Getting The Best User Experience Before Advertisements
I was wondering, where do people go to get a report on user functionality and user experience?
Kinda like a website review.
Some times things fall through the cracks or just blinded from being to focused on a section.
Yes you can get feedback from customers, but this takes time.
Im looking for marketers and non-marketers to run through my site. Give their opinion on the functionality and user experience. Getting feed back from your normal users and the experts in marketing.
Also it would give a kick start on advertising, so you dont wast your money. A few times I started a campaign to find out something was out of place or not working (wasted money).
This would also help with split campaigns. No reason to start one if the reviews show a page/design sucks. Once reviews are good on both pages, then start the split testing.
I see a lot of benefits from a service this this.
I do remember the Warrior Forum having a section like this but I dont see it anymore. I only see agencies that offer similar services that want an arm and a leg, for something not technical and unbelievably simple.
What are your suggestions and thoughts on this?
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