Working Hard vs Working Smart - Which is better?

27 replies
Working hard or working smart? The older generation teaches that if we work hard enough, then it is guaranteed we will become rich, but that isn't always the case? However, newer generation (now), it seems it's better to be working smart because when you work smart you're actually doing more and getting more done while really there's hardly any work at all resulting in you working less and getting more out of it?

An example, about me, it seems the harder I work at something, the more tired I get and end results not anywhere near satisfaction, in fact, I ended up worser than when I started. On the other hand, when I work carelessly, and using whatever smartness my little brain contains, things seem to work out a little better, resulting in lesser stress.

The thin line between "working smart" versus "working hard". Why work so hard to get little to no results? Is it better to work smart, doing less, and getting more? What do you think? Share with reply..

So, what do you think? Is it better to approach things with "smart", or go at it with all you got working really hard? Which one would you say has better outcome? Love to hear your opinion about Working Hard vs Working Smart - Which is better? Thanks.
#hard #smart #working
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  • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
    Originally Posted by Wawriterslife View Post

    Why work so hard to get little to no results?
    Why not work hard in a way that gets positive results? Isn't that, "working smart?"

    "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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    • Profile picture of the author Wawriterslife
      When you "work hard" combined with "work smart" and getting "positive results", you are working smart! So, yes, that is working smart because your hard works produced satisfying results I agree with you OptedIn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richa seth
    After my college I started working in BPO....I use to work hard and still my work was pending because of some clients who doesn't pick the call....But then once my senior told me don't work hard work smart...I still did not got the trick then one day she gave me a big lecture and told about some tricks to finish my work soon....Guess What??
    I use to work 10hr 20 min and still my work was pending...After applying her tricks It took hardly 1hr to complete my work....So that day I learned..Do Smart Work instead of Hard Work...Is one of the key to success....
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    • Profile picture of the author Wawriterslife
      "After applying her tricks It took hardly 1hr to complete my work....So that day I learned..Do Smart Work instead of Hard Work...Is one of the key to success.... "

      Yes, when you learned to work smarter, you not only get things done, you get them done faster too Great lesson learned Richa.
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  • Profile picture of the author wahuan
    I agree with you. a nice passage.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    Working smart does not always mean you aren't working hard. You are just being organized in a sense that you know how to manage your time, you choose your battles. I think what's best here is to know which would give you steady results in the long run.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashwinsd
    "The Parable of the Pipeline" book explains it well.
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  • I chose working smart. When you work smart, you get results. When you work smart AND work hard, you achieve so much more.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wawriterslife
      Great that you think that way John. Yes,"When you work smart AND work hard, you achieve so much more." Absolutely!
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  • Profile picture of the author redone111
    Working smart will increase your results more then hard because make you win more time and more effective
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Neither Wa

    Here is how I do it: "Play generously."

    Full 180 from working hard - which is for beasts of the field - and about 90 degrees over from working smart, which is OK but still lacking because it has no real abundant, generous, infectious energy to it.

    Pick a niche that bleeds through your being. For me, it is teaching folks how to blog professionally, all around the globe. Immerse yourself in your business because you love it and talk about it all day long; this is play. Then as the world sees you as working hard or practicing daily for years, you will be having fun honing your skills, generously creating content and building genuine bonds through detached service.

    You will actually get stronger and more powerful with this approach (while most folks burn out, or are as energetic as a glass of warm milk) and your success multiplies exponentially over the long haul. As an added bonus, you will do all things intelligently because all you do with a generous, fun energy leads you toward your goal.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Wawriterslife
      "Pick a niche that bleeds through your being... do with a generous, fun energy leads you toward your goal."

      I respect that Thanks Ryan.
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  • Profile picture of the author Copylifemike
    I think the issue many people get stuck in is working hard at pointless tasks.

    What do I mean by that?

    Well - How much time in a day do you spend actively doing something than in reality is a waste of time?

    Measure it. For instance, is what I'm doing right this moment going to improve my skills, make me money, or benefit any of my goals? If the answer is no, than you are wasting energy at low priority activities.

    Forget the old days. Those days are long gone and yes I'm also from that cloth.

    Look - trench work, getting your hands dirty, really digging deep in to that "grit" type of work doesn't pay off like it might have 20-30 years ago.

    You have to first develop a skill, master that skill, improve your knowledge, and learn how to work with laser focus while throwing away anything that is not in your best interest or time. You also need to learn at some point how to create leverage to get work done more efficiently and with less energy.

    There's too many people out there that have general skills, are good at a couple of things, but have not mastered one skill.

    You also need to understand what are HIGH PAYING skill sets and focus on that.

    Specialize. Become the expert.

    Work hard doesn't have to mean gassing yourself to empty, busting ass for pennies.

    Persistence, learning from mistakes, mastering your skills (or polishing those skills) and always learning will help you tremendously.

    Find your strengths and what you are good at. Now take that and 10X that with laser focus and persistence. You cannot fail and when you do fail, accept it, learn from it, and push harder (and smarter).

    It starts with mindset. How you feel about money, how you see wealth, etc...

    If anyone here thinks that making $100,000 - 150,000 a year is a lot of money - you are sadly mistaken.

    You need to aim higher and do everything you can to seek HOW you will earn that and you will find the answers.

    Everything starts with YOU. Mindset, your current skills, and how you plan to move yourself to the next level.

    You will be in the trenches for awhile, but you need to create the blueprint of how you will grow towards what you desire.

    You work hard at getting smarter so you can work smarter through leverage and providing so much value that offers just come to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Originally Posted by Copylifemike View Post

      For instance, is what I'm doing right this moment going to improve my skills, make me money, or benefit any of my goals? If the answer is no, than you are wasting energy at low priority activities.
      You mean like posting in a forum, right? :-) I guess if your goal is to up your post count, then, sure!

