Needs Tips on Organizing my Business Ideas

7 replies
Hello, all I am currently building an online boutique where I sell jewelry and accessories. Some items I purchase wholesale-inventory & drop ship, some items I make myself, and some I sell as a direct sales/affiliate rep. I have so many ideas and not sure exactly where to start. Well, not completely true. I know I will start with resale, until I start creating pieces. Just not sure if I should just start with selling one specific items e.g. earrings. Or random items or random items that make sets. I am trying to write a business plan, but I haven't sold anything so I'm confused on how to completely create it with no idea on what my figures are. So I'm hoping someone can better explain that to me. Just not getting it. Anyways, I don't have a base client stream and my friends/family are not going to really support me as far as purchasing items. Hell, even liking and sharing my posts. So I'm wondering, how do I get clients when I don't know anybody? I have a very small inventory right now with about 7 pieces. I don't want to purchase a website with 7 pieces to sell, but should I at least promote on FB page? I know they say just put out what you got, but I kind of want to wait for a couple weeks till I actually purchase more products and have them on the way. And I was probably gonna use half if not all the pieces I do have as giveaways, not sure yet. They do have a little wear and tear, but nothing noticeably major. Just want to get a good solid plan going so I can stay in top of things. I'd appreciate any constructive criticism and I thank you for taking the time to read my post. Have a great day.
#business #ideas #organizing #tips
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  • Profile picture of the author pezzle
    It sounds like Etsy might be good place to start, its an established marketplace for items like handmade jewellry.

    You could also sell on ebay/amazon.

    Facebook page is a good idea, only takes a little time to setup and no cost. Look at simlar brands in your niche and see what they post. Post daily.

    You could also start making some YouTube videos, search for videos in your niche you think are good and model them with your own unique spark

    You could also post your products on pinterest/insta and link to your product page.

    Hope thats of some help. You got this!
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    • Profile picture of the author sweetsuniques
      Thanks, it does. I completely forgot about Etsy so I am so glad you mentioned that. I do have a Instagram and pinterest account. But just don't really know how to utilize them to really get followers and good traffic to my page. But it is time to get back logged in and give it a try. And take a look to see what others are posting to get that massive engagement. Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by sweetsuniques View Post

    Hello, all I am currently building an online boutique where I sell jewelry and accessories. Some items I purchase wholesale-inventory & drop ship, some items I make myself, and some I sell as a direct sales/affiliate rep. I have so many ideas and not sure exactly where to start. Well, not completely true. I know I will start with resale, until I start creating pieces. Just not sure if I should just start with selling one specific items e.g. earrings. Or random items or random items that make sets. I am trying to write a business plan, but I haven't sold anything so I'm confused on how to completely create it with no idea on what my figures are. So I'm hoping someone can better explain that to me. Just not getting it. Anyways, I don't have a base client stream and my friends/family are not going to really support me as far as purchasing items. Hell, even liking and sharing my posts. So I'm wondering, how do I get clients when I don't know anybody? I have a very small inventory right now with about 7 pieces. I don't want to purchase a website with 7 pieces to sell, but should I at least promote on FB page? I know they say just put out what you got, but I kind of want to wait for a couple weeks till I actually purchase more products and have them on the way. And I was probably gonna use half if not all the pieces I do have as giveaways, not sure yet. They do have a little wear and tear, but nothing noticeably major. Just want to get a good solid plan going so I can stay in top of things. I'd appreciate any constructive criticism and I thank you for taking the time to read my post. Have a great day.
    I would start with eBay, Amazon and Etsy. While selling on there, work on your website and the products you can keep in stock or at least have a larger stock of. You can also have a custom option for the pieces you create yourself and create them one at a time customizing to fit the customer.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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    • Profile picture of the author sweetsuniques
      I like the customized orders, I just wouldn't know who my target audience would be for that. I make simple, elegant, flashy and classy pieces for the business people who still love to have fun and look polished and put together in a unique way. But who orders customized jewelry?
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  • Profile picture of the author Substantial Success
    People are doing really well with Etsy and making loads of sales. Etsy will be easy to get sales on because less competition I bet.
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    • Profile picture of the author sweetsuniques
      That's what I'm seeing, I've been looking at a few shops on there and kind of how it works. But what about resale jewelry? I have yet to see a shop that sales the wholesale premade jewelry. Not sure if that's a good thing for me, or for a reason....
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    You can setup a store on Shopify. You can also sell on Etsy, Ebay, Amazon. Free classifieds like Craigslist and Backpage. Sell on apps like Mercari, Offer Up and Letgo.
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