Email Marketing Beginner Niches

7 replies
I am a new beginner. I have been looking into niches but what are you favorite beginner friendly email marketing niches?

I don't have much experience in the business niche so I don't think I am qualified to teach others on it.
#beginner #email #marketing #niches
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  • Profile picture of the author christyjpp
    Anything you are particularly good at, interested in? You could make a list and then check to see if any of those niches might be profitable. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I've been promoting affiliate / CPA offer via email for over 18 years.

    I heavily promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require a sale to be made.

    I favor offers that have a make, get or save money benefit to them, as they have overall worked the best. They also tend to have the greatest mass appeal (will be of interest to a large general audience), so the potential exists to produce high volume and they are fairly easy to cross promote on the back-end.

    Some of the verticals (niches) I have done extremely well with are: education, insurance, loans, debt, credit, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

    The bulk of the PPL offers that I promote pay $20-$40 per lead, but I also promote offers that pay more and less. You don't want to get too caught up on what an offer pays because how well it converts is just as important. For example, if you have an offer that pays $9, but if it converts at 2X or more of a $20 offer, then it will perform about the same or possibly better. At the same time, if you have an offer that pays $90 and it converts poorly, it may not even be worth promoting.

    I have also done just as good with dating website sign-ups and pretty good with free trial + S/H offers. I also promote a very limited number of offers that are straight sales. For them, mass appeal is still the number one thing I look for and I also look for one of the following...

    1) The product is new and/or novel-unique and you can't purchase it locally or even something similar. I don't waste my time with it once something similar shows up in Walmart.

    2) The buyer can truly get what is being offered at a decent discount.

    3) Solves a house is on fire type problem.

    However, I mainly promote non-PPL offers on the backend.

    Bottom line, it's far easier to get someone fill out a short form than to get them to pull out their credit card and make a purchase. So why struggle with trying to sell this or that, when you can provide free information that users want/need and get paid well doing it.

    Something to think about.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Schmidt
      Thank you a lot. You said you did well in education niches. How would a guitar niche be? Talk to to people about the instrument then sell them on GuitarTricks for a $25 commission. Also for PPL, Grammerly does it which is an extension which corrects you incorrect grammar. Could I sell that to a niche of bloggers/writers?
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    I am a new beginner. I have been looking into niches but what are you favorite beginner friendly email marketing niches?
    The ones they can get traffic to. The problem beginners have is no traffic. If you don't have traffic niche is unimportant.

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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