10 domains with the same address

12 replies
Hi folks.

I want to start running like 15 websites and I am wondering should I worry that I live in Germany and I will need to give German address when registering domain. Website will be targeted for USA traffic. Will Google see that I am the owner of these websites? Will that make any difference if I am not from USA?
#address #domains
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  • If you target a specific country, it is better to have a valid address and phone number in that country. The same shall be reflected in your whois contacts and match with your contact us page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vex Vane
    Quick answer: Doesnt matter.Not something to worry about.

    Long answer: At one point I had over 1500 domains registered, all resolved to exactly same Whois. Google has nothing to do with it. Only issue that comes up is that if you do not use Whois Protect (where your registrars info is what is visible and not your own) is that anyone can do a search for you and see everything you got, which is a privacy/security issue. Now, I was simply buying domains at 99 cents, and reselling them, so in my case it really did not matter, but there are numerous situations where someone seeing you own site A, but also own site B, could pose issues.

    My advice would be to always use Whois Protect, most registrars today include it free, and there are really no good reasons to have your own name and address and phone number there.All that happens is that they get scrapped and you get unsolicited calls. There are scenarios where you might want YOUR COMPANY publicly visible as owner of some site, like when you are flipping sites and someone checking Whois on one might actually become a lead and contact you for what else you got on sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I've never seen this to matter. I've lived in Canada and often focus on countries outside of Canada with no issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    It's getting hard to find MMO type sites that aren't based outside the US, though this is where their target market resides.

    Will Google see that I am the owner of these websites?
    Why does that matter?
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  • Profile picture of the author popo0000
    If I pay for whois to hide my details, will Google see it anyway?
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I live in Australia and have had numerous sites over the years and they have all been through the same US hosting company. Never had problems.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by popo0000 View Post

    Hi folks.

    I want to start running like 15 websites and I am wondering should I worry that I live in Germany and I will need to give German address when registering domain. Website will be targeted for USA traffic. Will Google see that I am the owner of these websites? Will that make any difference if I am not from USA?
    I don't see the problem with that. I mean look at this:


    Let me know if i'm close to what you're trying to do. As far as Google viewing your WHOIS information, i don't think that would matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author popo0000
    I want create 10 or more websites about home and garden niche and on these websites I want to promote /link to my online shop. So I am worry if all these 10 domains have the same owner will that be suspicious for Google and be punished.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tushar Lokhande
    I live in India and have had numerous sites over the years and they have all been through the same US hosting company. Never had problem like you have to face.
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  • Profile picture of the author popo0000
    So there is nothing to worry about when I want to register and run 10 or 15 websites about Los Angeles kitchen services, new York renovation services etc? And all these websites would be registered for a German citizen and German address
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