Can you share your 3 biggest obstacles when first starting to have a business online?

18 replies
Hello everyone,

Can you share 3 of the biggest challenges you had (or are still having) when
you first started to make it online?? And possibly how you overcome them?

I found that when I started out, the first one I had was lack of direction,
after I found my direction, the one that followed immediately was having
my own product, and then it was traffic generation, so it was:

1. Lack of direction
2. Product Creation
3. Traffic Generation

Conversion was never really an obstacle for me as I was a self-taught student
of psychology and marketing for many years before that, so
writing persuasive copy was fairly easy compared to that other obstacles.

What about you guys, what were, or are the biggest challenges you are
facing online?


Heng Liangteng (Tianjie)
#biggest #business #obstacles #online #share #starting
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  • Profile picture of the author monica geller
    1. Building a team.
    2. Financial Management.
    3. Client Dependence.
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  • Well, I started getting involved in online marketing 9-10 years ago. I would say that my biggest problems were as follows:

    1. Finding a service/product to sell
    When I started out, I knew nothing about how things worked in the real world, I was fresh of the benches of school, with 1 year left to go to University. I knew I wanted to run my own business and make money by myself, but I didn't know how. So I read about starting a business, I went on forums, etc. I learned that the most important thing is to sell. So I started learning about selling. Since I wanted to make money online, I also started learning how to build and manage websites. I learned coding. I also learned copywriting and after building my first website (an online magazine selling betting tips), I started freelancing copywriting services. I learned all about persuasion and influence.

    2. Marketing vs Sales
    When I started making money, my next issue was how can I make a LOT more? I was making around $1000/month. I wanted to make a lot more. So I was actually failing because I was focusing too much on sales, and not on marketing. To focus on sales means that you're focused on closing people. It's much better to focus on building a pipeline of leads, and reaching out to MORE AND MORE people. Because here's the BIG SECRET - if you're a poor salesman but you take MASSIVE marketing action, you will outperform an amazing salesman who doesn't take massive marketing action. 1% conversions on 300 leads beats 20% conversions on 10 leads. So my second issue was focusing on the wrong things, instead of focusing on marketing. Sometimes I would have periods with no clients, because I was focused on closing people, but not on my pipeline of business.

    3. Hiring people and building a team so that I don't have to do all the work
    In the end, if you want to scale, you can't do everything. You should focus on marketing and sales, and let others focus on the other aspects of the business. It's difficult at first, but it's similar to getting your sales up and going. Marketing is more important than being talented at closing. Take MASSIVE action.
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    • Originally Posted by Tanda Copywriting View Post

      Well, I started getting involved in online marketing 9-10 years ago. I would say that my biggest problems were as follows:

      1. Finding a service/product to sell
      When I started out, I knew nothing about how things worked in the real world, I was fresh of the benches of school, with 1 year left to go to University. I knew I wanted to run my own business and make money by myself, but I didn't know how. So I read about starting a business, I went on forums, etc. I learned that the most important thing is to sell. So I started learning about selling. Since I wanted to make money online, I also started learning how to build and manage websites. I learned coding. I also learned copywriting and after building my first website (an online magazine selling betting tips), I started freelancing copywriting services. I learned all about persuasion and influence.

      2. Marketing vs Sales
      When I started making money, my next issue was how can I make a LOT more? I was making around $1000/month. I wanted to make a lot more. So I was actually failing because I was focusing too much on sales, and not on marketing. To focus on sales means that you're focused on closing people. It's much better to focus on building a pipeline of leads, and reaching out to MORE AND MORE people. Because here's the BIG SECRET - if you're a poor salesman but you take MASSIVE marketing action, you will outperform an amazing salesman who doesn't take massive marketing action. 1% conversions on 300 leads beats 20% conversions on 10 leads. So my second issue was focusing on the wrong things, instead of focusing on marketing. Sometimes I would have periods with no clients, because I was focused on closing people, but not on my pipeline of business.

      3. Hiring people and building a team so that I don't have to do all the work
      In the end, if you want to scale, you can't do everything. You should focus on marketing and sales, and let others focus on the other aspects of the business. It's difficult at first, but it's similar to getting your sales up and going. Marketing is more important than being talented at closing. Take MASSIVE action.

      It seems we had the same when it came to the first problem,
      what I listed as a "lack of direction" in my opening post meant
      that I didn't know what kind of product to sell mostly, I wonder
      how many more people are sharing this same problem when they
      are starting out.

      Anyway, thanks Tudor for sharing your thoughts, hope to
      talk to you again soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Evans Tomety
    My 3 main problems in the not exactly in any order of importance are:
    1. Available and appropriate relevant learning materials on where to start from so as not to re-invent the wheel, so to speak and the cost involved in seeking that appropriate and relevant knowledge
    2. The appropriate and relevant tools and software to achieve my goals and the cost associated in acquiring the appropriate technology, software and tools including setup, installation and subsequent running of the system, and again the cost associated in setting up and running such a system.
    3. Finance, financing of the steps in (1) and (2) are very important as stated above cost and cost, you must prepare your mind to invest in the system and the running of it.
    4. If you have all the above, TIME becomes the most important thing to worry about.

    You can therefore merge (1) and (2) into one and then you have your 3 most important worries you will have.

    With hard work and perseverance you will surely succeed.
    Evans Tomety
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  • Profile picture of the author A Z
    Er... I just started to learn how to do business online, and yes, I do have the same first obstacle like all you do.
    I don't even know whether internet marketing is the same with affiliate marketing or mobile marketing...
    Find the direction could be the most difficult thing for me for the time being.

    Look forward to share my second and third obstacles here soon.

    Always believe that good things are about to happen
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11552332].message }}
    • Yes, it seems a lot of people are having this same issue as
      their first problem to tackle, thanks for your input, I look
      forward to be hearing from your 2nd and 3rd too!


