Long tail keywords - how many searches per month?

9 replies
When you are picking a long tail keyword to target for a blog article, approximately how many searches per month should that keyword have so that you are able to rank for it? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Covfefe View Post

    When you are picking a long tail keyword to target for a blog article, approximately how many searches per month should that keyword have so that you are able to rank for it? Thanks
    A real quick way to check.. search the term and look at the number of results. the lower the number the easier it will be ( in most cases ) anything under 1,000,000 should be doable. 30,000 is obviously better
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      A real quick way to check.. search the term and look at the number of results. the lower the number the easier it will be ( in most cases ) anything under 1,000,000 should be doable. 30,000 is obviously better
      Very bad advice. The number of results in the search engine for any given phrase has absolutely nothing to do with how easy it will be to rank for. The ONLY thing that matters is who is on page one and whether you stand a chance of beating them. If it is nothing but the big boys (Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc.) you'll never stand a chance. If you see smaller companies, you at least have a chance to get as high as them.

      To the O.P.'s question, the number of searches has nothing to do with whether you can rank or not. The only thing that matters is if you can beat the sites that are on page one for that long tail phrase.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

        Very bad advice. The number of results in the search engine for any given phrase has absolutely nothing to do with how easy it will be to rank for. The ONLY thing that matters is who is on page one and whether you stand a chance of beating them. If it is nothing but the big boys (Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc.) you'll never stand a chance. If you see smaller companies, you at least have a chance to get as high as them.

        To the O.P.'s question, the number of searches has nothing to do with whether you can rank or not. The only thing that matters is if you can beat the sites that are on page one for that long tail phrase.
        Its not bad advice.. not in the least actually.. First of all you are assuming the OP is writing about a product. A "Blog article" is more than likely going to be about a subject vs a product. even still If you follow the chain of keywords down to longtail generally speaking it works out.. lets try this lets look for a toaster shall we?

        toaster: 33,900,000 results
        2 slice toaster: 1,580,000 results
        BELLA LINEA 2 Slice Toaster: 41,900 results
        BELLA LINEA 2 Slice Toaster Stainless Steel: 42,000 results
        BELLA LINEA 2 Slice Toaster teal: 8,250 results
        bella linea 2 slice toaster with extra wide slot color teal: 2,030 results w/ a pinterest listing

        please note the last one is actually a term in the "Suggested section" for the term " bella linea 2 slice toaster " that ranks above the stainless option

        and you can insert any number of products like this and quickly see where it is you can get in to fit in.

        So the flip side of this is say a product you might have a tough time with..

        xbox one Forza Horizon 6: 2,290,000 results
        xbox one Forza Horizon 6 deluxe edition: 527,000 results

        and with the short list.. I cant think of anything that would be longer that actually has less results

        But get into regular blog type content you can thin down the competion real quick by narrowing the topic.

        And again... this is just a real quick way to look.. but at the end of the day its fairly representative in terms of " competion " you may be up against when looking for target terms.
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        • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          Its not bad advice.. not in the least actually.. First of all you are assuming the OP is writing about a product. A "Blog article" is more than likely going to be about a subject vs a product. even still If you follow the chain of keywords down to longtail generally speaking it works out.. lets try this lets look for a toaster shall we?

          toaster: 33,900,000 results
          2 slice toaster: 1,580,000 results
          BELLA LINEA 2 Slice Toaster: 41,900 results
          BELLA LINEA 2 Slice Toaster Stainless Steel: 42,000 results
          BELLA LINEA 2 Slice Toaster teal: 8,250 results
          bella linea 2 slice toaster with extra wide slot color teal: 2,030 results w/ a pinterest listing

          please note the last one is actually a term in the "Suggested section" for the term " bella linea 2 slice toaster " that ranks above the stainless option

          and you can insert any number of products like this and quickly see where it is you can get in to fit in.

          So the flip side of this is say a product you might have a tough time with..

          xbox one Forza Horizon 6: 2,290,000 results
          xbox one Forza Horizon 6 deluxe edition: 527,000 results

          and with the short list.. I cant think of anything that would be longer that actually has less results

          But get into regular blog type content you can thin down the competion real quick by narrowing the topic.

