I Created A Class And Started An Affiliate Program. Now What?
In 2014 I recorded a class online called "3 Dangerous Words That Destroy Your Moneyflows"
This year I created a website for it and an affiliate program (through JVzoo) for other people to promote it and get paid from sales of said class. My website for the class is below:
At the bottom of the page is the affiliate signup link. My question is this...
Now that I have the website, the product, and the affiliate program set up and ready to go...
What Do I Do Now? How do I get the word out so other people create an affiliate link for this product and go out and promote it to others and create sales?
I sent an email out to my list about it, what else can I do? Thanks.
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"He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan ⢠"I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.
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