      Heng Liangteng (Tianjie)

      Originally Posted by A Z View Post

      Er... I just started to learn how to do business online, and yes, I do have the same first obstacle like all you do.
      I don't even know whether internet marketing is the same with affiliate marketing or mobile marketing...
      Find the direction could be the most difficult thing for me for the time being.

      Look forward to share my second and third obstacles here soon.

      Always believe that good things are about to happen
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrii Ozemko
    1. Lack of experience. I have done a lot of mistakes, spent much time on things that were not needed and so on.
    2. Build the team. It is simple to create a code, design and so on. But relations ship inside the team is very different thing. Especially, if each partner has his own point of view.
    3. Customers attracting. We were able to create anything, the only problem was to find customer. I have spent much time to read articles, attend courses, paid for consultations and so on.
    Smart SEO Auditor - crawler for On-Page SEO audit. Designed for experienced and beginning SEO specialists, webmasters and website owners. Download Free!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11552906].message }}
    • Thanks for your input, I totally agree Building a Team would
      definitely be one of the top 5 obstacles to tackle, although
      I would argue that for Internet Marketing, that can come
      after customer acquisition, because unlike a traditional

      business, it's easier, much easier in fact to start an Internet
      Business as a one-man team, then after I have made some
      profits, I will invest the money into the business right away
      into building up a team to ease my workload, free up my time
      so I can focus more on the important tasks, but that could
      be just me because I know the basics of web building as
      well as creating video sales letter and product creation,
      so I can do those myself. But for someone who isn't used
      to setting up websites, I can totally understand that having
      a team before customer acquisition would be a vital sequence

      Anyway, my post ended up much more long-winded than I'd
      originally expected Lol

      Hope to see you again soon, thanks for your input!


      Heng Liangteng (Tianjie)

      Originally Posted by Andrii Ozemko View Post

      1. Lack of experience. I have done a lot of mistakes, spent much time on things that were not needed and so on.
      2. Build the team. It is simple to create a code, design and so on. But relations ship inside the team is very different thing. Especially, if each partner has his own point of view.
      3. Customers attracting. We were able to create anything, the only problem was to find customer. I have spent much time to read articles, attend courses, paid for consultations and so on.
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  • 1.) Committing to personal development: If you want to be successful in business, you must commit to changing yourself as a person and committing to the process of learning, which takes time. Many people want the instant gratification of making money right now, so when the the results don't come, they quickly develop shiny object syndrome and move on the next thing.
    2.) Time Management: When you become your own boss, there is no one to tell you what to do but YOU! If you don't have the focus and discipline to do what is required, you simply won't succeed online.
    3.) Spending to much time Learning and Not enough time taking action: Once you choose your online business model, you need to take action on what you're learning. That's where the real learning takes place, and that's how you get results the fastest.
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  • Profile picture of the author 0ccul7
    Surprisingly, I have never had an issue with traffic, but I am always suffering with either the product research or because the people I am working with arent as driven as me, so whatever takes me one working day to complete and come up with, my partners take weeks to complete.

    The usual excuse of real life drama is always the first thing they resort to lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author ahad0806
    First of all congratulation on starting a new business and hope you go miles on your journey.
    Although, I'm a businessman but being a part of a cooperative firm I feel my director has to face the following 3 problems:
    1. Getting new ideas to grow the business.
    2. Keeping the employees happy and at the same time under control.
    3. Creating a team that is productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author DatacomGuy
    Great thread - extremely helpful.

    As i'm just getting started, my current challenges are:

    1. Information. There is so much. Figuring out who to trust, learn from, and take actionable lessons from and execute.
    2. New ideas. Seems like every idea i come up with has been done already. Trying to find something that is scalable and not completely abused already.
    3. Tools. Figuring out which ones I need and which ones are overkill.
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  • Profile picture of the author conleyposts
    1. Staying on brand
    2. Keeping a narrow focus
    3. Separating from the field
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  • Profile picture of the author shuvoimtiaz
    1. Lack Of Investment
    2. Lack Of Workable Knowledge
    3. Fear of Fail

    SEO content writer with a decade of experience. Learn more:

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  • Profile picture of the author cheese1688
    The main one is procrastinating. It's so hard to start any business because to build a business you need to create and to complete so many tasks, procrastinating makes it super hard. What i found and really helped me to focus and do required tasks for my business to grow is simply method, i bought a whiteboard and every evening i wrote what i need to do tomorrow, so when i wake up ,i see the tasks and it pushes me to complete the tasks, try it.

    Second one is fear to fail. You must understand that 1 out of 10 tries will be successful, this is how it is, no magic here, you just need to fail before succeed.

    And the last one is your mindset. There is one super method which 100% works ,trust me. Just try each day to imagine what you want to have (money, house, nice car) , think about it and believe that you will reach your dreams, trust me, if you honestly think that you will get the card or nice house, eventually universe will make you get all these things.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richer
    Similar problems for me too, not knowing were to focus my energy. I was jumping from Shiny object to shiny object not really knowing were i wanted to be. Finally understanding that i needed to serve an audience. Learning who my audience is, what problems can i solve for them and giving them great value was a really big turning point for me. As i now no what products Are best for certain audiences i have build trust with through my email marketing strategy
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Sometimes modeling after the best in your market and Budget are not aligned.

    The tedious mundane techy steps that you hesitate to outsource because you feel training someone is also a task .

    Faceless Branding for easier Transition if Selling Business to create another.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nikki Galvez
    Hello, I am experiencing the same thing, I'm having issues with getting more traffic to my capture page/ optin. I'm trying facebook ads right now and I'm still waiting to get approved so now I'm just viewing other forms of traffic generation websites.
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