I'm lost! Looking for ebooks to resell.

by benrm
13 replies
Hi, I am totally lost on how to use Warrior Forum. I was pointed to this forum/site by someone who had purchased an SEO guide, for example, that they are able to resell.

I'm looking for some Google Analytics ebooks to resell and/or use in content, but I am lost as to how to find ebooks for resale on this site.

Thanks for any guidance.

#ebooks #lost #resell
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Unusual to see resell rights products here these days - if they are offered they would be in someone's signature (on their own site linked in sig) or in classified ads perhaps.

    Warrior Special Offer is not supposed to have resell products or PLR products.

    There are many sites online that feature PLR products. Why focus on that? Would be much better to hire some good writers to produce a book or guide that is unique that YOU can sell or use as a 'hook' to build a list or use as a bonus.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Be the reason someone believes there are good people.
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    • Profile picture of the author benrm
      Thanks for the reply. Any writers or sites that you can recommend?
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  • Profile picture of the author wmeng24
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    • Profile picture of the author benrm
      Thanks, William. Very helpful.
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  • I think the best and most up-to-date Google Analytics guide will be from it's academy:


    You go through the free courses and write your own ebook if you can't find one.
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  • Profile picture of the author benrm
    Thanks for the responses. Those links are very helpful! Now, I understand where to look.
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  • Profile picture of the author thejames
    PLR products are usually bland, of low quality and require some work to rebrand and repackage.

    What I usually do is license products from existing product owners who have authority and proof in that area and resell their products.
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  • Profile picture of the author S3R0
    Warrior Forum Isn't the best place to be looking for PLR Products you would be much better off getting a subscription on IDPLR or a similar website, however, I should add that simply buying and reselling a PLR product might not be as profitable as just creating your own.

    While you can find high-quality PLR products, they are a dime a dozen in my experience. However, with that being said that doesn't mean you cant find at least some value in them and you could always combine them with other PLR products or your own content to extend upon those products and their overall value to an end user you plan to sell to.
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    • Profile picture of the author benrm
      Thanks for the comment. I found that I was a little bit mis-informed by the seller of the site I bought. Any good writers to recommend?
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  • Profile picture of the author Shahinalom
    PLR products are usually bland, of low quality and require some work to rebrand and repackage.
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  • Profile picture of the author winsto
    I think there are still some people selling PLR content on JVZoo and on clickbank you might want to check that out, I still use the old (resell-rights-weekly) site if I need some PLR to start with
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