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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    • Profile picture of the author Wawriterslife
      You have a mind of an eagle. You take each fall as a lesson and use it as experience against the winds. Your good post completes with teachings, and details. I like it. Thank you Copylifemike
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Wawriterslife View Post

    Working hard or working smart? The older generation teaches that if we work hard enough, then it is guaranteed we will become rich, but that isn't always the case? However, newer generation (now), it seems it's better to be working smart because when you work smart you're actually doing more and getting more done while really there's hardly any work at all resulting in you working less and getting more out of it?

    An example, about me, it seems the harder I work at something, the more tired I get and end results not anywhere near satisfaction, in fact, I ended up worser than when I started. On the other hand, when I work carelessly, and using whatever smartness my little brain contains, things seem to work out a little better, resulting in lesser stress.

    The thin line between "working smart" versus "working hard". Why work so hard to get little to no results? Is it better to work smart, doing less, and getting more? What do you think? Share with reply..

    So, what do you think? Is it better to approach things with "smart", or go at it with all you got working really hard? Which one would you say has better outcome? Love to hear your opinion about Working Hard vs Working Smart - Which is better? Thanks.

    Yeah I've heard this before. My take is work smart and hard. Do the smart things and scale.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wawriterslife
      "My take is work smart and hard. Do the smart things and scale."
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  • There is so much knowledge out there that you should be able to do both.

    Each are misleading in and of them self, but by putting them together you can be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenrobes
    Smartly work hard and then get an effective result. A good things always come too late.
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  • Profile picture of the author ethelglover
    Work hard with smartly is the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Wawriterslife View Post

    Working hard or working smart? The older generation teaches that if we work hard enough, then it is guaranteed we will become rich, but that isn't always the case? However, newer generation (now), it seems it's better to be working smart because when you work smart you're actually doing more and getting more done while really there's hardly any work at all resulting in you working less and getting more out of it?

    An example, about me, it seems the harder I work at something, the more tired I get and end results not anywhere near satisfaction, in fact, I ended up worser than when I started. On the other hand, when I work carelessly, and using whatever smartness my little brain contains, things seem to work out a little better, resulting in lesser stress.

    The thin line between "working smart" versus "working hard". Why work so hard to get little to no results? Is it better to work smart, doing less, and getting more? What do you think? Share with reply..

    So, what do you think? Is it better to approach things with "smart", or go at it with all you got working really hard? Which one would you say has better outcome? Love to hear your opinion about Working Hard vs Working Smart - Which is better? Thanks.
    Yes, my father worked hard, and up til his death, (which wasn't helped by working hard) he was literally taking drugs since his muscles were too sore to continue bailing and stacking hay every day.

    He was going for an early retirement and overdid it.

    And l hear of plenty of others who because of pride or not knowing any better way, burn and die for hard work.

    Me l believe that l am working way smarter than l used to, since l am putting all of my time into learning about online trading.

    No ceiling, and the work isn't digging a ditch sort of work.

    Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

    Neither Wa

    Here is how I do it: "Play generously."

    Full 180 from working hard - which is ............... - and about 90 degrees over from working smart, which is OK but still lacking because it has no real abundant, generous, infectious energy to it.

    Pick a niche that bleeds through your being. For me, it is teaching folks how to blog professionally, all around the globe. Immerse yourself in your business because you love it and talk about it all day long; this is play. Then as the world sees you as working hard or practicing daily for years, you will be having fun honing your skills, generously creating content and building genuine bonds through detached service.

    You will actually get stronger and more powerful with this approach (while most folks burn out, or are as energetic as a glass of warm milk) and your success multiplies exponentially over the long haul. As an added bonus, you will do all things intelligently because all you do with a generous, fun energy leads you toward your goal.

    Yep, l get that part, lol.

    Not sure about the passionate part though, l saw another great art gallery in Melbourne had recently disappeared. Which wasn't too great a surprise since they charged 5k for 30 pieces of hand made glass sheets glued together in interesting ways, (water, etc).

    Most like me thought l can just get a glass cutter and 10 sheets of glass and do it myself.

    But anyway, very expensive was the norm there.

    In Au, (Vic) wages havn't moved much and most other staple necessitates are rising, so art is going.

    I do have an interest in the stock market, but passionate probably not.

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    • Profile picture of the author Wawriterslife
      "No ceiling, and the work isn't digging a ditch sort of work."

      That's the beauty of "Residual Income"
      -- Affiliate programs with Residual Income --

      "..l am working way smarter than l used to.." It's a great way to work tagiscom
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  • Profile picture of the author salsym
    Originally Posted by Wawriterslife View Post

    Working hard or working smart? The older generation teaches that if we work hard enough, then it is guaranteed we will become rich, but that isn't always the case? However, newer generation (now), it seems it's better to be working smart because when you work smart you're actually doing more and getting more done while really there's hardly any work at all resulting in you working less and getting more out of it?

    An example, about me, it seems the harder I work at something, the more tired I get and end results not anywhere near satisfaction, in fact, I ended up worser than when I started. On the other hand, when I work carelessly, and using whatever smartness my little brain contains, things seem to work out a little better, resulting in lesser stress.

    The thin line between "working smart" versus "working hard". Why work so hard to get little to no results? Is it better to work smart, doing less, and getting more? What do you think? Share with reply..

    So, what do you think? Is it better to approach things with "smart", or go at it with all you got working really hard? Which one would you say has better outcome? Love to hear your opinion about Working Hard vs Working Smart - Which is better? Thanks.
    Good thought but I would like to give it a twist. Work hard till you become smart.
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  • While working hard, we need work smart also to achieve greater success. Leveraging is the key.
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