What do you guys think about highly competitive/saturated niches?

12 replies
How likely is it to succeed (full time income) in highly competitive niches (fitness, MMO, etc.) as far as affiliate marketing goes?

I'm trying to get an affiliate marketing business going in one of these niches and have been putting in most of my time into it, but I feel like a lot of effort goes into pushing through self-doubt.

How can I succeed in a market that tons of other people are trying to profit in? What separates the people who "make it" vs the people who drop off and give up?

I will keep going as long as it takes, but sometimes it's hard to visualize my path to success. What are your guys' thoughts? Thanks
#competitive or saturated #guys #highly #niches
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    How can I succeed in a market that tons of other people are trying to profit in? What separates the people who "make it" vs the people who drop off and give up?

    The people who succeed C realize; the people and willingness to practice and develop skills succeed, and the niche cannot succeed or fail or be competitive, because a niche is an inanimate object. Can't be anything or do anything lest we label it

    A saturated niche is impossible in abundance. Remember that buddy all fear disappears, freeing you to have fun following your passion.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Fontaine
    If you keep providing value and learn affiliate marketing and master paid traffic, there is no reason to doubt yourself. Follow your passion and it will be worth it
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Owsley
    A short and simple answer is to find a sub-niche within the larger niche that is less competitive or underserved. If you're just in the fitness niche for example and think you're going to make easy money you can forget it. Fitness for men over 40 years old, fitness for busy moms, sandbag exercises, female powerlifting, etc... starts to narrow things down and you can probably drill down more.
    You're not going to be able to just jump into any profitable niche nowadays without finding a smaller sub-niche to market to.

    Don't give up, do more research to find the right market. It may not be easy but it's necessary if you want to succeed.

    Enjoy your outcome!
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    Competitive niches typically have HUGE demand. That is a good thing.

    Less competitive niches are okay, if there is enough demand.

    Being a big fish in a small pond can be a good move, if the pond is big enough to provide the amount of fish (money and customers) you need to catch to provide the living you desire.

    Sometimes being a small to medium sized fish in a big ocean is better than being a big fish in a small pond. Sometimes it isn't.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
    Strategy is important,you must be customer centric ,always research and develop ways to add niches with in niches ,gain market share and monitor your cost.Now when a niche is saturated there is opoortunity but what benefit are you going to offer the market ? Advertising is important too.You can also try niching down narrowing your focus on specific needs and become a master within that niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrewsfm
    That's exactly what you want. Competitive niches mean that there is a huge demand for the products in that niche and will be long lasting.

    You never want to go for small niches that don't have many competitors, it's a bad sign.
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  • Profile picture of the author newton
    Competitive niches are where the big money is. But you're never going to rank for 'weight loss' in Google. So the best bet is to niche it right down into a sub-niche and dominate it. Be the authority. Don't try and rank for other niches too. Just choose one and be the big fish in that smaller pond.
    Check Out My Blog For Affiliate Marketing Tips => Click Here <=

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Just find a micro-micro niche and completely dominate it.

    I started a forum earlier this year and this morning I've been looking at my competition. No niche is too small really when it comes to establishing communities. In fact for us little guys it's better to choose a really tiny niche.

    In my broader niche there are ridiculously tiny nano-niches but these guy have zero competition and can completely dominate their chosen nano niche. It's also easier to attract users because they're usually really fantatical about their very specific niche.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Covfefe View Post

    How likely is it to succeed (full time income) in highly competitive niches (fitness, MMO, etc.) as far as affiliate marketing goes?

    I'm trying to get an affiliate marketing business going in one of these niches and have been putting in most of my time into it, but I feel like a lot of effort goes into pushing through self-doubt.

    How can I succeed in a market that tons of other people are trying to profit in? What separates the people who "make it" vs the people who drop off and give up?

    I will keep going as long as it takes, but sometimes it's hard to visualize my path to success. What are your guys' thoughts? Thanks
    Let's address the INCOME idea, a FULL TIME INCOME. What does that mean to you?

    In USA, in many states which follow the federal minimum wage, a full time income is about 16,000 dollars per year. That amount would qualify many people for poverty level aid, such as Medicaid.

    Yet, in many areas of the world, that same 16k, would sustain a decent lifestyle for a single person.

    So what is your full time income TARGET? Warrior Randall Magwood has posted that the average affiliate income is only 5,000 dollars.

    Do a google search for affiliate income, read as many articles as you can find.

    Some states in USA are considering a 15 dollar per hour minimum wage, or about $32,000 a year income.

    This makes a good useful TARGET. So, how will you make 32k per year? Well, affiliate marketing fluctuates and often depends on launches, seasonal activity, your skills, etc. but we can average that out to around 88 dollars a day, for all 365 days (because the Internet never closes, eh?).

    So, 88 doesn't sound all that difficult does it? You could find one affiliate program which paid that amount and focus most of your attention on selling one item per day. Or if the product has a 44 buck payout, TWO a day, SEE?

    What is the math involved for you to to reach YOUR full-time income goals?

    IF you start with a dollar target amount, then perhaps you can analyze which programs are going to help you get there the fastest, and maybe a combo of higher ticket lower demand, or bigger market, lower sales.

    OR, after doing some research you might find that a newbie in affiliate marketing is going to have a hard time to reach the full-time income goal, and so may opt to choose to do something different, or allot less time to it, and try another way.


    PS. I would hope a six figure, or $100,000.00 per year income would be a minimum target for an established affiliate marketer. But that may be too low for some.
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    i would say find a niche within a niche within a niche. that will take some competition out of it. my favorite is go after longtail keywords even in the very competitive niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Copylifemike
    This may sound very blunt, but this is how I see "competition".

    Who cares?

    Who really cares what the next person is doing in a specific space?

    By playing the competition game you will lose every single time.

    In this life there's always someone better than you period. Doesn't matter what that is...

    Someone else is better then me at _______ insert your reason...

    If more people FOCUSED on their OWN efforts more than worrying about the competition, your results would be light years ahead.

    Worrying about the competition is wasted energy.

    The only thing competition is good for is measuring what you have to what's already working and figuring out how you can improve to be a step ahead of your own efforts.

    Who cares what someone else's prices are etc..

    People are always going to object and bottom line is you either sell or be sold.

    You either control your own space optimally or you're in a losing game.

    Worry more about what you do and the results will be 10 fold.

    Playing competition is for losers.
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Let's face the reality, every single niche and industry out there is over saturated with competition. The secret to making money is how you make your business stand out and resonate above the masses. You can do this by offering 100% Satisfaction guarantees, Lifetime Warranties, Excellent Customer Service and Support, Freebies, Advertising, website, Clever branding and business Logo, etc. So figure out who the major players are in the niche you choose then proceed to brainstorm what you can do or offer that is superior.
    How much value can you provide per dollar. Always over deliver quality, service, and value.
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