Review my online video editing tool -

by sab8a
3 replies
Hi Everyone,

Im Sabba and this is my first ever post here!

I have been building an online video editing platform for social media marketers. Its called VEED

Our site gets about 5k hits every month and its growing, but only 2% of those users end up rendering videos.

There are two things I need your help with.

1. I would love your feedback on the product,

2. Ideas on refining the target market and attracting quality users.

Thanks and I really appreciate everyone's input!
#editing #online #review #tool #video #wwwveedio
  • Profile picture of the author kinglui
    One thing that comes to mind, is the ability to quickly cut out multiple parts of the video, and have basic timeline. Effects and basic timeline cropping are cool, but what if someone wants to do a supercut?
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    • Profile picture of the author sab8a
      Hi Kinglui, Thanks for the feedback. Last week I 20 feedback sessions and the timeline was in pretty much all of them. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Sophia jan
    The tool is good for use
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