          And again... this is just a real quick way to look.. but at the end of the day its fairly representative in terms of " competion " you may be up against when looking for target terms.
          Sorry, but showing how many sites are listed for a bunch of search phrases does not prove your point. But as long as you think it does, I guess that's all that matters.

          I'm just telling anyone else out there, don't follow the advice; the number of competing sites has absolutely nothing to do with whether you can get onto page one unless there are only 9 sites showing up for a search phrase.

          This is something that bogus keyword competition tools used to use as a metric back in the late 1990s and early 2000s to sucker ill-advised people into thinking their tool actually did something.

          Oh, and this holds true no matter the type of site - blog, eCommerce, video. The ONLY thing that ever matters is the competition on page one. Those sites on page 2 through 2,000 of the search results are not the sites you are trying to beat. They couldn't cut it.
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

            Sorry, but showing how many sites are listed for a bunch of search phrases does not prove your point. But as long as you think it does, I guess that's all that matters.

            I'm just telling anyone else out there, don't follow the advice; the number of competing sites has absolutely nothing to do with whether you can get onto page one unless there are only 9 sites showing up for a search phrase.

            This is something that bogus keyword competition tools used to use as a metric back in the late 1990s and early 2000s to sucker ill-advised people into thinking their tool actually did something.

            Oh, and this holds true no matter the type of site - blog, eCommerce, video. The ONLY thing that ever matters is the competition on page one. Those sites on page 2 through 2,000 of the search results are not the sites you are trying to beat. They couldn't cut it.
            So using the current set of bogus tools that use adword data and show a number of back links is better? I mean really.... we all ( well ok some of us ) KNOW that there are good back links and bad ones.. we KNOW that 2 or 3 REALLY good ones equals hundreds if not thousands of not so good ones... backlink count is meaningless.

            And you read the SEO board often.. people are more concerned with traffic count, than anything else... they will target shorter terms. The last term " bella linea 2 slice toaster with extra wide slot color teal " I think we both know.. or I hope we both know, would happen to be a buyer term.

            The number of competing pages speaks volumes in terms of competition. AND when there is a social site let alone Pinterest in the top 10... competition is probably not that great. Unless you happen to be looking at a term that Kotton Grammer is focussed on ( like Tokyo SEO )

            Another thing you can look at that gives an indication of lack of competition is the Google listing elements. Start with " Toaster " and you find shopping - top bar, the research block and images. Drop into " BELLA LINEA 2 Slice Toaster" and the only element is shopping - top bar. And then all the way down to " bella linea 2 slice toaster with extra wide slot color teal " and the page structure changes again.. Images are back..the top bar shopping is gone, and now there is the side bar panel with far fewer shopping options.

            And taking note of the things listed above... how as the term becomes longer how the google serp structure changes... you get to the long tail term and the shopping panel there is little to no comp... so even if the page 1 listings do have the big boy listings.. this becomes an indicator that maybe those listings are more filler than they are actual targetted listings.

            I know I know I can say what I want.. and dont listen to me... but aside from coming in and saying Im wrong.. you havent come forth and suggested a better method.
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            • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
              Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

              AND when there is a social site let alone Pinterest in the top 10... competition is probably not that great.
              And there you proved my point. All you need to look at is page one to see if there is an opening - a site that you can overtake, like the Pinterest one. That is the ONLY page that matters; therefore, the number of competing pages is totally irrelevant.

              All the other stuff you point out is nonsense - top bar, number of ads, images, blah, blah, blah.

              I have given a better method - the only method ... Is there a site (or two or three) that you can beat that is on page one - where you want to be? END OF STORY!

              I don't need a tool to tell me if I can compete. I just need to analyze the sites on page one to know if I have a chance.
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  • Profile picture of the author redone111
    I think anything under 100 000 its easy to beat if you do good SEO and everything in perfect way
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  • Profile picture of the author sftslab
    Using long tail keywords, we can make more than 30,000 searches per month.
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    i agree with dave , you have to see who is on that page because the yprobably have years of lnks and you will not beat them. google your keyword and go to the bottom of the page and look at the suggested keywords. they might be better.
    example: long tail keywords work great for videos. so maybe you can have a video on google first page if seo properly
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