliate Marketing is always a good thing to start with. As long as you can find your gold products and add targeted traffic to them, you can have multi streams of income.
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  • Profile picture of the author savyeman
    You have a lot of options. But for newbie I would recommended using a system like MCA. The reason for that is because this way you can a mentor who can help you for free while you get going online/.
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  • You can have multiple income streams online. You have to be committed to doing the work to setup the systems to generate sales online.

    Focus on starting a proper online business, don't just aim at making some partime money online. Find out how the successful Internet marketers are making their money online, and ask one of them to mentor you. Other than that, it will take you a very long time before you see consistent sales online.
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